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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I need a dougie Donnelly action figure in my life.
  2. My ancient astra is hanging on by a thread, theres a hideous rattle in the gearbox which is likely release bearing but it's done 140k on all original clutch etc and its nor had an easy life by any stretch of imagination. Also the frontt struts are pissing out fluid and it's generally run down and ready to meet its maker. Anyone got experience of a focus 1.6 diesel around a 13 to 14 plate. Aside from the usual diesel issues like clutch flywheel and injectors anything else to look out for?
  3. The thing that gets me about mcglynn is his decision making and the fact he is oblivious to learning lessons from the past. Case in point the rotation of goalkeepers it's not like that's cost us before. He can't/won't sort out the defence and unless one of them dies won't change the same back 4 that have been gash all season. Shite players from other clubs on loan at the expense of our own youth players. Reagan hendry was a good signing however he was originally Smith's signing so hes not getting credit for that. Now in mitigation he can only pish with the cock he's got and this insistence on being full time only with a tiny budget means we are signing bottom of the barrel players.
  4. We should have done a Falkirk and said f**k the league and built the team, it was just as Jimmy nic fucked off and players were leaving all over the show.
  5. Here's Bill having a wee rest having been such a fanny all week. So far he's brought us 6 mice and a Robin.
  6. Here in darkest rnglandshire theres no licensing restrictions you can pretty much buy it 24 hours a day.
  7. Finished a night shift at 7 this morning straight to the shop where folk are buying coffee and rolls to pick up 12 pint size cans not one f**k being given.
  8. f**k it's been 25 years I still refer to it as new, Still miss the old shed behind the goals. The Harvey game was pre new stands it was the Scottish cup quarter final the season we won our unique double. The ground got developed at the end of the 1st season back in the premier league and the next season we were relegated.
  9. The wallchart has been demolished just one 10k to go then I need to stretch the distance up to 7 or 8 miles and I also need to get used to running in hot weather for my wee race in May. By the way has anyone here run across the forth road bridge? I'm up in July and fancy a bit of the fife coastal path as well.
  10. Positive discrimination in the work place is an absolute sham. People who aren't capable or haven't put the work in get ahead due to "box ticking". Also people from a BME background who have earned the right and worked hard to get where they are feel under pressure to justify why they have got where they are. Addressing the issue of having a work force that is representative will not be fixed quickly and easily by forcing through recruitment or promotions of people who are plainly unsuitable and will cause massive issues in the future. The police service especially in England have a massive issue with this as its core work force are white.
  11. Its going to have to be a hybrid squad next season as we have players signed on full time deals already. We are the worst full time team in the country and as such we can only attract the players that cant get a game anywhere else. Meanwhile every other team in the league is picking up the best part time players and scudding us. This being full time attitude is a load of fucking shite it's not like we're man city with a loaded owner buying us the league, we have a budget of £3.50 and its holding us back. f**k this season.
  12. Wee update on the plan to get to 10k, I'm on week 6 of 8 which should be 3 runs a 4k, 5k and then 9k at the end. I did the 4k fine then for various reasons didn't run for a full week which is the first time since I started this running caper, anyway did 5k/3.12 miles on Thursday in a brilliant time until i realised that i hadn't done the .12 at the end, baws. Anyway last night went out for a slow deliberate run a minute or so slower per mile as I do when I'm trying to stretch distance, it felt good I rolled through the miles and got back to the end of the road having done the 9k/5.65 miles and it was just too tempting not to get the 10k so ran off round the streets again to get over the line 10k/6.2 miles were done in 1hour9 minutes which is slow as f**k but I don't care. I only just did it though my lungs were alright but I had a stitch on both sides and my legs were done. I really needed it I've had an absolute c**t of a week and this has blown out the cobwebs and told it to GTF.
  13. Absolutely Drysdale is a w**k in this situation, but how many folk saw that potential? I seem to remember a fair few moans week in week out about Bates when he was playing with us. It's really pleasing to see a Scottish player take the chance and throw themselves fully into it rather than the easy route into the English lower leagues because the money's good and there will be plentiful supplies of monster munch.
  14. That shirts a belter, your right though the red stitching was better. I think it's all about when you start watching the team for me it was the early nineties and that was the badge so it will always be my preferred choice. WBA have gone with the diagonal letters on their away shirt this season like every club had in the seventies us included maybe they could do that on a top for a wee change.
  15. The badge thing is true, I blame it for all our ills there is no other explanation
  16. This is Bill we've had him for about 6 months now, he's a great big b*****d who was rescued from a gipsy site so make of that what you will. Just for scale he's sat on a massive old style laptop with a DVD writer
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