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Everything posted by Highlandmagar

  1. Congratulations to St. Johnstone. Nice to see the Ferranti franchise get pumped.
  2. Just remember that last season McCall took over a dreadful squad at Thistle and made it worse. And subsequently this season we've gone further back.
  3. Let's hope the challenge of managing a Championship side seals a deal.
  4. Wow! Anas Sarwar? I may just go back to Labour. Aye! More chance of Thistle winning Champions League.
  5. It's about an ex FM seeking revenge because his corruptions weren't covered up and with the full backing of unionists and the right wing MSM. Salmond will forever go down in Scottish history as a quisling.
  6. I am just glad that in 2019 for the first time since 1978 I deserted Labour and voted SNP. These charlatans that are Labour, clearly orchestrating with Ermine Robe Davidson to attack Sturgeon is utterly reprehensible. Hopefully Labour lose every seat they presently hold. The utter stench of fear and panic from the unionist parties is overpowering.
  7. Downing Street beautifully portrayed may I say. Well done!
  8. Oh. I know all about Ipswich fans hating Lambert, but Evans handed him a 5 year contract and the fans hate Evans even more.
  9. A possibility that Lambert might be looking for a job as Ipswich are on the verge of an American takeover.
  10. A' Motherwell 'fan who gets more pleasure out Rangers winning than his own team.
  11. With the lower leagues looking unlikely to restart I don't think you will need to worry.
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