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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. I watched the game last night. It was like watching the senior team 2 or 3 years ago. Looked small, weak, slow and devoid of ideas and creativity. After the recent relative success of the senior team, I’m convinced that coaching is the major part of the problem. Up until last year, I was starting to believe the pish we were spoon fed for years that our players just aren’t good enough - even if they play for top sides. Get a decent coaching team in.
  2. I really don’t want to have to play the Welsh at all. Been a bit of a bogey team for us in recent years. They also either seem to play really well and win comfortably or play really badly but still manage to grind out a result.
  3. Probably Spain 3-1 in ‘84 and France 2-0 in ‘89.
  4. The position he was playing on Saturday had nothing to do with his 2 really poor misses. Blootering it over the bar from 6 yards out and trying to round the keeper instead of hitting it low and early. I’ll support anyone who plays for us but my patience has worn incredibly thin with him. What exactly is he meant to be - striker, creative midfielder, winger? He’s undoubtably got talent but I would argue that he’s non of those. He was brought in as a striker but according to Wikepedia (not always reliable) he has scored a grand total of 6 goals for us, that’s maybe not accurate but it’s certainly under 10 goals - in 2.5 seasons.
  5. Personally I think the ticketing situation is one of the very few things we don’t have quite right at the moment. Utterly ridiculous and counter productive not to have a way for fans, home or away, to buy tickets at the ground. How difficult would it be to have someone at the wee window by the players entrance for half an hour with a stack of print outs and a tin of change? We have to get as many fans to games as possible.
  6. Eh, because you said that you revert to playing a certain way after going ahead. My point is you were lucky to be ahead in the first place. Your point would have made sense of you had dominated up to that point and had changed how you were playing after - you didn’t. Your defence played well and imo Gibson was brilliant.
  7. Come on, you took the lead against the run of play. Yes you had a few good chances but on the break. The second half in particular was pretty much one way traffic. ps Willie Gibson is class.
  8. Hopefully there being no Premiership games today, perfect conditions and a good win for Scotland last night might add a few onto the gate. Some local glory hunters might even fancy seeing what all the fuss is about.
  9. Exactly. Shay Logan was very clever. I believe he trained as a plumber when he was still at Aberdeen and now he’s at Cove he’ll probably be earning as much as he did Full-time. How many full-time teams in Scotland pay what would be generally considered to be a good wage? Top flight + a handful in the championship? Probably not even that. After that I reckon most young players would be better off playing part-time and having a full-time job away from football. I’m sure there are young lads who love being a full-time pro and, in theory, they should be fitter and better coached but you would think the more intelligent ones can see that it’s not really a long-term viable option. I’m surprised so many clubs persist with being full-time. Part-time or a hybrid model is surely the way forward for clubs outwith the Premiership.
  10. Never saw today as I was at Pittodrie (don’t ask). Sounds like a similar match to the one I watched with one team dominating but struggling to get anything from the game. Can’t be too disappointed with a draw though - look to draw the away games and win at home and we’ll comfortably be up towards the pointy end come May.
  11. There has never been a game of football played in such benign conditions in Arbroath - Advantage Accies.
  12. Weather looking pretty grim for tomorrow. A huge advantage for us as we’re so much more used to playing in bad conditions than any other team in Scotland. . . . .
  13. Nah. I remember when we were looking to move in the 80s and, although I was slightly disappointed at the time that it fell through, it would have been awful had we moved to a Forthbank type facility. Exactly how “long term” are you looking at here. I think it would be nearly 80 years before worst case predicted sea level rises would significantly impact Gayfield. Anyway, by then technology will be so advanced that Gayfield will be in a floating bubble which will be flown to the Maldives if the weather is looking rubbish.
  14. All good suggestions. I’m sure this new appointment will see more inventive ideas coming in. I would like to see a ticket hut/window for purchasing paper tickets on match day. There are definitely people out there who would like to go to games but don’t have the technology or can’t be bothered with the current system. My dad for one. Have the club ever thought about selling some kind of Smokie products in the pie stalls/huts? It’s one of the big things the town is famous for. A Smokie pie might not be very nice but there must be some way of preparing them so that it’s practical and easy to eat and dispose of. More advertising and match-day promotion around town - businesses, noticeboards, shops, pubs, schools etc. Any public building really. How about trying a free/cheap shuttle bus from points around town. Gayfield is on the edge of town and this might put some off going, particularly in inclement weather. Move the current camera gantry to the terrace roof or back of the main stand. It’s great being in the seaside terrace when we’re shooting towards the harbour, but a big chunk of the pitch is obscured due to the gantry, especially with the fact that the front of it is covered in advertising boards. Having said all of this, the way it is currently is night and day compared to when I was young and living in the town. Unless you were a committed fan, you would never have known there was a game on most weeks.
