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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Love that mock up looks really crisp and clean. However I don't like white sleeves, perhaps some sort of ptsd from the Claude anelka season.
  2. Not a fan of yellow kits they're always a bit meh. Either go mental with lime green, neon pink or a crisp clean all white effort. A contradiction right there granted. That old badge they've found behind a wall/floor is definetly interesting hopefully it can be saved. Makes you wonder what other pieces of history the old girl is hiding?
  3. I had an 05 ibiza once upon a time and the door latch mechanism failed on it meaning it wouldn't close sometimes so could be something to do with that. From memory took the door card off and swapped it out for another one.
  4. Interesting signing there hopefully he's got bags of ability but will probably be a bit raw. That said if he's had the same footballing apprenticeship as the last celtic player we signed then happy days. We will need to strike fast for a new keeper as there's not loads that spring to mind that would be available.
  5. Might explain why Davidson has given the Dundee job a swerve and why Bowyer went as well
  6. Interesting that Dick and Thomson have only been offered/signed 1 year deals
  7. 1.3 million views, imagine what they could have done if Isma and Lang had stayed.
  8. They make a go of this and I'm sure Sim will relinquish his grip soon enough
  9. I've listened to all the interviews with the new board. It seems they are full steam ahead with reconfiguring the main stand. Everyone and their dog has moaned about for years how it's old antiquated and not really conducive to the modern match day experience and offers limited use the rest of the time. Was this just years of newing shkrt sighted by various people or was it just a flat no on doing anything with it and spanking money on other things instead ie: the titanic lounge? I think there will be logistical issues with putting the youngteam in the railway stand in terms of getting them in and out of the North end unless its viable to let them in the south end? That said it shows a bit of ambition and listening to fans already. Our recruitment/retention will be very interesting in the coming weeks, I'm hopeful there will be no last minute rush to sign any defender we can in August again.
  10. I think we played last year with 2 sitting DMs because the defence was weak and we were always exposed when there was only one player in there. Hopefully with the rebuild at the back this will be less of a concern and we can go with a different formation and strategy
  11. In terms of the renovations at Starks Park has there been any mention of the rather costly maintenace needed/overdue on the north and south stands?
  12. Almost certain to be the case seeing as McGlynn/Mrs Smith were the author of their contracts at the rovers. That's certainly gone tits up now along with our "healthy" budget I'm sure there will be a few negotiations potentially back on.
  13. It's reminiscent of his interview after the Goodwillie signing had inevitably blown up in everyone's face. I don't think he'll manage again after this and will go back to a scouting or coaching role away from the limelight.
  14. I actually think of all the players we might keep or might lose Connolly is the one I'm most confident of signing on again. f**k knows why just a feeling.
  15. Got to be circling the drain as far as full time football goes with yet another season by the seaside?
  16. Oh, he's regressed back to that version of McGlynn.
  17. Losing 3 players to the pars would fair sting a bit. Wonder if their captain has been exerting a bit of influence especially with the end of the McGlynn school of accountancy football contracts coming to an end.
  18. It's a fair point, as this new lot are not going to build in ridiculous increases year on year for the new deals.
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