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Everything posted by BigDoddyKane

  1. From the discussion so far it would seem the block is within Israel and why it wont compromise, whats at the root of that in your opinion , is it fear?, is it distrust of its neighbours, is it distrust of europe due to historical reasons and other areas where international support comes from , a combination of all or something else entirely? How can we reach out to allay their fears if thats the case and is enough being done already to do that by everyone involved?
  2. you lost me but Im sure theres a point in there
  3. Thanks I will check that clip when I get a chance, probably have some questions after it
  4. So how is that concern for security the average Israeli has addressed? Is it addressed and who can address it? On 2nd part and the neighbours Is it a real fear or an imagined one, could it happen? Given the historical input to current situation I can believe they fear it repeating itself on some scale
  5. on point 2a) I wasnt looking for that so was maybe my poor choice of words but I am looking for understanding, I think maybe by understanding what are the deep down concerns for your average Israelis who arent any different from anyone else, then its up to political parties and the outside influences to show there are maybe options out of this that the international community would support. Its not hopeless what do you think are the deep down concerns that hold back Israel from accepting a compromise 2 state solution or 1 state solution for example?
  6. yeah for football too it feels same, hard to see how so many who were struggling can survive in long term when the debts are amounting faster than ever with no sign of crowds coming back in any numbers or consistently yet
  7. deosnt bare thinking about, its been bad enough as it is over last few years with the big chains making cities throughout europe and uk more and more similar
  8. bad choice of words at uni on point 1 why is the American Media/Lobby so pro Israel? on point 2, why do you think Israel acts in the way it does?
  9. Thats globalisation, if somewhere is deemed to have become to expensive, pour in cheap exploitable labour from somewhere else or move the industry to somewhere else. Nothing is sustainable and nothing puts roots down for future generations
  10. BigDoddyKane

    The Wire

    stick with it season 3 was my least favourite season, season 4 is better
  11. If restrictions last any longer I cant see how any of the hospitality businesses can really survive, it would just seem too long and the build up of too much debt for all but a handful
  12. So its never impossible and those are good points 1. How do you address Americas full backing and make it better 2. How do you change a) the current Israeli administration to another one accepting of a 1 or 2 state solution or b) change current administration opposition to Palestine being recognised as a state
  13. Thats why im asking, there are solutions and some are actually "possible" that would move this forward So if thats the solution and its "possible" how do you remove that Veto?
  14. ok and what is the solution in your opinion in terms of land ownership and how do they get there?
  15. Theres a lot of posters on this thread with very good knowledge of the situation, have varying ideas so Id be interested to read with the aim to having a complete solution that is possible, workable, fair and creates peace and the ability to move forward into the future and leave the current situation behind. What is your solution to it all and what would need done to make solution work? I may ask some questions on it if anyone posts
  16. Just read the news, who the fecks petrol bombed PL ? Is there any suspicion what its about?
  17. whats the latest on Scotland accepting vistors from abroad?
  18. to be honest i have no idea either, from what i have read/heard the reason hes not announced is as someone has posted. Hes in line for a large bonus that he would miss out on if he leaves before they have completed season
  19. I get what your saying on most things but on that particular point and on account of what horrible things were actually being shouted out on a megaphone by groups of men I think she is entitled to say that, as would any woman in any neighbourhood who had to put up with that and no women or kids should and I dont see how she or that neighbourhood is to blame for whats happening in Gaza. Its 2 separate things and should be treated as such even if there is a connection in the minds of the complete lunatics in the cars.
  20. Usually its the defence we dont have ready in time for european qualifers, could we be going for the double of defence and manager this season. saying that I think its Howe and as soon as Bournemouth have played last game its announced.
  21. I dont think it is highly cringe to be honest some people are right wing some are in the middle and some are left wing and probably most are a mix of views
  22. Thats that then a social media post by some unknown saying they have 2 friends who can confirm this guy on radio isnt who he says he was seems an open and shut case then
  23. did New Zealand not do blanket bans on freedom of movement which is why they have basically been open as normal for last 12-18 months
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