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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. It's game day tomorrow! We kick off our busy September with Queen's Park tomorrow at Stark's Park. After our first three fixtures, we sit unbeaten in third place and go into tomorrow's match with the opportunity to leapfrog into first with a win. In every match so far, your backing has been amazing. Last weekend's atmosphere and support was outstanding, and played an integral part in pushing the team over the line. With three home games to kick off the month, let's get as many of you at Stark's Park as possible there with us. BUY QUEEN'S PARK TICKETS A thank you from General Manager, Dean Mckenzie: It’s a pleasure to be back at Stark’s Park tomorrow and for the first three matches of the month. Your presence at the stadium and your unwavering support for Raith Rovers is the glue for the culture we have set within the club since the board come in three months ago. As we gather in the stands as once again tomorrow, let’s give Ian and the lads that same partisan backing we have done at every match this season, home and away. The numbers and your noise have been remarkable. What about our team's performance?! It's been inspiring to witness the dedication and effort from Ian, our management staff and of course the players who have been relentless in every training session and match. Their togetherness and determination, coupled with the new stats and analytics-based benchmarking that has been set from this season, have resulted in some very positive outcomes and wins. We are up across the board in output and some underperforming areas on the pitch that needed rectified last season, have been sorted and performing well thus far. These wins on the pitch and wins on the data are not just numbers on a scoreboard at the end of the match, it’s a strategy by design within recruitment, day to day and on a matchday to give us the best chance of success over a sustained period. The early results are a testament to John, Ian, Micky, Bill and Blair for their hard and skilful work on a daily basis and to the players who believe and are always striving to be better and hit their targets each day Beyond the boundaries of the pitch, our off-field endeavours have been making waves as well. Our collaborations with local businesses and sponsors have been flourishing, opening new avenues for growth and development. These partnerships are more than just business transactions; they exemplify the spirit of unity that defines our community. We're not just a football club; we're a cohesive force that extends far beyond the pitch. A heartfelt thank you goes out to you, the fans who have embraced this journey with us. The surge in season ticket sales speaks volumes about your loyalty and commitment to Raith Rovers. It's not just about attending matches; it's about being a part of something bigger, something that binds us together. Your presence in the stands is a reminder of the power of unity, and we're incredibly grateful for your ongoing support. The demand for our strips has been nothing short of phenomenal. From merchandise that proudly displays our colours to jerseys that represent our club, your enthusiasm for Raith Rovers is on full display. Each shirt embodies a shared sense of identity and pride that we all carry with us. On the retail side, Andrew has been working to get things ready for the launch of our new teamwear and merchandise range. We will have some new improvements to our retail offerings at Stark’s Park with a new outlet and also online as Ruaridh and his team near completion of the new stunning website and online shop. Watch this space. Before I wrap up, I want to express my deep gratitude to each and every one of you on behalf of the Board and Club. Your passion and dedication are the driving forces behind our journey and every matchday is a celebration of this. It hasn’t been an easy four months as you can imagine to turn the ship, made all the more difficult with Board and staff members on holidays, trips and time away on business. In the last three weeks I've personally had to attend to business matters of my own. With everyone mucking in with Andrew leading to keep us moving forward, it has shown true teamwork across the Board. A great sign of something special. See you all tomorrow!
  2. Hopefully Mitchell bangs in a shit tonne of goals along the road and it makes sense to get him game time. That said I think he offers something that none of the others (apart from Smith) has and that's speed which is a great thing to have especially from the bench. I also doubt Gullan will last mote than 10 games before he's out again.
  3. It's an interesting one for the future Wonder why we went fir him yet released the other young left back whose name escapes me.
  4. What's happened to Dylan Corr? He went off with a sore toe and hasn't been heard off since. Also who will be back next Connolly or Matthews.
  5. As tempting as it would be to go to Hibs Murray could get us promoted this year or next. Which would do his long term credentials far more good.
  6. Pray for me brothers for I find myself at a wedding in an unholy land. Not a sniff of the good stuff instead I'm presented with coors or carling.
  7. All very good but was there a meal deal option? If so did it include a fudge doughnut!
  8. Most tyres go that way if they are on the car long enough. Typically find it on your grannies 15 year old Nissan Micra that does 500 miles a year.
  9. I hope he has a great season in Spain and develops even further as a player. If he doesn't rock up to Hampden with flowing locks, a hairband and an even silkier passing game I'll be raging. Wtf is going on with Arsenal has KT been cutting about declaring his undying love for Tottenham and big Ange or what?
  10. If you want an example of someone who isn't very clever but is unlikely to have a recognised diagnosis then watch anything with John "Yogi" Hughes speaking.
  11. We seem to have the need to label people/things these days. Everything has to be labelled as a certain condition or diagnosis, when the plain truth is some people are fucking stupid. They will make decisions in line with this, its not anybodies fault that they come from a long line of paste eaters and they don't need to be given a nice cuddly label for this just call it as it is. We are at a point where reasoned intelligence is being shouted down for fear of upsetting the swathes of f**k wits that walk amongst us.
  12. If the social media don't lead with "Dick out" then what's the point
  13. Imagine getting a snotagram from Rose fucking West, it would be far too tempting to be less than respectful in your response to her confectionary shortage.
  14. Dabrowski's weakest area is coming off his line for the ball. Some keepers are just like this and an experienced defence will compensate for this to an extent. However in our case although we've recruited better CB options it is still our weakest part and the 2 goals on Sunday are down to defenders. The first one is a poorly defended corner where nobody even jumps with the 2 attackers going for the ball. The second one involves Liam Dick going for a wander in Leith before the ball goes under Watsons leg's leaving the keeper unsighted. Too often Dabrowski is being left exposed when he doesn't have the confidence or experience to come out in the way someone like MacDonald would. This needs to be a coaching priority for Thompson who himself is weak in this attribute. As well as looking at fine tuning the defence which might just need game time.
  15. Hold on here Spain the heads gone will be glorious.
  16. This is going to be horrendous, can only hope that the shock of playing an actual team in Spain will be a shock to the system.
  17. The banter result here is for England to batter us, mean while the Norway game goes our way and we qualify. Free from desire and carnage erupts in the stands while the game is still going. Players chuck the match and a massive pitch invasion. Que much hilarity and heads gone from the English press as the games abandoned.
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