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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. You'd get better beer in the third world than carling. Although it is methil
  2. I binged on the first 4 episodes tonight part 1 is a bit slow going but then it's really good. The actors in it are really familiar but I don't know where from. Its a strong production throughout I didn't realise that profiling began as late as the 79s. BTK is going to be interesting.
  3. Hughes really did galvanize the team. To a man they hated that fucker
  4. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    The fucking things jinxed
  5. Even when they stopped putting the lager lovelies on the cans they were still blue. Why have they gone to silver and yellow
  6. You can't get it on draught in englandshire which makes it all the better when I get to scotland. In terms of a lager it's quite sophisticated there are various flavours in it and it has a real crisp taste. I have managed to find a sympathetic off license that gets me the cans.
  7. Was Mario going part of the buyout in the summer and renegotiating the catering amongst other things. We're the other 2 fan reps? Or did they put money in?
  8. I prefer the old badge as well. 2 hoops would be for me as there's a bit of history and it's been worn on and off over the years. Not a fan of half and half. I also prefer white shirts and socks
  9. I think it will be tight and we always turn to shit in the winter. Just a case of picking up as many points as we can whilst we can especially the firm we're in at the moment
  10. There's no way the guy in the parts department is going to know every single part for every single model the manufacturer has made. Plus it's a mundane as f**k job and he probably couldn't give a f**k about your car.
  11. At the end of the day we need to blood youngsters at some point. It's not ideal but there simply isn't any other option. Luckily the forwards are scoring for fun.
  12. That goalkeeper is fucking gash, how long are the other 2 out for?
  13. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    There is a theory that 17 and 18 need to be watched at the same time side by side in perfect sync, and that the scene in the sheriff's office is the end with the rebirth of Diane.
  14. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    It's a few days now and it's still rattling round in my head that scream is haunting. I'm glad it came back and it's been a brilliant piece of television that's drawn me in and kept me coming back for 4 months. Plus we all knew it wouldn't be totally resolved and there would be a lot left to dwell over. For what its worth I think it's now done Lynch got to make it his way and went all out.
  15. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    Did you hear Sarah call out her name just before the scream it was very faint
  16. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    Just seen it 17 was what we have all been waiting for love that Frank's hat got shot. 18 could be anywhere in the whole weird time spectrum. Laura screaming gives.me the fear. What about Audrey
  17. pub car king

    Twin Peaks

    Yeah I'm holding out for Harry as well. My great great fear is that there is no result we get some sort of prequel or mad shit like episode 8.
  18. They should have just kept both open for a couple of weeks.
  19. I really rated Callachan he's a great example of the youth system at work and you can't grudge him a shot at hearts. That said this cannae stand in the boys way pish needs to stop from the club. Also this late to into the window it should be big money or hearts should have been told to f**k right off.
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