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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Been to the kitty cafe in Nottingham and seen all these absolute legends
  2. Why chance even chance it, we have absutly f**k all to gain and the player of the season to lose if it goes wrong. We need at least 2 goals every game just to be competitive so if he gets crocked you can forget it.
  3. Fair fucks guys some of those times are mental
  4. Electric cars are still in their infancy but have progressed at some rate. That said the range and time taken to charge is still the issue until they can be fully charged in the time it takes to fill up with fuel they're not going to be a viable option for a lot of people.
  5. My foot hurts along the bottom outer edge it's like an ache but there's no signs of any bruising and doesn't feel tender to touch. Any ideas
  6. I'm playing a game of russian roulette with my old diesel astra. The mot expires in September and it only just scraped through last year as the front suspension is fucked, both struts are leaking fluid. Since then the horn is fucked, the turbo has a feint whistle, the steering vibrates at 60mph but is alright at 100mph, the suspension is now really really fucked and the handling is gash on corners, the clutch makes a horrendous noise on the bite point and I suspect the aircon has expired. I'm just waiting for one of these or another unnoticed fault to cause the b*****d to expire on me at the worst possible time, makes every journey interesting.
  7. This injury situation is a factor but it's far from the be all and end all as to why we are miles off the pace. Scoring goals and creating chances has not been the issue, we shouldn't need to score 6 goals to win a game. The defence has been an unmitigated disaster all season the right back position has never been addressed and the preferred pairing at centre half Davidson and Benedictus have shipped goals all season. This coupled with a shocking away record and what seems like a lack of bottle to see out games.
  8. Comparisons with fletcher are difficult, fletcher was introduced patiently into a very good man utd side with top players like Rooney and Ronaldo and they were winning league titles. Mctominey has been brought into an absolute shambles and to some extent has been chucked into the deep end at times with players who wouldn't have got a sniff at one of Ferguson's teams.
  9. As I have the ability to be a completely shiftless b*****d unless motivated I've set myself a new goal of getting from 10k to 10 miles
  10. The parkrun ambassador now there's a title
  11. I think this series was there best for a while, some really good films and the road trips weren't too contrived. Building a car in Mongolia was really good and even the RV thing in America had its moments. The studio bit is done I always fast forward laps and all that.
  12. Right I've left it 4 days and went out last night, first 3 to 4 miles were a bit of a slog legs were tired and heavy but took it easy. After that it was like I'd hit turbo mode (wee knight rider reference there for the old c***s on here) I was fucking flying took over a minute off my previous mile times and did 10k close to PB as well with a bit left in the tank. It's a funny thing this running I'm beginning to think it's all in the mind.
  13. Just watching cauld on Netflix, its fucking brilliant funny but also worth a bit of social commentary to boot.
  14. My wife has started looking at her Instagram trying to work out if the photos are from now or 20 years ago.
  15. That's 7 years of the easiest overtime for the met come to an end.
  16. Stevenson is still not the worst keeper the rovers have played.
  17. The mortgage fraud was for a million, he also got potted for perverting the course of justice which courts will jail you for without fucking about.
  18. I've regressed massively, in 4 weeks I have to run 7 miles for my part in a relay about 5 weeks a go I was up to 10k runs but now i struggle to do 5k i just feel tired and distracted on every run. Should i just have a week off and hope the well rested legs help when I get back on it?
  19. We went away for the weekend and he wasn't bothered his arse
  20. Won't need to worry about that ever again.
  21. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-46986199 What an absolute arse reading the link above there was a bit more to it and his wife was ul to her arse in it as well and chucked him under the bus:) Also the heads gone moment during the sentencing.
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