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Everything posted by FK1Bairn

  1. That's cracking, probably the best kit I've seen in a long time.
  2. Delighted with those three signings. @Bainsfordbairn Can we expect to see any pictures of them modelling the new kit?
  3. Did any of you buy the 22/23 kit and able to say whether O'Neill's are small made? We've gone with O'Neill's for this season and I want to buy one for my son but our previous kit manufacturer were known to be small made, I'm just wary
  4. Thought I read somewhere we were donating it to Dunipace?
  5. When did sensible reasonable posting become allowed?
  6. I have been accepted as a member of my local bowling club! First membership of a club in over 8 years and the majority of members seem to be roughly the same age as myself. I'm too late in joining to play in the singles and pairs competitions but the triples and rinks are still to be drawn, hopefully get involved in those as i prefer team games to singles. I've got my own Taylor Lignoid bowls, just need the shoes/trainers. Really looking forward to playing regularly again. The club also has an indoor area for over winter
  7. Congratulations to you and your team. Is the final for a place at the national championships in Ayr?
  8. How appropriate your username! I have no issue with the CC video and I can't see why anybody would have one. I can't see how the video makes the club look a joke. The number of posts on here talking about it shows it achieved its aim. Imagine a social media company using social media to promote itself!
  9. This will likely have been covered already but the newest episode of the Walking Down Hope Street podcast was released on 18th May featuring Colin McNair. I've just finished listening to it and it really strikes home how much he threw his career away due to his addiction but also tells of his recovery. Well worth a listen
  10. That will all come with experience, don't they say keepers hit their peak late 20's/early 30's. We need to sign a right back. I'm not convinced we will sign another CH with Donaldson, McKay, Henderson, Mackie and potentially Watson all on the books. That doesn't mean I don't think we should sign a CH, just I think the money will be used for a wide player or some energy in the middle of the pitch
  11. You done what you done at the time as a coping mechanism. That's human nature. What you've realised now is that you want to adjust your lifestyle to get you back to how you were pre your mum's death and for that you should be commending yourself, not beating yourself up. Take things one day at a time and you will get through this. Give yourself something to focus on each day even if that's only a 10 minute walk around the block. Good luck, keep your chin up
  12. I thought Morrison was marginally the better between himself and Hogarth. Kinnear never really gave me any confidence though maybe that's down to a lack of confidence himself. I'm sure they're all around the same age with roughly the same number of career appearances. I'm happy to cut them some slack based on their age, experience and the poor defending in front of them but an experienced keeper whether as first or second choice would be great for the other keeper we will have.
  13. Does any of what Philip Schofield has done affect you in your daily life? To call Holly Willoughby "the worst person on earth" is a bit much when you see what our politicians, Putin etc are doing.
  14. There were a few other tops, shorts, hoodies that I hadn't seen pictures of. That's not a dig at @Bainsfordbairn who would only have taken pictures of what the club wanted him to take pictures of.
  15. I've had a couple of throws on Sunday mornings while my son has been at bowling coaching sessions at our local club. Each time I've had a game I've been really sore afterwards (lower back/top of my backside). I've had the same delivery for years but I wonder if I need to see about changing my delivery so I'm not in pain afterwards? The local club aren't insisting I wear proper bowling shoes/trainers and are happy to let me play in normal trainers but could not having proper bowling shoes/trainers be causing the pain? Or is there an obvious answer of trying lighter bowls? Tips welcome as I do really enjoy playing and the socialising that comes with that
  16. I was in the club shop today as I needed to speak to somebody in the community side. While I was waiting, I had a look at the training/leisure gear and I'm really impressed by it all. If the strips are similar, I may consider buying one. To be slightly negative, I'd say its on the expensive side but that's maybe just me nitpicking in my old age and being a tightass
  17. My son is 7 but has been playing put in the street for 2/3 years now. We live just off a main road but the street is pretty quiet. He's got one pal in the street who is a year older but they're both into the same stuff so they play away together happily. There are also plenty of older kids who would look out for them if anything was to happen and there's always adults nearby. All you can do is set boundaries for them, it's up to them to show they can be trusted before the boundaries get stretched.
  18. Congratulations to you both, she's a beauty and seems oblivious to all the fuss! You don't need anybody to tell you but you both done the right thing in taking her to hospital, that's the parental instinct kicking in. You will find you get into a routine, everything being up in the air to start with is perfectly normal.
  19. Had to call the Police on Wednesday evening about a neighbour behaving in a threatening or abusive manner in the street while kids were outside playing, the kids were scared of him and his behaviour. Later that night he assaulted another neighbour and they were here within 15 minutes. Told them about his behaviour that night while giving a statement but when I tried to give a background to it all they weren't interested. I understand that at the time they were nearing the end of their shift but it was really frustrating to feel as if they couldn't care less. I deal with the Police on a daily basis through my job and by and large they're all pretty sound, more a case that there's so much to cover with not enough officers
  20. Behave. It wasn't his fault your defenders gave Murray an ummarkes tap in inside the six yard box or that your team missed 3 penalties in the shoot out
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