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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. A win is all that matters here. Cove next week will be very tough - we have never beaten them, even when they were HL, and balmoral is a tough place to play, massive pitch and very fast surface. Cove are also on a wee run of form.

    ICT also improved so could easily see us still sitting on 3 points in 3 games time. Conversely, a win on Saturday will give everyone a boost and could see us start to turn this seemingly ever elusive corner - the one we’ve been looking for for over 2 years now.

  2. 52 minutes ago, DUAFC said:

    If that's the case, that's 9 months in my  book....

    Jeezo, could have conceived and brought a child into the world in that time   !!

    That’s for an away game - our last league win was the home 3-2 win v Raith on 1 March when we came from 2-0 down to win.

  3. 8 hours ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    In contrast, the only thing that concerns me is the continuity.  Gold referred in his interview a couple of weeks back to "a culture of losing", which he "was part of" (before anyone gets shirty, its not my quote, its the new co-manager).  That isnt just last season, but also the one before that, and the losing start to this season.  I thought a fresh face would have given us something new and got us out of that rut.

    Still, as I said, I'll be backing the team and the new management, they both fit the profile of the sort of ex player that would make a good manager (in my opinion), and Gold in particular has coaching experience through his day job, and has also played all over the pitch.  They are both well embedded in the club too, and performances have definitely improved since they took over!  I wonder if they have bought a Meadowbank house?

    That’s not what I mean by continuity.

    Of course I hope there isn’t continuity of results and performances. What I mean is that Gold and Hamilton know the club inside out and how it ticks. These guys and others like ToB, Stewart and Dow will have been frustrated, angry and upset with how things were going and probably had very clear ideas of how to improve it.

    Bring in a new guy/team, like McIntyre for example - do they know the players and staff? Do they understand relationships, playing style, personalities, history, expectations, traditions, weather impact even? Etc etc.

    Not saying that a new manager is incapable of integrating, getting up to speed and understanding these things, however having guys in charge that already know the club and personalities etc inside out is one less thing to worry about.

  4. Happened sooner than I thought it would but delighted with this.

    Something I particularly like about it, aside from the obvious popularity and improvement on the pitch, is the continuity.

    We don’t have a completely new management team coming in, who may not know the players, how the club operates, who would possibly have a completely different football philosophy. These guys are imbedded in the club and know it inside out. Gives them a massive advantage over the traditional approach.

    I’m fully expecting a roller coaster ride but initial impressions are very positive and we know, at the very least that they’ll give 100% and will get 100% support in return.

  5. I want Gold and Hamilton to be our next management team but agree that we need a wee bit longer just to make sure.

    They aren’t going anywhere so I can’t see any harm in waiting another 2-3 games.

    Something I can’t recall reading so forgive me if it’s been clarified already - do we even know if they want the job on a permanent basis? Perhaps they would rather just continue as players and have no interest in the job at the moment?

  6. Very encouraging so far. However I want to see continued improvement and some league wins before I jump fully on the Gold/Hamilton management bandwagon.

    The next manager/management team appointment has to be 100% right and must be made on merit not sentiment. Get it wrong and we could be in serious trouble in a few months.

    I do really hope that they get the gig but trying not to get too carried away yet.

  7. 3 hours ago, lichtie23 said:

    I see Dick is having a Q&A night at Andreous. Hope the first question asked is “Why did you lie about being spat on?@

    What is the purpose of him doing this Q&A?

    A chance to set the record straight or apologise or, as I suspect, a bit of an ego stroking exercise?

    I, like most, am very grateful for what he did for us and wish him well but it boggles my mind that any of our fans would go to something like this - maybe in a few years yes but now, while we’re on our arse and his new club are flying? I imagine a lot of gloating and “telt ye’s”, “careful what you wish for” and “if I was still in charge” blah blah blah.

    It’s in the past, time will judge his achievements at the club very positively, that should be enough.

  8. 1 hour ago, lichtie23 said:

    The club offer both standing and seated tickets at different prices so I believe that’s why the away support get both the stand and terracing. I also believe it’s an sfa rule that the support must have a covered area so we can’t put them in the uncovered corner of the terracing like we done famously against Montrose when winning the league under Sheerin. 

