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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. If you don't like that I'd stay away from our home kit. This is a plain top with reversed shorts not much to get upset by.
  2. CPS may well have gone with it due to the massive public interest as opposed to overwhelming evidence or realistic prospect of conviction. I would suggest he has "issues with boundaries" but that the evidence of any criminality just isn't there otherwise he'd be convicted in the currant climate.
  3. Just like to say killie TV coverage was decent tonight fair commentary and generally very good set up.
  4. 100% decent coverage, also liked how they chucked in an interview with their captain at ht very professional. I think we just need to pump Annan and see what happens. Very good 2nd half and an entertaining evening Killie dominated possession especially 1st half but we were so much more efficient up front and looked good despite being short of key players. I think Watson has had to work hard in this group so far, he's doing his job, talking Corr through games and helping McGill (who isn't a right back) that he's getting pulled about the park a bit. Big Kev looks fine, good shot stopper has some foot on him, he was sending it 70 odd yards with ease. I think he needs a settled defence in front of him and he'll be more confident to come off his line. Vaughan is doing a power of work and just needs a goal.
  5. Not sure if we were looking to make the change or if its an injury?
  6. Fucking great touch and finish, who knew Liam Dick was the striker we'd been waiting for.
  7. Killie have majority of possession but Rovers look dangerous on the break passing the ball forward quickly. It's just the usual story of nobody looking likely to score for us.
  8. Programme resurrected for those that like that sort of thing.
  9. That is the right side of mental kit design.
  10. Barbie, 6/10 This is a strange one really, you have one of the best selling toys of all time, loved by children of multiple generations. They then make a film that isn't for children. There are some spectacular set pieces the sets look huge, some laughs (for the adults) and the cast are very good, Ryan Gosling steals the show rather ironically. The second half it attacks the "patriarchy" which is going to go over the head of your average child. It also done in a very ham-fisted way with an ending that doesn't really resolve anything. But I'm not really the target audience in fairness. My 8 year old said she was bored for bits of it, and my 12 year old said she got the adult jokes but that it went on a bit.
  11. Kiie fans what's your stream like, is it pixelot or proper cameras with commentary etc.
  12. For admirers of Liz, I offer you 2000s pop star Nelly Furtardo who has been to see the same witch doctor.
  13. If the tops are the same as last years they are what I would call "fitted" I am typically medium (nike) with a large in certain things (abercrombie) but had to get an XL, I don't know about this year's shirts. Tx if they are shipping to you wait until the training wear comes out as well which was the same for sizing. I have last years navy top with bright blue sleeves and have used it all the time for running and gym work which has held up really well.
  14. A spare full back for either side would be handy, I think Murray will wait and see with the loan market and a big factor there will be the injury situation with Matthews and to an extent Brown. Either of those being less than 100% and he'll go for another DM. That being said can McGill or Arnott offer something better than Stanton who has had to fill in.
  15. I'd love to see him play abroad, Italy or Spain he would develop in so many ways. He'll end up at Newcastle, its close to home, they will pay the going rate and ultimately he is a player who has consistent injuries.
  16. That's pretty cool, what other former players can we sketch into current kits
  17. Just seen the Murray interview, can't believe he's only been gone 4 years seems like ages.
  18. Amazed there are any of those glasses still in the wild.
  19. He allegedly failed a fitness test for the QOS game. I'd almost guarantee the club thought better of playing him due to the sizeable outrage.
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