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Everything posted by BigDoddyKane

  1. who said that? Seems a bizarre statement to make when it looks clear thats exactly what we will have to do at some level
  2. Im just about to start hoovering
  3. Bob Dylan - Its all over now baby blue
  4. This Euro tournament and seeing crowds in grounds again should have some impact you think? In more people seeing that events can be held and whatever is happening after them in terms of infections is manageable and vaccines are working
  5. Not taking the knee for 2 games for a global audience isnt a great look especially if the other 2 teams are, would have been a lot simpler just to take the knee for this tournament every game from the start. No amount of explaining is getting that point across.
  6. great build up by Scotland when we should be focused on the football we have managed to get involved in a racism storm for no reason, lets hope thats the end of it but as we are still standing for some games lets see how the internet reacts as that seems to be who will be deciding if acceptable or not
  7. well yes imo, you put out a statement one day and then another statement saying different the next day, you clearly haven't thought it through properly in the first place
  8. getting a bit farcical now, kneeling for one game standing for others , good grief
  9. I think its just a box to be ticked now its been an empty gesture for a while but booing it isnt right either Scotland should of just done it for this tournament and then after that dropped it, if it has any value left at all then this tournament is probably the last time it will
  10. Just my opinion but its felt like an empty gesture for months now , at the start it had some impact though
  11. is it known if any other teams at Euro2020 wont be kneeling
  12. Im glad its finally sorted. Lets see how it goes. Interview is good.
  13. Its a great look with Cop 26 this year, flying to cornwall.
  14. He looks like a refugee who struggled through war and famine to get to europe and ended up in Scotland smuggled on that boat now wondering was it all worth it
  15. That growth commission is out of date now I think, I dont think it will be put forward to be used for any post Yes indy2 vote
  16. Theres a political agenda to some of it too where some people in media are clearly hoping June 21st is knocked back to show up the tories when this shouldnt be political this should be just done on whats best in the big picture and clearly opening up asap and doing whats needed to do that is whats best now
  17. Full crowds at all the Hungary home games in euros
  18. any slogans or messages on scarves is a classic sign of a complete roaster, let alone something as daft as that
  19. I think you got to draw a line somewhere for this sort of stuff, theres a certain age and below where it seems unfair to anyone to be held to what was said or posted at that age. Thats not to say they cant/shouldnt be corrected at the time about it, that its wrong to say it. Many a daft thing said by kids without realising the impact though or understanding fully. Once someone is an adult though then fine ofcourse they should be held responsible for what they say. Its England at the moment the focus is on but this will be happening at every team in every sport its just if and when someone starts looking.
  20. Is this the cricketer who was 15 when he did the tweets?
  21. I remember now reading of some unlucky soul went from the vegas shooting to the California bar shooting that happened not that long after
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