    Really? What covered area of terracing do we get at Links Park for example?

    Visiting fans do have the option of a covered area - in the stand, just offer them standing and seating at the same price.

  9. 4 minutes ago, glasgowlichtie23 said:

    Even in the championship a lot of time we got behind the goals and then the away fans got from where the left side of the stand is to where the corner is 


    ETA - I certainly remember this happening the season before last - can’t remember it happening much of last season but defo happened 2 seasons ago

    Yeah we did.

    Just think that with vastly reduced travelling supports that behind both  goals should be the norm not the exception.

    Sure, if for some reason an opponent is going to bring 300-400 then give them behind the goal but otherwise give it to us. From a personal point of view, I’ve always preferred the Switchie end too.

  10. 42 minutes ago, A.K. Barr said:

    absolutely no need for segregation again today, would help the players shooting towards our fans both halves rather than an empty terracing. 



    Ridiculous isn’t it. I think segregation is here to stay but even in the championship there were many games where the opposing fans could have easily been accommodated in the stand with perhaps a wee bit of terracing. To give 1/4 of the ground to 40-50 fans is crazy. We should be using every advantage possible and having the fans behind both goals can only be a good thing.

    Only Montrose should get behind the goals at Gayfield and even that shouldn’t be a given.

  11. My first game of the season and the difference compared to last season is night and day. Definitely not the finished article but we were so much more energetic and dynamic today than any time under McIntyre. Nice to see all the players out on their feet at the end of the game too. Loads of effort all over the pitch.

    Very impressed with the new guys and Spalding looks excellent. Stewart superb today as usual but I don’t think there was a bad performance from anyone.

    Noticeable though that there is a massive crisis in confidence in attack. Had some amount of good possession in and around the Alloa box but never really tested the keeper. Several times it just needed someone to have a pop or swing a leg at it. Want to watch it back but don’t know why Reilly didn’t stick his head on that cross, he appeared to be indicating that he got a shout but a confident striker would have ignored that and went for it. Perhaps it was slightly behind him? Also Gallagher needed to go for goal instead of chipping it to Coulson.

    Also on Coulson - looks really good but needs to have the confidence to take on his man more and try to hit the byline. Defending crosses from there is so much harder than from 15-20 yards out.

    Overall pretty good, continue to play like that and the goals and wins will come.

  12. I’m very happy with Flynn coming in. Could be a superb signing and just what we need positionally.

    Well over 400 appearances at a much much higher level, including a very large chunk of his career at Sheffield United yet some folk are disappointed ffs.

    We’re not at the pointy end of the Championship anymore, what kind of player do some folk think we should be signing in our position?

  13. Flynn has some pedigree and might be just what we need in CM.

    He’s no spring chicken but neither were Sheerin or Low etc.

    Disappointed with Steele leaving to a competitor but if Sinclair is as decent as Morton fans thought then might be ok.

    Squad of 18 I think so room for 2-3 loans.

  14. 4 minutes ago, AlloaAdam said:

    Best pubs that will accept away fans?

    Any pub will accept away fans. Personally I like the Foundry for a pre match beer. 5 minute walk from the ground on East Mary Street, just off Millgate Loan. There’s Tutties Neuk of course right across the road, I prefer it post match as it gets very busy pre match but pretty decent.

    Plenty others to choose from if your coming by train?


  15. 1 hour ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    I'm not saying I'd welcome him as manager, but plenty on here have been asking for a name beyond "the usual suspects".  Also, I'd argue that a bit like Naismith, Mulgrew is a player who made the most of his talent.  I don't think he was naturally a great player, but he made it work.  I think players like that can often make better managers than elite players.  Actually, Darren Young probably fits in that category too!

