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  1. United have won the Scottish cup twice in living memory, they've been in a European cup final and won the Scottish League, they've made more money than outgoing transfers and have a slightly higher average match-day attendance. As I'm sure most United supporters will happily tell you they've also got a 100% undefeated record against a certain Spanish superclub. Without calling in an expert on Dundonian football history I'm just cherry picking facts here but it's hard to find an argument that Dundee FC can better that. Even Lee Wilkie bailed for the tangerine half.
  2. Aberdeen - Probably should be more successful Celtic - More likeable than Rangers Dundee - Overshadowed by their brighter, more successful sister Hearts - Don't seem like the kind of grounded honest club that Hibs are, seems like a public schoolboy football team to support Hibernian - I don't mind them, David Gray's goal in the 2016 Scottish cup final was a great moment, seem a real working mans football club Kilmarnock - I can't think of a single positive or negative thing to say about Kilmarnock Livingston - Have one of the nicer football stadiums in the league Motherwell - Family friend is a huge Motherwell fan. Keith Lasley was good? That's all I got. Rangers - It was fun watching them play in the lower leagues of scottish football, they should bring that back like a yearly sweepie or something Ross County - If I was a professional footballer in Scotland this is where I'd want to play St Johnstone - I saw Callum Davidson in a Perth Costa once St Mirren - I don't actually know where St Mirren is
  3. Keith Lasley for Motherwell? One of those dull defensive midfielders that no-one else really wanted for their club but had the kind of association with one club that says cult. David Gray for Hibs, seems like the more defensive minded players get cult hero status, not the longest time at the club but the winning goal in a cup final after 100+ years without it gives him the nod Malpas for united, dunno if its more fitting to call him a club legend than just a cult hero, hard to say where one ends and other beings but he's the first player I think of when you say Dundee United Really struggling to think of any more attack minded players you'd consider a cult hero
  4. Sasa Papac is nowhere near as much of a c**t as the other players on that list
  5. For me Gretna. I almost totally missed it given I didn't really start following Scottish football till the 2008-2009 season, I obviously heard about it in the background but I was mostly following European and Premier League football at the time. It's a real genuine fairy-tale story, at least as an outsider, not sure the St Johnstone fans would be saying the same, certainly Geoff Brown had some choice words about Brooks Mileson but it's an interesting story.
  6. Saw Callum Davidson in the costa near Broxden at about half 9 this morning having a chat with 2 similarly aged fellows, lads needing a job
  7. if there had been any modesty or humility about their double cup winning season then maybe but there just seemed to be a "whats the next record we can break" mentality which is fine but "going through an SPL season without winning a game" isn't quite as enviable
  8. Also shoutout to Perth for being the only city i've seen that not only filled their stadium with cardboard cutouts, but also put statues on their park benches so the locals don't feel so lonely
  9. Callum Davidson should have had a statue erected in the high street, in the middle of those weird 2 farmers standing in the big ring, but noooo
  10. Played some Castlevania 2: Simons Quest this morning, thats a right blast from the past from the time games didn't hold your hand
  11. you are in luck! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1213210/Command__Conquer_Remastered_Collection/
  12. I'd be ok with swapping Newcastle for Edinburgh
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