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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I wonder if his attitude to home grown players is a major factor or his style of football? Either had to be a major positive
  2. That's the hold up mckinnon wants Glen on a 5 year deal but the board are insisting it's 10 years and world wide club ambassador when he retires
  3. Surprised this poor b*****ds not at the bottom of Pratt Street pining
  4. Make sure you speak to the locals in shops on the tube etc a nice cheery smile and a chat about the weather will get you a long way
  5. Well being fifers raised in an environment of freezing shite weather,scary women, dire football and a diet that has an excessive pastry content that probably won't be too long
  6. White sleeves on a rovers top give me the fear. As the last time they had them was the whole Claude fiasco.
  7. Our merchandising is poor especially online. They seem to sell out of everything by October and then that's it nothing until the following August. If the plan was to keep the remember top for 2 seasons why haven't they restocked it many people are still after one including fans of other clubs yet normal sizes have been sold out for at least 6 months. Also why don't we sell more cheap wee bits and pieces like water bottles pencil cases back packs etc would be cheap enough to produce locally or puma should have an odd the shelf effort. As for the retro tops toffs are doing a load of bukta re issues from the 70s which might be a goer.
  8. Anyone know if we're getting a new kit and will it be a return to playing in blue?
  9. Hmm. I'm inclined to keep Ellis at least for the time being. There's nothing wrong with a bit of continuity behind the scenes and coaching wise.
  10. Love the plug for season tickets at the end of the article. But of a "well Mon then"
  11. Our support are like a deranged bunny boiler at the best of times up and down on a weekly basis. so it won't matter too much who we appoint. What I want is the best candidate for the job regardless of how much of a walk they are perceived to be. Of that's someone with ties to the club then great if not so what.
  12. I remember last summer there was a long meeting with him and the board and you got the impression he held on by the skin of his teeth.
  13. All seems a bit strange challenge over and instant dig shit performances every single week. Is this meant to be a shop window for some players who will be released.
  14. Piers Morgan wants to nuke Pakistan
  15. Ukip man emerging out the sea there
  16. I never knew he was that ill. I knew he wanted more time at home but it's a bit of a surprise. The man will and rightly so be remembered for taking Scottish football by the balls over the whole rangers circus. RIP
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