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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I think Buchanan is decent he's an intelligent player and a good finisher he also has an eye for half chances the issue is we are playing completely against his strengths by punting it long and high as well as this Vaughan is dragging us through every game which is really needed and i think hes worth his weiggt in gold. However it means there is little attractive play with the ball on the deck getting passed around. I think Smith needs to hit reset look at what his strongest 11 was at the start of the season and how to play them and go from there at the minute it' just a bit of a lumbering mess with a real lack of cohesion and direction. It was said at the time but the sale of Callachan has fucked this team had he stayed we would have consistency in the middle and a real box to box player, as well as that he was big strong and fit all attributes you need.
  2. Christmas time is alright we have a jolly down the local on Xmas eve, there's work do's, boxing day football and seeing the bairns get their presents. That said the rest of Christmas day can get itself taefuck, it's basically being crammed in a house full of relatives running about getting them food and drink because it's easier than having them go anywhere near the kitchen and getting in the fucking way while you're trying to cook for 20 folk. Then their questionably disoplined spawn destroy everything you own as well as this it always takes at least half an hour from them saying "That's it we need to get going" until they eventually stop fart arsing around and f**k off out my house. The only small pleasure I take from that shambles is seeing what inane or trivial thing has upset the tightly wound psycho that is my sister in law.
  3. That's the other side of the argument we have not conceded that many goals and still won every home game in a season where just about everyone has had a shot at centre half.
  4. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    Anyone investing in the bluray with the extras
  5. We'e had absolutey f**k all consistency in goals since the witch was discarded. For f**k sake we've ad a striker play in goals away to ayr who conceded less than in Tuesday.
  6. They were removing the last of the bodies couple of weekends ago
  7. Karen the wine drinking neglected milf is a wid.
  8. Wetherspoons, Novar and the penny in Kirkcaldy all do a decent pint.
  9. Can the sfa not just hite the grounds on an individual basis. For example you could still have an OF final at hampden it' not as if it will disappear in a puff of smoke or an all edinburgh at murrayfield. Then just review the scotland games based on opponents.
  10. The ayr game is the only one that matters here the other 2 can get tae f**k. That said good chances to experiment and bring in fringe players.
  11. On previous games just after full time the police pull a couple if pandas across the road until the bulk of the crowd has gone. It's just not a formal closure before with railings up.
  12. Season 2 already commissioned. It will move onto the 80s and the Atlanta child killer.
  13. The sru are flashing their knickers over the weekend.
  14. Is this her full time job now, parading around flaunting herself? Fair fucks to her.
  15. You'd get better beer in the third world than carling. Although it is methil
  16. I binged on the first 4 episodes tonight part 1 is a bit slow going but then it's really good. The actors in it are really familiar but I don't know where from. Its a strong production throughout I didn't realise that profiling began as late as the 79s. BTK is going to be interesting.
  17. Hughes really did galvanize the team. To a man they hated that fucker
  18. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    The fucking things jinxed
  19. Even when they stopped putting the lager lovelies on the cans they were still blue. Why have they gone to silver and yellow
  20. You can't get it on draught in englandshire which makes it all the better when I get to scotland. In terms of a lager it's quite sophisticated there are various flavours in it and it has a real crisp taste. I have managed to find a sympathetic off license that gets me the cans.
  21. Was Mario going part of the buyout in the summer and renegotiating the catering amongst other things. We're the other 2 fan reps? Or did they put money in?
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