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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. He did take a while to get going for scotland and never looked like scoring during the euros, however he's had a real upturn in club form and starting to show what he can do.
  2. We will need a good 90 minute performance here to win it. For whatever reason we are better on the road and seem to score more away. Morton are probably a better "team" than Hamilton were despite the Accies having better players.
  3. Wouldn't be too surprised to see Musonda extend his contract in the next couple of months. It would buy him a bit of security considering his long lay off and it gets us a few quid should he move on. I am really interested to see the midfield of he can play there and how it Matthews adapts.
  4. I'd expect to keep the 2 forwards on loan as they are getting game time and I doubt Stoke or Livi are screaming to have them back. Tait will go back to hibs. We need a midfielder or gamble that Musonda is the answer. I'd leave the youngsters out on loan and potentially put Mitchell out for a short term loan if he will get games. Keatings isn't cutting it at Montrose by the sounds of things so either leave him there or loan him again. I don't expect we'll see him play for the rovers again.
  5. We have no right to win this, itt was our own fault and I am being a petty wee dick here. However I really want us to batter Accies after that horrendous arse collapse on the opening day.
  6. The "shaken" baby that got 3 years for gbh happened about 3 or 4 years ago it was in the local press etc. They don't show these episodes until its been to court and finalised. I might be mistaken but I believe in England and Wales if you are convicted for something like gbh and the victim dies within 3 years as a direct result of the injuries it cm be opened up again and they can go after you for manslaughter but the director of public prosecutions has to authorise it.
  7. Big Franko isn't going to have 90 minutes in him yet. That's if he is even fit to play
  8. John yogi Hughes guys. He has a great record with fife clubs fighting relegation and the players loved him.
  9. On the tait thing I think subconsciously people saw him as the replacement for Hendry when in fact. 1. They are different types of players. 2. Hendry was further along in his development, tait is still very young and consistency takes time. 3. Hendry was a far better player. Realistically Mcglynn needs to source a midfielder to replace Tait and a spare for injuries and subs. BRS stats prove he can't come on as a sub and see games out so he's a starter or nothing. The amount of games we lose late goals after being ahead cannot be ignored. Musonda hasn't played in midfield for us or at all this season so we don't know what we have he also has a poor injury record, he's been out since about March.
  10. Ah well the winless run had to come to an end. Who knew Peter grant would be your saviour.
  11. I think the rovers will lose this they are too many injuries in key positions. Mcglyn won't start Poplatnik or whatever reason and Zanatta has been a bit off recently. Dunfermline are on a wee undefeated run at the minute. Plus if they win this it'll buy grant even more time.
  12. The good stuff is now on multi buy from beer hawk which is 15% off if you buy 3 kegs.
  13. I had a bovril at starks Park in August and it must have been the first one I've had in years. It was hotter than the sun but glorious accompanied with a steak pie. It seems strange to drink it in an other setting. A bit like having a manky donner kebab when you're not pished at a taxi rank.
  14. I'll go for Regan Hendry back in the centre of midfield funnily enough. Then up front Brian Graham because he scores when he wants and Craig Brewster who was also partial to scoring the odd goal.
  15. I think we are approaching the tipping point as the tech is progressing well, the range and charge times are evolving and the infrastructure is improving for these. The biggest issue for me is the cost of the car they are still higher than traditional cars but once they drop level it'll be a no brainer for me. The other issue is once we all swap over how do the government claw back the fuel duty? For those that can afford the outlay now live the cheap mpg dream.
  16. It's been an eventful start to the season to put it mildly. That said on the playing side they have got a lot right, Zanatta is some transformation, Berra is strolling through games and now the addition of Ross. I still think we need more depth and the keatings fiasco is just absurd. Off the field the club are displaying some of that ambition and progress can be seen hopefully it comes to fruition. Still think we need better comms especially press releases Taits transfer and Keatings loan just 2 examples.
  17. I'm really at a cross roads here. I'm a long term diesel driver/fan. I like the pull it has the torque and dig along with the range. I drove a tesla recently and f**k me it was fun. Never mind the instant power down and go action. The ipad on the dashboard was instant entertainment. No self drive on this one but I'm intrigued as to what that offers. I was skeptical of electric cars and I still am ti a degree but if they an get the range on them then bring it on.
  18. I'd imagine that part of the deal involves a percentage to Aberdeen of any future sell on fee. But I doubt we will have paid anywhere near the rumoured 100k, with him not playing his value would be depreciating like an old car. BRS makes sense we need numbers he hasn't done a lot wrong in his time here. With tait training with hibs now it looks like he will be away in January.
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