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Everything posted by FK1Bairn

  1. I know you're right and I'm maybe overthinking things and expecting things to be back to normal quicker than they're going to be. To be fair to my bosses there's been no pressure from them and I can't complain about the support I've had, I'm probably more concerned than i should be about what my colleagues think about me returning and not having the same workload as them.
  2. Long deserves some credit too for the quick throw to Walker. If I'm being critical of anything last night and the Stirling game then it's not putting some of the younger lads on earlier for some experience but I do get why it's the more senior players who go on first. I also feel that by making the number of subs we do and the players who are being replaced then the pace and intensity seems to drop, again that's understandable but just a bit frustrating.
  3. After 9 weeks off sick, I got a transfer back to my old post and an OH referral. Done 3 weeks of a phased return and this week was my first full week back full time working. For some reason despite my employer pulling out all the stops and getting what I was after, I just feel flat. Is this normal?
  4. This is either a PTTGOYN or one for the Pregnancy and Parenting thread but from about lunchtime today my 8 year old son has been trying to put an Ultimate FIFA team together via some app/website. He keeps asking me who the best RB/LB/CB/CM/GK's in the world are. I've now realised that my knowledge of world football is really really poor
  5. Because a lot of people are scum and it's all about the likes and comments on social media
  6. It was definitely Higgins. I'm sure he spilt one through his legs in the first half then let a cross/free kick from John Rankin go through his fingers. I remember having a feeling as soon as he put his arms up to catch Rankin's effort that it would go straight through him
  7. We employed Steven Pressley and Paul Hartley as managers, two of the most hated men in Scottish football. Can Dougie Imrie be much worse?
  8. We're all full of the joys today! Talk of getting beat by Stirling Albion and the ramifications that would have when we're about to play our 3rd league game of the season. That's THIRD as in first, second, third. Lets all turn up tonight, get right behind the lads, expect the unexpected and COYB
  9. It looks like an old pie hut from Brockville!!
  10. Dumped out in the first match today by the 4 who then went on and won. Really enjoyable day despite getting beat with warm weather, no rain, great chat, watching of the WWC Final and plenty of liquid refreshments as is normal on these days!!
  11. This might be a RTBC but I got my car insurance renewal email in during the week and was quoted nearly £170 more than last year. Phoned them up today to cancel and they've given me the same policy for the same price as last year. The cheek these companies have in hoping people will just accept the quote!!
  12. I joined my club too late to play in the singles and pairs competitions this season. Playing in the club rinks/fours on Sunday with the three who won the club triples last season. Club triples is at the start of September and while I'd love to play in it, it's the day before my sons birthday so unless there's a pair looking for a third player I'm also happy to not play in that. Playing twice for the club this year in the local league so I can't really complain about anything. Already looking forward to next season and getting more involved
  13. You know the officials are miked up during the game eh? And they have the ability to talk to each other as a result? Just because an official doesn't flag (this is purely done to "sell" the decision) doesn't mean he's not telling the ref anything
  14. Not a chance the greasy rat is getting sacked seeing as his father in law is the chairman or is the one pumping the money in
  15. Delighted the Aussies won though I felt France were the better team overall. If we didn't want England to get beat before today then Karen Carney's comment before extra time started of "obviously the winner will play England" has changed that.
  16. Was thinking that England really got away with that one but apart from hitting the bar twice, I only remember Earps really having one save to make in the 120 minutes. They're going to win this thing now aren't they but without the golden girl?
  17. 3 goals scored, none conceded and 3 points on the board. Yes Annan weren't up to much once we scored but we can only beat what's in front of us. There will be harder games to come and we'd all take a scrappy 1-0 win in those. Big difference in the speed of play going forward without McGinn and Oliver though both will have a part to play during the season. Difficult to pick a stand out but I thought Spencer looked good. And to the older male in the SS who shouted for Morrison to be subbed the first time he played a poor pass, I hope you're eating humble pie after his goal
  18. Didn't he play at left back in the second half of one game late last season? Pretty sure he did and played well
  19. We absolutely need a right back. We also needed a new CH, CM and strikers, all of which we got. Ideally we would have got a RB at the same time. Hypothetically, if it was a choice of a RB above one of what we brought in who would you not have signed?
  20. It's not the last minute penalty that's put us out, it's Lang's pass across the box in the DU game that's killed us
  21. We go to a wedding next Sunday of the daughter of one of her work colleagues (yeah we don't get it either other than to make up numbers on the bride side). I don't own trousers as such but I do own three pairs of chinos that I wear to go to work once a week. She's saying I need to get a pair of trousers and can't wear my chinos to a wedding. I don't know if I'm infuriated because she's probably right or whether I'm infuriated because if I do buy a pair I'll only be wearing them once.
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