    Plus Mulgrew sometimes comes across as a total bam who would really irritate the opposition, and I can imagine him being someone that players would react well to.  Managerial appointments are often a reaction to the guy who comes before.  You have an intense details guy like Guardiola or Mourinho, and then after him, clubs appoint someone a bit more chill (Ancelotti, Hiddink).  You get rid of a long ball guy, you bring in a short passer.  We had the ultimate vibes manager in Campbell, so we brought in a "professional" wet blanket like McIntyre.  So it makes sense if the next guy is going to be someone that has a smile.

    I'm still touting Darren Young, but wouldn't be opposed to giving Mulgrew a chance if he was interested and serious about it.  


    Edited to clarify, I'm not saying we should appoint Mulgrew, but that I can understand the logic behind people suggesting it.


    I get what you’re saying and normally I would be quite open to giving a young inexperienced guy a punt - worked a treat with Sheerin after all.

    However, I feel with the way we are at the moment, that a more experience head is what is needed. All we need this season imo is someone to steady the ship and move us out of danger. Who that could be though is another matter and some of the names being bandied about are depressing.

    As things stand, I would be more than happy for Gold and Hamilton to continue, so long as there’s obvious and immediate improvement.

  16. Why on earth would we want someone like Mulgrew? What relevant experience does he have at this level?

    Out of that list only Robson stands out for me but he probably wouldn’t be interested - unless he wants another crack at management and fancies going down the leagues to build a name again.

    Young has a decent track record but then again McIntyre had some decent achievements on his cv too.

    The most important thing is that we get this right. The board have proven that they will continue to back a manger waaaaaaayyy beyond the point where they should be catapulted into the North Sea. So get this wrong and things could be very depressing indeed in a few months time.

  17. 20 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    So you have never criticised a player because you do not rate them, just because you are frustrated with them? 

    If people say they are frustrated with Callaghan because they think they’ve got more to give (literally anything would be decent) is that ok?


    Of course I have. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve ripped individual players to shreds on the terraces and in the pub etc (and probably will on Saturday too)… and I’ve probably done it on here too although I try not to.

    I think we can all agree that we’re a mess at the moment and have been for a very long time. Very few (if any) players have covered themselves in glory this past while, so singling out individual players on a public forum isn’t going to help their confidence or make them play better. As I said, ultimately it’s the guys that pick the players on the pitch who are to blame not the player himself.


  18. 24 minutes ago, Smokerson said:

    This scapegoat pish is really tiresome, why must we always focus on one player?,  there have been several players who have been either constantly injured or well below par throughout the cup games and first few league games, not just Callaghan. 

    Even if we think, or it’s obvious that certain players aren’t good enough, targeting them for abuse is hardly going to help matters. Being young guys, I’m sure they all see, or hear about,  what’s being said about them on social media. Imagine how they must feel having to play knowing that a large chunk of the support think they’re pish. Is that really going to make them play better?

    Yes, I’ve been guilty of criticising individual players in the past - most notably Hilson and Donnelly but that was more out of frustration because I thought they had more to give.

    Don't blame the player, blame those picking them to play in the first place. I didn’t blame Deri Corfe for being mince, I blamed Dick Campbell for signing him and playing him over Bobby Linn.

  19. Just now, 1320Lichtie said:

    Pretty sure I walk past people at the office doing this most match days - nobody is turning up to the ground and getting turned away or not being allowed in 

    Yeah I’ve seen the same and hinted at it in my original post.

    The fact that they actively publicise that you can’t buy a ticket at the ground will inevitably put people off though.

    It would be as simple as printing off a stack of paper tickets pre match, one person at the window with a card machine, £20 card payment then destroy any unused tickets.

    As you say, they likely do this anyway so why not say? I don’t think it would mean hundreds of folk turning up without a ticket but would enable folk to go without the perceived hassle of buying an e-ticket or printing one out at home. My dad for example - he wanted to go to a game last season but when I explained the ticket situation he decided against it, even though I told him I would do it for him. Too much technology and hassle for a lot of, particularly older, folk.

  20. 1 hour ago, Broath Boy said:

    Gayf has been cashless for approximately 3 years, I think this due to insurance costs of having cash stored on the premises after events overnight/weekends.

    Ok, well just make ticket purchases card only. Loads of other clubs do it.

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