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Posts posted by PedroMoutinho

  1. 4 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    Yep, I can see Miller & Hall keeping Hetherington and McKay out of the team.

    Clearly Hetherington and McKay will start the season but all it takes is 1 injury or suspension to Williamson, Dixon, McKay, McCann or Hetherington and one of Miller or Hall will be playing.

  2. I would love to see the evidence (or lack of) for some of the nonsense in Level 0.

    Why are pubs uniquely dangerous places between midnight and 1am but private homes are not? Why is it safe for ‘10 people from 4 households’ to meet in a cafe but only for ‘8 people from 4 households’ to do so in a house?

    Why is social distancing required ‘between different households’ in hospitality but ‘not required’ in homes? Why is the cap on outdoor gatherings still 15? Why is the cap on sports events 2000 regardless of stadia size?

    Surely no one is now following this pish? 

  3. I can’t see nightclubs opening as normal on August 9th when it is apparently too dangerous for pubs to open until 1am 3 weeks before.

    I suspect we will get something designed to appease the bedwetter brigade like ‘nightclubs can open until 1am with no dancing and masks to be worn unless at your table’.

  4. Just now, anotherchance said:

    She should be pushed on an endpoint for the masks.

    Outside of some weirdo zero COVID dream, those who can't take a vaccine and are vulnerable are going to be "at risk" regardless.

    But don’t forget ‘you can get seriously ill with the virus at any age’ and ‘long covid is a threat to us all’.

    Better to be cautious as we just don’t know 😏

  5. 2 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

    I honestly don't get all the Dowds hate. I think he's actually OK. Would be good to see him play in a competent set up. Same could be said for a few others. 

    He did nothing at all last season to show he’s cut out for full time football for me.

  6. 1 hour ago, The Master said:

    What’s our thoughts about today’s announcement? 

    There’s been very little speculation in the media, which I’m taking as a good sign. Previous announcements about delays or increased restrictions have been preceded by a steady drip of “things are bad”, especially on Reporting Scotland, but I’ve not seen anything like that this time round. 

    Will be some sort of level 0.5 I think.

  7. 1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

    So Covid pass for entry to events and nightclubs. Sounds like a restriction to me 

    Apparently it’s going to be up to individual businesses to implement if they wish. I can’t see many enforcing it except for a few looking to attract lovejoys.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Mon_Eh_Bairns2018 said:

    Was watching a few Falkirk Games on tv recently and stumbled across our 6-0 win against dumbarton 2 seasons ago when mckinnon was in charge (i was also at the game).

    We played a 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3 and it proved to be majorly successful, playing nice one twos out on the wings and had sammon "attempting" runs through the middle with mcmanus. Even tidser was playing really well setting up our 2nd and 4th goal. From what i can remember we looked defensively sound and dangerous on the counter and it amazes me as to why we didn't continue to play this way throughout the season - Wouldn't have been so negative and got so many draws i think.

    Now,  i know that was only one game and therefore many will say it was a "one off performance" or something along those lines anyway, but it has been the best game i have seen falkirk play for a good 5 years, maybe apart from the 6-1 win against Dundee utd.

    So after hearing that sheerin will use and adapt the team to the  2 aforementioned formations does sound quite promising, however it just comes down to the players we have. We are probably more defensively sound than 2 seasons ago, central midfield i can't comment on till we see how our new signing do and winger wise not too sure, but we are undoubtedly much poorer in the striker dept - missing a Mcmanus-esque player.

    Basically i think we might be sound tactically but unless we buck up our ideas and can identify a couple of gems then i think this season might go down to the last few games and play-offs might be our best hope.

    1 striker formations only work of too have both a striker capable of playing upfront alone and a midfield that can get up and support quickly. The ‘4-3-3’ towards the end of last season was anything but.

    Personally I’m not convinced that we have either the strikers or midfielders to play it. The idea of a Dowds, Keena or Wilson upfront alone doesn’t sound promising.

  9. I see Scot Gov seem to be doubling down on social distancing ‘continuing to be an important tool in keeping transmission down’ and ‘part of the collective civic duty we owe each other’.

    Are we going to see an artificial reopening in August where places like football stadiums are technically allowed unlimited numbers but are in fact heavily restricted by social distancing requirements?


  10. We now have a ‘senior government scientist’ predicting up to a million deaths if the 19th goes ahead.

    “The problem with a pandemic is that it’s not like a tap and you can’t just turn it off,” said Professor Lucy Easthope of Durham University, who advises the Cabinet Office and specialises in disaster response. “When planning for a pandemic it is generally accepted that the effects will last for between ten and 15 years. I don’t think we have been very honest with the public about this. When you are swimming for the shore, it is important to tell people how long the swim is.”

    Easthope predicts the ultimate UK death toll could reach a million.

  11. 3 hours ago, ICTChris said:


    I think the idea that people are changing their behaviour because cases are high is nonsense.

    Certainly doesn’t seem that way from what I’ve seen in hospitality venues over the last few weeks, which by and large have been packed.

  12. 12 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Williamson Mckay Dixon Mccann
    Telfer Hetherington
    Morrison Wilson Mcguffie

    Will be our team for Tuesday I'd imagine assuming no more signings come in. 

    Assuming Holt and Sneddon will be out on loan, it looks like another 4 or 5 players still to come in if we’re going with a squad of about 22.

    I’d guess that would be Michael Ruth as rumoured, someone (or 2) to play the ‘8’ role in midfield, another defender and possibly another winger.

    Unless these additions are significantly better quality, I think we’ll be fighting for playoffs at best.

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