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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Mcgurn and Ellis have both been fantastic servants to the club and in line with our sporting integrity/doing the right thing attitude they should be looked after. I did wonder if this would happen mckinnon has inherited them and quite often in football that never ends well. That being said Mcgurn is the best keeper in the league so if it's over this "he's part time" pish Ray should stop being a fanny.
  2. The boy from the other night will likely get another game and we'll just have to make do with what we've got for the time being it's only the diddy cup
  3. The posters look nice in the concourse. Just a thought can they/ have they considered painting more red white and blue on the breeze blocks etc. Just looks a bit grey and dull. Great work though to recognise the history and players of the club
  4. The Clint Eastwood film with the orangutan. Not enough light hearted films with apes these days.
  5. Sorry Adam it was a girl. Isobel 7 pounds and half an ounce by c section 3 and a bit weeks early she's a wee bruiser as well. Thankfully her mum hasn't turned yellow and it's all going like it's supposed to.
  6. Junior no 2 is due to be extracted by the surgeons knife tomorrow morning. I'm a fucking wreck and despite this being our second child (first was a girl) we still can't pick a boys name.
  7. I expect the witch to break our scoring duck tonight 49 yard pile driver on the half volleyball well as a clean sheet
  8. pub car king

    Breaking Bad

    I've recently watched the whole thing season 4 where it's all going off with Gas is the best one. I felt it really lost the humour as it went on and just turned darker. I felt it was as much about Jessie developing emotionally as it was about Walts descent. Also anyone else think Walt junior looked more like Ted? In terms of great tv shows it had its moments but I think every Dexter was better and it didn't get close to the first prison break.
  9. Will be good to see the front pair of Vaughan and stewart playing with the new midfield if they pick up where they left off could be good
  10. Some c**t in the states set a fire work off his head at the weekend
  11. Had a few issues with the arrival of the first one. Baby was fine but mum (and dad) had a hellish time. The early c section should avoid any issues according to the specialists. Oh and the lack of sleep is an absolute fucker you've never experienced tired until you've had a new born.
  12. My 1/3 is due by appointment a week Friday. Is it wrong that part of me is dreading it.????
  13. There's a few friendlies so wonder if he'll play fullish games with one team or just a fuckload of subs
  14. End If the day he's going to miss a friendly against Brechin it's not like he's fucked off on the eve of a cup final. Essentially he is a flexible worker.
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