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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. I think our biggest problem is where the goals are going to come from tomorrow. IMO Hamilton is a great goal scorer but needs either quality delivery or to play alongside a creative partner. We don’t seem to have anyone in the team that can put in a quality cross or defence splitting pass, although with Low back that should improve. With Nouble and Dowds gone and McKenna possibly out, that leaves us very weak as an attacking threat. Best chance is probably set pieces as we have some decent aerial power from the back…. Again dependent on good quality delivery, something that has been severely lacking of late.
  2. Still absolutely delighted with where we are but it feels like it’s been nothing but bad news on and off the pitch for the last two or three weeks - poor performances, one point out of 6, the very likely winnable game v a weakened Hamilton being postponed, losing Nouble and Dowds with no sign of replacements, rumours that McKenna is out tomorrow. Really hoping for something positive, either a new signing or two or 3 points tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, really worried about this game. Just can’t see where goals, or more worryingly, goal scoring chances and creativity are coming from. Having Low back is brilliant but with Hamilton up front in his own, likely supported by Donnelly or Hilson doesn’t exactly fill me with massive positivity. I would imagine we’ll play for a 0-0 draw and hope to nick one. Unless of course, something happens today.
  4. I would think some of the money will trickle down to the other leagues in the pyramid - LL, HL etc. so would be less. Still a nice wee amount that will more than make up for the limited ICT game. Think it would be fairer though if some teams in the Championship got more as some have had more impacted home games to deal with.
  5. Yeah, forgot there was a round of premiership fixtures that were impacted. I think the fairest way would be to give every club an equal flat payment then look how each individual team was impacted and share the remainder based on lost match-day revenue. My team, Arbroath, only had one home fixture at the 500 limit and one home game postponed in that period so would happily expect a lower share than teams that had 2 or 3 games impacted. It won’t happen like that though.
  6. Surely premiership teams were unaffected by the omicron shutdown as they just moved their winter shutdown to coincide. Would like to think all the money will be divided amongst the non premiership teams. Most should go to the championship teams as they have been far more impacted than L1, L2 and below in regard to lost revenue through crowds. I would imagine the 500 cap had minimal to no impact on many teams.
  7. Yes I know that but he IS a full-time player already and will have a lifestyle to suit. Would you give up your full-time job and take a pay cut if another company came in and offered you a full-time position with same or similar wage and hours?
  8. If Wighton is to be a full signing and not just a loan then (imo) there’s no way we’ll get him over e.g. Partick Thistle. Unless it was for a short term deal i.e. until the end of this season. Quite simply, he’s a full-time football player and unless there’s a change to his personal circumstances/thoughts, then he ain’t going part-time unless he really has to. Would love to see it though and I will gladly admit to being wrong if it comes off.
  9. I’m not sure how all clubs operate but at Arbroath it’s all online ticket sales or season tickets. These are scanned by staff at the gates with hand scanners (I’m sure we’ll change to turn-style scanners eventually but, as this is our first season doing all online ticketing, it’s being done manually). I can’t see how the Covid passports or negative LFTs can’t just be “checked” by the same staff at the same time. Don’t think there’s normally any more than 10-12 individuals doing the scanning for crowds of 1500 or so so not exactly a massive staffing issue. A minor, temporary, inconvenience to be able to get back to unlimited crowds.
  10. I know it’s a pain in the hole and a bit OTT but it’s not that much of an inconvenience - just a quick check/cursory glance, it’s not like a passport check at an airport. The important thing is we’re getting full crowds back to games.
  11. Does that just leave Swankie as the last player still playing from the 2011 title winning team? Just remembered Josh Falkinghan is still playing for Harrogate. What a partnership Doris and Swankie were that season. End of an era.
  12. Such a shame, was a brilliant player for us at his best. Never fully recovered from his injury v Albion Rovers in 2017. Unlikely to ever see another Arbroath player better his 3 titles won at the club, add in scoring the equaliser at Celtic Park and he had some career for us. A shoe-in for the next “wall of fame” intake, get his brick made now.
  13. What? I’m not in the slightest bit worried and am completely chilled about where we are, fecking delighted in fact. This was all in response to Seeker’s post earlier about us still needing some more points to be safe. Just pointing out how ludicrous it is for anyone to be worried about our safety.
  14. I hate quoting myself but I’ve been thinking a bit more about what would need to happen for us to even end up 9th. It would take a combination of us having the greatest @rse collapse of all time - even worse than the second half of Alan Moore’s season, combined with the teams from 6th-9th ALL having good or exceptional ends to the season, starting right now. For the sake of argument, let’s take Dunfermline out of the equation and say they’re down automatically, and also that we lose every single one of our remaining 15 games and score 0 goals in the process. That would still mean that Morton and QOTS would each need to pick up 21 points and, in conjunction with all our defeats, get enough goals to turn around 27 and 30 goal differences respectively - that would be just to pip us on goal difference. Also add in that Ayr and Hamilton would each need to get 17 and 14 more points than us and turn around even larger goal differences. Even though it “could” happen, it won’t and every point or goal we get makes it even more unlikely. I could see one or even two of them putting together a good run and catching us but not all of the above.
  15. I for one would be utterly astonished if we see him back at Gayfield in the short term and certainly won’t be this month. Perhaps if we go up we could maybe offer him a contract (if he was available, still playing well and he wanted to come back) as I would think we would definitely have to go to at least a hybrid part-time/full-time setup. Either that or he decides that he would rather go back to being a part-time player. That’s all immaterial at the moment though as the simple facts are he’s a Falkirk player, we were lucky to have him on loan and you’re management/board would have to be certifiable to even consider it.
  16. Relax, we’re safe already. There’s no way the bottom 3 are ALL picking up 21+ points each in 16 games. Morton look most likely but they all won’t. They’ve only won 9 games between them all season. That would also be dependent on us losing every single one of our remaining games, with a few pumpings in there too re the goal difference.
  17. We need to spend entire training sessions practising corners, crosses and final balls. Unless we get another striker in then I’d love to see Henderson back with Low, Stewart and Hamilton in midfield. Push McKenna up with Hamilton. We really need to start playing football again and stop lumping it up the park.
  18. Never saw the game today but we’ve actually been quite poor recently. Far too many aimless punts from back to front and, as touched on earlier, our delivery/final ball is atrocious. Really need to start keeping it down and passing the ball again like we did earlier in the season. You would like to think that Lows return will help but we need everyone to have the same mentality. I’d like to see Henderson back in midfield too, he was excellent earlier in the season.
  19. Dowds hat trick for Falkirk. Oh well, our unbeaten record had to end sometime.
  20. Not watching but should we swap gold and Chris Hamilton?
  21. Dowds scored for Falkirk already, really going to miss him.
  22. I’ve said this before, if ever a player deserves a bit of sentimental loyalty from the club it’s Swankie. He’s been an incredible player for us over the years and it won’t be costing the club much to keep him on for another few months. Still has enough to offer on the pitch too.
  23. Also out for Arbroath - Harrison Clark, loan ended, since gone to Kelty.
  24. Nah, I think he’s gone, certainly for the medium to long term anyway. Falkirk fans would be furious if he was let go now. Sounds like they’re quite excited to be getting him back.
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