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Left Back

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Posts posted by Left Back

  1. 1 minute ago, Forest_Fifer said:
    44 minutes ago, Left Back said:
    BBC pushing it pretty hard that vaccine nationalism in India is causing the delay in April.  Johnson denying this and strangely Jonathan Ashworth backing him up.  He has his head so far up Johnson’s arse you can barely make out what he’s saying.

    The story I read on BBC appeared to be blaming supply problems from the US.

    Thats partially what the Serum institute are blaming it on.  US export bans of required materials.  BBC are latching onto the other reason of them being directed to prioritise the Indian vaccination programme.

  2. 19 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    When and why did they change the name ?

    I've also noticed that it's only BBC which seems to use the new name as the likes of Euronews remain "old school".

    The official name hasn’t changed.  This is an alternative to make it easier to put on sporting clothing 😂.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Paco said:

    Honestly mate, the MHRA in the UK, the EMA in the EU and the WHO have all said it’s absolutely safe, as have the dozens of clinical trials, safety checks and regulators round the world. The countries that panicked the other day will now have to try and tell their populations it’s safe again after the findings of the EMA. Over 11 million people in the UK have received it, one in every five people in Scotland has received it. There is no elevated risk of blood clots in the Astra Zeneca vaccine. None. Zero.

    If you don’t want to take it, don’t. Nobody is making you. Just know if you’re sitting in hospital with a tube down your throat that it’s 100% your own fault.

    Italy starting to use it again on Friday.

  4. 1 minute ago, Forest_Fifer said:

    So they want the UK to export more vaccines to them, despite them being the AZ ones that they don't even fucking want?

    Loads going to waste currently apparently but I’d suspect they want to send AZ from Britain to EU countries that are happy to use them so they can use Pfizer where they don’t want AZ.

    They’re in a real mess by the looks of it and von der Leyen looks out of her depth.

  5. 8 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:
    17 minutes ago, charger29 said:
    "From today, vaccination centres are being told to close unfilled bookings from 29 March onwards - and to ensure no further appointments are scheduled for the whole of April."


    A whole fucking month of nothing if this is accurate.

    My reading of it is they will honour those scheduled and have the stocks and supplies to get the priority list done. The reason they aren't scheduling any one new is that they'll need to start the second doses in the big numbers from late January and February around that time.

    Did notice that Hancock used the word “offered” vaccines to complete the priority groups.

  6. 1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:



    Does this proposal mean a 30 game league if it's 16 teams?  If it does then surely any extra money will be offset in lost revenue from 6 league games.  I would think that hardly makes it a slam dunk that league 2 clubs will vote for it.

  7. 10 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

    I mean this in all earnestness, go and see them. Go and see them regularly. 

    Don't let it get to the stage of beating yourself up for something that you could or should have done. 

    Sorry to labour this point but I have another experience to share.

     My friends and I have a twice weekly video call.  We chat about all the nonsense we would have done down the pub in normal times.

    3 weeks ago yesterday one of the lads ducked out after a few minutes of the call.  He was feeling a bit rough.  2 days later he had a heart attack.  We got a laptop to him in the hospital and he started joining the calls again about a week later. Seemed to be getting better.  He then had another heart attack.  He was told yesterday he was riddled with cancer and had days to live.  He told us last night.  He died this afternoon. He was in his fifties.

    i’m not passing up the opportunity to see any of my family and friends again.  A huge percentage of the vulnerable have protection.  I haven’t been vaccinated but I’ll take my chances.  Life is too short to do otherwise.

  8. 28 minutes ago, realmadrid said:

    Yet on Thursday some on here were pronouncing that everyone would be vaccinated by the May and that all the 30-40s would be done in April. 

    That looks nothing like that, still good but I was sure there was no way we could get to that level by May 31st.

    This looks a lot like that.  The chat the other day was about everyone getting a first dose by the end of May.  It wasn’t a pronouncement, it was a projection based on anticipated supply.

    That graphic shows it as about first week in June.  How are you defining early June as nothing like the end of May?

    Not sure what your agenda is tbh but you’re at it.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Binos said:

    Watson and Russell will clearly be on the plane

    Hogg likely only starter surrounded by garland usual suspects

    No way Watson fits into Gatlands crash ball style.  Not physically big enough.

  10. 13 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
    15 minutes ago, Left Back said:
    That was the case before the tournament and nothing was going to change it.  Hogg will be the only player on the plane.

    Russell might have had a chance but he's had a pretty meh tournament.

    Gatland was never picking Russell.   Total opposite of his kind of player

  11. 1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    Looking at players for the Lions squad you'd think that only Watson and Hogg are in the frame after this 6 Nations.

    That was the case before the tournament and nothing was going to change it.  Hogg will be the only player on the plane.

  12. 1 minute ago, Mark Connolly said:

    Ignoring all the other discussions about coaching, can we take a minute to wonder why people continue to try to make Huw Jones into a full back?

    I don’t watch domestic games as I don’t have Premier so this is news to me.  Jones is summed up in his try today.  He’s a devastating finisher from centre.

  13. 1 minute ago, GordonS said:

    Your answer to the problem of Turner is put on an even less capable player. Turner is comfortably and clearly ahead of Cherry in the queue. 

    You want the problem to be the coaching when it's obviously a lack of players good enough. 

    The lineout was dreadful today.  As bad as I’ve ever seen.  You have to change the hooker in that situation to try and change it.

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