  15. Couldn’t agree more. Best of both worlds now - Switchie End and the whole seaside terrace.
  16. This season so far - unreal. Season 2010-11 - Our first ever title, some incredible results and to win the title at home v Montrose with a couple of games to spare was the perfect way to win our first ever silverware. We’d been relegated the previous season, lost our manager and brought in the inexperienced Paul Sheerin so it was very much unexpected. Season 2018-19 - Romped League 1, felt like we would win every week. The Hammy game at Starks Park was the highlight and sealing the title at Brechin with games to spare. Season 1997-98 - Our first promotion in a generation. We’d been bottom of the very bottom the previous season but Dave Bakie took us to second place and automatic promotion in the pre-playoff years. Probably the most I’ve ever celebrated a promotion. 1992-93 - Danny McGrain, we were crap but it was such an exciting time to be a fan particularly compared to the previous few years. The Bearded Army, Scottish Cup quarter final v Rangers, 1-9 v Celtic, great atmosphere at games.
  17. Should have added “as long as we’re higher up the food chain than Montrose”. He’s obviously doing a great job for you and don’t think he would go to another part-time team the way things are at the moment.
  18. I’m not just saying this as it would be crap for us if it happened, but I don’t think Campbell would be a good appointment for you lot. Yes, he would steady the ship and comfortably keep you up, but he couldn’t seriously be looked at as a long term solution. A better bet for you would be Petrie, although I have my doubts that he would leave Montrose at the moment, or John Robertson. I also see Petrie as a possible successor to Campbell at Gayfield once he hangs his bunnet up. Also, all Dick Campbell’s success as a manger has been with part-time teams, he seems to thrive in that environment. He would also need his brother and I believe he has a successful business to run away from football so can’t really see it.
  19. Oh yes, I agree that in general just let him do what the feck he wants but there was one time in particular in the second half where he tried to take on three players on his own when he could have tapped it back to McKenna.
  20. Quite a strange game that. Even at 0-2 I thought we would get something out of the game. Their first goal looked too easy and their second was a bit of a feck up from us. ToB took his goal well with a composed finish although a bit lucky to go through the keeper’s legs. Don’t know how the media can give our second to McKenna, Nouble clearly headed it in and it actually looked to be going wide from where I was standing. At half time I thought we would probably win comfortably but it was all a bit flat until the third. I think the Linn and Hilson for Donnelly and Dowds substitutions was really clever from Campbell. I think he could see that a different approach was needed to break them down and it certainly worked. How many times have we seen that exact same goal from Linn? Collect out wide, cut inside and and unstoppable effort into the far corner. I think he enjoyed it as much as the fans. Not as great an overall team performance as some this season but brilliant to come back and win. Not sure who would get my mom but I thought Clark and Chris Hamilton played really well, Donnelly was good first half, winning challenges and putting himself about a bit more than usual, Nouble was great but (dare I say it) sometimes he should just give the easy pass instead of trying to beat everyone all the time. As usual McKenna and Stewart ran their socks off. Another good day.
  21. He’ll be fine…. The hospital is just up the hill from Gayfield.
  22. I was in before the Hamilton game and it's pretty much the same - the only noticeable difference to me was that the wall between the bar area and back room/lounge area bit has been removed.
  23. You’ll have no bother anywhere. Depends what kind of pub you like. If you’re getting the train then there are 4 or 5 pubs very near the station, around the West Port area or head towards the high street, plenty of choice. Personally I prefer auld mannies pubs so would recommend The Commercial and the Foundry Bar, both close to Gayfield, especially The Foundry which is only about a 3 minute walk. Then Tutties of course. The only one I would avoid like the plague is the Weatherspoons, unless you like being surrounded by mutants, eating muck and lining that p***k’s pockets that is.
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