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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Great, Ultimately he's got a short term chance to get a league winners medal. He's not getting a game at county and if he fucks about here he can't play for anyone else this season so hopefully lots of hard work and endeavour
  2. I think with the arrival of Turner and the loss of Stanton Brown will be used at CB or potentially RB. Brown is probably a more versatile player than McGill in that respect. He offers a more mobile option in defence in that he will carry the ball out from the back or push up to assist Byrne. That all comes at a cost though and that's the fact he isn't a natural defender. There were a number of games early season when he filled in where you could suggest he was (partially) at fault for goals conceded due to positioning eg: Dundee United at home. He does seem to have improved on this however.
  3. Do you know what that's not far from the truth, although Tom was a lot more of a handsome b*****d
  4. He was actually exposed by Thistle in the 4-3 game that was his worst performance. I don't think he's an organiser or "leader of men" as such more an old school aggressive centre half who attacks the ball regardless of where it is.
  5. I do t think Turner can be recalled now and neither can Byrne after next week so they shouldn't be cup tied.
  6. We need a defender, there's talk of a pacy winger and if we were being spoiled another striker. So Murray goes out and gets a midfielder who is none of those things. It is an interesting one on a number of levels. Is Stantons injury really bad? Does he not rate Matthews as has been mentioned by somebody's pals auntie on here? Is it a ploy to weaken the position of Dundee with Byrne? Are we going to play a new improved Murrayball 2.0? I'll trust whatever vision Ian Murray has with this signing, Turner is a good proven player at this level. Onto Ross County, its probably hard enough for them to attract players to uproot and move that far up the country despite uncle Roy and his deep pockets. The fact they've got an utter bellend of a manager slagging players he's only seen train is just bizarre.
  7. Probably a return of the 3 at the back, Dick, Brown and another depending on whos fit. The issue will be who plays as wing backs and how we close the gaps. Just hope Matthews is fit enough to be starting.
  8. I think a line needs to be drawn under this by the end of the week. If he stays great because I think we need someone. If he's still weighing up his options then thank you very much and we'll move onto someone else.
  9. I think we've officially hit our dodgy patch of the season we all expected. We've thrown away a couple of games now Ayr and Arbroath and were deservedly beaten on Saturday. We now have key players with injuries Kev, Stanton no news on Murray yet. The only saving grace on Saturday was Dindee United getting beat but they've already got the cheque book out this week. This is the test of management and squad to see how we get through it.
  10. The main issue with Gullan is regardless of where you play him he will drift onto that left wing. The covid season he was linking up nicely with Vaughan, most notably against the pars in the 5-1 extravaganza
  11. I don't know if Easton would have the insight to play the role in the way that we play. I mean in terms of Stanton understands he needs to get forward through the middle and is a very intelligent player similar to Byrne in a lot ways about when to make a pass and where to move off the ball. I think (but I'm more than happy to be proved wrong) Easton would try to take on too many players, drift wide or go for goal when all that's needed is a quick pass.
  12. I wonder if there a bit of the McGlynn creeping in here. We have a god sized squad but Murray has been playing his first choice players regardless of fitness and its blowing up. Dabrowski against the pars was a horrendous decision. The guy couldn't kick a ball or dive to his right. Had that been any other team in the league we would have got horsed.
  13. Very much so. Byrne will take the ball in the middle and play it wherever it needs to go but he's nit going to run with it or create much. Brown will put in the miles again winning it and making good passes. I'd say he's more mobile than Byrne but won't carry the ball 30, 40 yards like Stanton does. From memory the goals Brown has scored for us have been strikes from distance. It's likely Brown will end up back in defence which gives us Byrne plus A n other in the middle. Options are Matthews is he ready? Or McGill who's favoured position nobody really knows. Putting Vaughan into a deeper midfield position which has been tried and is utterly pointless it's not his game. He's top scorer in the league because he's a striker he plays on the edge of the box onwards.
  14. Wouldn't be surprised to see an exodus from Ross County which would benefit a few teams in the championship. Adams doesn't rate the squad, equally the squad all think he's a dick. In other moves I think Stevenson would do a job for us in this league allowing Dick to move into the middle as I think one of Watson and Murray will be injured at any given time. Also that O'Reilly will move on this window. Pacy direct winger who knows.
  15. Interesting that Mickey did the after match interview in which he was very candid and saw the same game we all did. Wonder if Murray had gone full on Fergie hairdryer in the dressing room. Either way bet young Kieran Ross had an interesting journey back on the bus.
  16. I think today's defeat has been coming in fairness. Since the Dundee United game we sem to have lost something. Today we were just second best in the first half, Airdrie were very well drilled, disciplined and played good football on the deck. Second half we were a lot better but just didn't make their keeper work. Few points about today and in general. Ross Millen has probanly had this coming, he toes the line between bamming up the opposition amd crossing the line. Today the ref was a fussy c**t booking all manner of trivial shite so to get involved in anything at the end is sheer stupidity. Our defence will change yet again for next week due to injury, suspension and possibly O'Reilly moving on. Murray might have to bite the bullet and use Corr and/or Masson regardless of them potentially tially making mistakes. Watson has been injured for ages, Murray gets recurring injuries, Millen out for f**k knows how long. Easton has not been the same since Tannadice for whatever reason be it fitness or form. Just in general our passing has dropped off a cliff in recent games. We really miss Sam Stanton, Matthews is probably the closest replacement but he's been out for nearly a year so will take time. This week is time for a reset, the management team to sit down with the tactics board and have a good think about options and contingencies. Oh to be a fly on the wall of the away dressing room this afternoon.
  17. I think this is a game primed for Connolly and Hamilton a bit later to offer something against their centre half's. Think Gullan is due a goal too.
  18. We've been second best throughout.Airdrie are organised and pressing well, our passing just isn't sharp enough and nothing is coming off for Easton so far.
  19. I did raise an eyebrow when Murray said Kev would fit for this looking at how he was on Tuesday.
  20. The reaper is off to a frenetic start after keeping his powder dry over the holidays.
  21. If we are going to push the boat out to retain/sign a player it has to be Byrne for me. Would be very happy with O'Reilly but we do have other options in defence. Albeit Watson is injured and Corr/Masson haven't really played. We can still move Dick or Brown into CB.
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