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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. The winter collapse us inevitable it's just a case of how many points can we get before it happens. Come January you will be praying for a shite 0-0
  2. Can't buy a win online season doesn't matter how much I batter someone it's totally fucking pointless other than to see how it will f**k up.
  3. I'd genuinely forgot about him. Standard behaviour with his fitness at least he's normally immense for the run in.
  4. The best line was jack in the charity shop saying something like, burning junk on my wee Troon spoon. The rest was just a but meh. I suppose every series has a poor episode especially after last week's.
  5. Good point they're stretching it with having pensioners on a shite scheme as old as old as that anyway.
  6. Episode 2 was far superior to last week. A one legged man as a pole bearer was class. Is it just me or does it take a bit of getting used to with the HD.
  7. Have we got issues with our training or medical staff if we are having constant injuries.
  8. What about octogenarian goal keeping sensation bobby geddes.
  9. Brian potter made half of his appearances at tannadice so have no fear
  10. Things are pretty rosie down pratt street at the minute I was also astonished when Locke was appointed but so far so good and he's shut a lot of people up. Jury is still out though as the true tests come when he needs to make important changes and we go non our annual shite run post halloween but impressive so far. The club seem to have upped their game from a pr point as well. Not just cutting admission which is a bold move and welcomed by fans of all teams in the league but they have omcreased the profile on social media loads of tweets and wee videos all help as well as inviting fans to a kit launch cashing in there and then by showing folk the kit them promptly relieving them of a fair few quid at the same time.
  11. Aberdeen will not be happy if we've broken their keeper and then played near enough a full match with him injured. Can we get the witch on loan
  12. Could the club not come to some kind of arrangement with the 30 folk who have had their monies worth now. For example throw them.some hospitality and free tickets for cup games for the next few years would still work out cheaper in the long run.
  13. Jimmy Thompson saw out the season Nichol left despite the team getting being sold off lock stock and barrel. He was then given money and built his own team over the summer with the largest budget of any rovers manager before or since but got punted after about 4 games at the start of the following season. I always wonder what went on at the start of that season was it too much pressure over the cost of refurbishing the ground large wage bill, players fighting I know Dennis and Duffield had a squarish go at half time.
  14. So how much has he put in to get the stand renamed and the presidency
  15. I'll join the love in for the away kit undecided at first but really like it now
  16. John Lennon was a c**t he was a c**t his whole life, a shit bag father and a wife beater. That boy who took exception to him and capped the twat only made him some kind of martyr.
  17. Watched it in 3 days. Fuckin brilliant one of the best things for ages. Very very twin peaks towards the end of it. Really can't decide if I want more or if another series would tarnish it.
  18. I have now joined the sterilised of p n b as of 11 this morning. It was a strange experience laying back on a table looking at a bike light above a bit Like a really inappropriate dentist. It wasn't even that weird getting stripped in front of 3 people. The injection was like when you get a filling and see smoke coming off my baws was a bit concerning but no real pain or drama it was literally done in under 10 minutes. I now feel mostly okay but it aches a bit like taking a mitre mold master to the stones at great speed. The only issue was I had to pick up the 1 year old who fell over and banged her head which did twinge. Hoping this is as bad as it gets. Oh and I got a party bag to take home with sample pots and pre paid envelopes.
  19. Well this Saturday is going to be shite
  20. I am certain they re did the terracing in the close season after winning the league in time for 93 94 premier league season
  21. If rudi signs that'll be the business done for the summer and u would expect loans later on. The squad actually looks alright due to mckinnon tying a good few up before he left.
  22. Hoping hardie struggles dor games at sevco and we can get him back for a bit. We've got a bit of a bonus selling toshney really it's cash we wouldn't have and it can be invested in a couple of players at least one a striker.
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