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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. What are these new glasses about they lookalike the Stella ones
  2. Just in from a long hot shift and the first can has just gone down in 4 thirsty gulps. Needless gluttony and no time to savour the taste but badly needed.
  3. So dry calm weather for a month on the east coast of Scotland.
  4. f**k East Fife just play the fucker in the bevie park. Also I see hamilton had the worst pitch last season according to spfl, are they the ones we got the reccomendation from?
  5. Easy there I'm not having you Lidl touchers shit talk Aldi.
  6. Oh and while we're fucking about with the pitch can they reinstate the slope.
  7. f**k the league cup we'll not get out of the group stage just go for damage limitation both financially and with risking players for that matter.
  8. Yeah there's a lot of raking through dusty shelves in questionable retail emporiums to find the good stuff.
  9. Yeah this sounds like the problem Smith was given Easton and Robertson he didn' get his own guys. I would say losing Easton is going to be a bigger loss than if we'd lost Smith.
  10. An absolutey fantastic player won it all at a canter as well. I rememer that night at hampden when he just pulled scotland all over the park a pleasure to watch. Barcelona won't eplace him.
  11. Anyway that championship looks an absolute c**t of a league next season. Might be lucky escape. (I know this is utter shite, however I can't take anymore of the whose signed the biggest bam that this thread has turned into)
  12. f**k sake are we going to have shite like this the whole close season
  13. This boy has got some bites out an absolute pish rumour
  14. I think losing Easton is short sighted I appreciate he might have chosen to go been approached but he' done some really good work behind the scenes and more than done what's been asked of him.
  15. I thinks big rebuild has been needed and it looks like we're getting it. The keepers needed to go Smith quite plainly wasn't very good and Lennox was always injured. Bene Davo and Robertson should stay we need guys to stand up and be counted and I think all 3 will do that. Hopefully we'e got rid of the shiting the bed element. Bit off topic but would like to get mark Stewart back I think he would be well suited to us next season and we know he can 0lay with Vaughan
  16. Was that the same season the Fife unveiled a lawn mower
  17. I think with the barrel it's probably better for a party or bbq if you're just tanning it by yourself fair fucks
  18. There' no point in the club risking paying for a full time set up just to end up finishing behind a team full of guys who work a 9 to 5 before doing a few hours training twice a week. There's no direct competition like Ayr this season and there should have been some pretty harsh lessons learnt not just from the play off shambles but the endless implosions in the park through out the entire season.
  19. Are we the only full time club next season? If so there can be no fucking excuse not to go up.
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