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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. Don’t care what anyone says, this is miles more enjoyable than that pish FA cup. More chances and excitement in 15 minutes than in the full 90 at Wembley. f**k that boring, low risk, possession shit. Give me this any day of the week.
  2. Was just listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2, talking about the Glasgow immigration situation yesterday. Essentially turned into a gammon central, anti SNP phone in pretty quickly. We’re turning into a country of Mob-rule and anti English sentiment, and it’s all the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon’s fault. Most of the callers from Glasgow were, coincidentally very anti SNP. Turned it off.
  3. I think a lot of it depends on what the big rivalry was when you started going to games. I first went to Gayfield in the very late 70s but started going more regularly and got my first season tickets in the early 80s. That was when we were regularly challenging for promotion from the third tier, and Forfar and Brechin were also at the top end of the table. The games against them just seemed like bigger derbies with bigger crowds and more at stake. No doubt montrose has become by far the biggest rivalry since the mid/late 80s.
  4. When I was a boy and particularly in the early/mid 80s it was Forfar who were by far the bigger local rival. I remember Montrose games being no real big deal and even Brechin derby games had much larger crowds. The Montrose thing seemed to come later. Love to beat them though and there’s definitely something about the games and rivalry now.
  5. I live in Aberdeen so it would have been handy for me but I think they needed this defeat to teach them a bit of humility.
  6. Delighted that Cove got beat. Would even rather Montrose came up than them, horrible outfit.
  7. Can you imagine what the Yes vote would be even if the media were genuinely impartial? I had an argument on another forum with a guy who claimed the the P&J was a pro SNP paper. If you have ever had the misfortune to read it, or it’s sister paper the EE, that is very obviously pish. He cited the fact that Alex Salmond and some other ex (disgruntled) SNP advisor had columns as proof.
  8. That’s not what I said. What I’m saying is that to claim that all Labour votes (see your daft map) equate to a unionist majority is pish.
  9. Aye, I know more than one die-hard labour voter who would never vote for anyone else but are very pro-independence.
  10. Aye just like the YES marches according to Edwinabore.
  11. On a related topic. Now I’m certainly no conspiracy theorist but I’m a little sceptical of the 72% turnout for the brexit vote and even more so for the 85% independence referendum turnout in 2014. I reckon there’s at least 25%-30% of the population who won’t vote, can’t vote, couldn’t give a f**k to vote, don’t even know it’s happening, junkies, jakies, nutters etc etc. My family and my wife’s family who are all reasonably intelligent and kind of interested in politics didn’t even hit those percentages.
  12. Sick of reading this pish constantly from unionists. It’s as if they don’t understand how elections work. It doesn’t matter if only 10% of the electorate vote, the majority vote wins. People who don’t vote, don’t count - simple.
  13. Were there many posts here referring to them Nazis? Life's losers and fat bigots, yeah, but I don't recall much in the way of Nazi slurs. Having said that, they do believe a certain section of society beneath purely on the basis of religion, do they not? Aye and they do love a “red hand salute” or whatever the f**k they try to pretend it is.
  14. Never has a poster been so aptly named. Aye, because all pre election pledges normally come into force the day after an election.
  15. I used to work with a very proud Labour voter. The last time we spoke about politics he was absolutely despondent about what was happening to the party he’d voted for all his life. That was a couple of years ago, I wouldn’t be surprised if he still gave them his vote but he seemed to be resigned to the fact that Labour were dead in Scotland and could only regain any kind of relevance through independence. I reckon there’ll be a fair few of these old school labour voters clinging on but will vote Indy if given the choice, especially seeing what’s happening down south.
  16. Just watched the video and it looks like a nicer, darker, less pink maroon than our last few kits to me.
  17. I was slightly critical of the Low signing when he was brought in as I thought he was bound to be unfit and would have lost a fair bit of his ability due to injury and dropping down to non-league with Shire. Oh how wrong I was. Even though he was undoubtably not quite up to speed fitness wise in the first couple of games, his natural ability and attitude proved me wrong pretty quickly. I guess that’s one of a million-and-one reasons why Dick is the boss and I’m not, he can certainly pick a player, especially in midfield. Should be a massive player for us for the next two years. Already feeling confident that we’ll have another great season.
  18. I wouldn’t ready too much into these results. Swinney is despised by many, especially those with school age kids due to the school closures during lockdown and Donside has been explained already.
  19. Attractive girl, I met her a few times when she was a young, local journalist in Aberdeen. My main impression of her was that she was very ambitious and driven and a wee bit full of herself, nice enough though.
  20. “The Shire” is rammed with farmers, entitled oil industry arseholes and weirdos who genuinely believe Sturgeon hates Aberdeen and the north east. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if the Tories won it.
  21. Got me thinking - we're going to need a bigger wa' for this. Surely half of our current squad + Doris, both Campbells etc deserve to be in the Hall of Fame once they retire.
  22. Hopefully we'll get him, sounds like he loves playing for us. Maybe (hope) his injury prone-ness would put off full time teams.
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