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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I mean we used to have John McGlynn fixing the showers and rewiring the place in between training sessions. Least Murray can do is drive to Dundee.
  2. I think hold onto everyone we already have is key in January. I'd also bring Mitchell back from loan he has pace to burn and is yet another option.
  3. I think Dundee will try it on with Byrne. They'll recall him for all of January to try and get a fee out of us. Whichis a gamble for them but equally he would be a big miss for us. That said we have Brown and Matthews to come into his place depending how well our defenders hold up with injuries.
  4. Rovers did stream a couple of home games last year as one offs. I think I read somewhere each club can do 2 a season but I might be wrong. We also did the Linlithgow Rose Scottish Cup game over there as they didn't have the equipment to do it themselves.
  5. Can Raith TV show this to viewers in the UK? Its not a Saturday 3pm but is there an agreement they won't/can't due to there being a TV game already
  6. That's almost a comfortable last 10 minutes for us. No last gasp drama or goals, very strange.
  7. There's going to be a fair bit of stoppage time here and it's not to our benefit
  8. Never been north of Aberdeen yet my (English) wife has been all over the fucking place geographically speaking
  9. So after we lost Bill I wasn't ready for a replacement, but as the weeks went on the kids were on at us to go to the rescue shelter. So we went "just to have a look" and sure enough we did more than just look. This is Greg who is roughly 2 years old, he had been adopted and brought back 4 times since July for a number of reasons including somebody who had him for less than 3 hours because their dog didn't like him. Anyway the first week we kept him inside and saw why people had taken him back. The little fucker was wild he'd run about like mad climb up everywhere knock stuff off the wall but more worryingly attack everyone including the kids even when they were nowhere near him. We persevered with him and the real turning point was when we let him out. He's so much calmer and settled and we see him burning off his energy in the garden and the street. That said he is a fucking menace, he's got into 3 neighbours houses and 4 cars so far in the last week. He will be one of those local paper stories about a cat that ends up 100 miles from home.
  10. Enjoy every minute of it, I get to the San Starko once maybe twice a season and love every second of it. The old place has changed a fair bit in 5 decades but I promise you will love it, (please don't be some kind of hex who was run out of town years previously by an angry mob with pitchforks) just hope you don't suffer from high blood pressure.
  11. It was a very good listen, he talks quite candidly about his injuries and recoveries. He also goes through every season he was at the club and the managers he played under. Most interesting part was the Dumbarton loan spell.
  12. I'm genuinely surprised at that as Gayfield looked narrower on the stream tonight than Starks ever has.
  13. Hopefully that's our poor performance out the way and we are much improved on Saturday.
  14. Get it round ye mince pie man. That was an absolutely shite second half that we had no right to win.
  15. I think Smith woth Hamilton would have been a far better prospect this just hasn't worked.
  16. We are missing Hamilton here, nobody is making the forward runs and Gullan has reverted to hugging the left touch line.
  17. Fucking hell we're onto mince pies now with the cutting edge commentary
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