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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I'd better start chatting up the in laws who live out there
  2. Is there no highlights for this later tonight?
  3. Yeah I'm typically a medium in stuff like nike and adidas but I bought a home top and a training top last year both XL, I couldn't believe it.
  4. This is ridiculous from Falkirk, they are in a shit ton of debt and they're letting McGlynn offer more of his (probably) incremental 2 year deals even though his own jacket can't be far from the shooglie peg. As for the players good servants and fair enough if it's in their best interests but for both it just reeks of either a lack of ambition and/or going after the money.
  5. He is a handsome b*****d but I'm getting big John vibes from the photo.
  6. Sponsoring the players shirts £275 what has it been in recent years and is that both home and away?
  7. Brushed metal plug sockets, every fucker has them these days, probably usb compatible as well for phones and such like
  8. I think that was exactly the issue. Because Sim was so far away he couldn't be around to keep an eye on things so trusted the day to day running of the club to people who were ultimately incompetent. We now have a whole team in to run the club. We're only a month I'm and the difference is like night and day.
  9. It's a bit of a win win if they can make it work. The young team can go as daft as they want (within reason). The South stand then becomes just general attendance, people with kids, or those that can do without a banging drum and a pyro.
  10. https://twitter.com/RaithRovers/status/1666902974398881801?t=i_LAYyiurn54GOjOJuAO7w&s=19 What a fucking dreamboat, just what we need since that handsome b*****d Lang ditched us.
  11. In fairness I think we have a good balance of young players already. We have been crying out for an experienced CB since Berra walked and with a young keeper at least one older head in front of him makes a lot of sense.
  12. I think we will get 1 solid CH before the games start but might end up with another on loan as despite the talk of spanking cash we will still have a tight wage budget. Looking very good so far though
  13. It's an alright draw, Annan or Albion rovers are decent away trips to grounds we never go to, Killie will be an interesting one and could give an early Indication as to where we are at as a team. The pars would have been great had they not got promoted but it'll be 5 games in a season.
  14. We seem to be signing experienced and selected young players on 2 to 3 year deals Which points very much to future planning and we may be player heavy in a couple of positions but as we all know things change throughout the season. I think he start to the season will be very interesting because it looks like every position is up for grabs (I know we don't have enough defenders yet) and these guys are going to have to be competitive and fit which is no bad thing.
  15. In terms of rumours about Smith signing and someone going. My money would also be on Ross, last season Murray was very encouraging about Gullan and talked him up a lot despite his clear fitness/injury issue.
  16. Let's turn it round then if hypothetically the 11th placed team had to play 6 games just to have a chance of staying up how would they fair? Partick fucked it today no argument they just couldn't hold their nerve but 6 games will take its toll when there's so much at stake. No argument reconstruction needs addressing again especially with this conference league the beaks want.
  17. As funny as that bed shiting was by Partick, it just highlights the absolute mountain teams have to climb if they finish 4th to get promoted. 6 games vs 2 at the end of a long season it's no wonder a 4th placed team have never managed to get up. For us it works out better in terms of 2 less away day's up north and Partick won't get money chucked at them by an uncle Roy. I actually think this coming season will be tighter than the one just gone. Dundee Utd will fancy it but Goodwin is surely in the last chance saloon, Queens Park will throw money at it again, the pars and Airdrie will likely have a promotion bounce. Arbroath look to be sorting themselves out, will imrie build on what he has at Morton? Then there's us and our mini revolution. Can't fucking wait.
  18. Buy from France and take a chance is all I'm saying. Get yourself on ebay and buy a spare for it, I got a second hand space saver with toolkit for £70 delivered.
  19. I don't t mean to quell the discussion on the politics of 1930's Europe. But we have a billboard? I don't know how I feel about this self promotion and attempts to drum up business. Anyway please continue to tie the Colombian marching powder trade to the third reich via an old guy with one eye in Kirkcaldy.
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