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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Ibrox and Parkhead aside, away end was as empty as I think I’ve ever been in that night. Can’t remember the exact number but it must’ve been less than 100.
  2. Can’t believe it wasn’t offered to season ticket holders first.
  3. Max not alone in having a poor second half in comparison with the first. Never hid despite a few misplaced passes
  4. Dunfermline have been mince. Falkirk only slightly better
  5. I’d be amazed if anybody at the club has enough about them to even think like that. Other side of that is do you really dock wages from somebody calling you out for being a pretty poor employer? People talk and something like this could hamper us in future, so taking it even further could make that worse. Wouldn’t be surprised if the club say nothing and do nothing, as has become the way.
  6. I don’t think anybody comes out of that looking particularly great - manager, club, player.
  7. Feel like Hallberg alone has had at least a couple for dissent
  8. This is it. We’re in a constant cycle of being shite, changing something, getting better, then reverting back to what we were doing before.
  9. Davidson must’ve said he liked one of Bright’s cartoons or something
  10. A partnership of McLennan and May up front was a fucking weird one. Agree with Random that McLennan is a winger, but he’s probably passable up front - if he’s playing next to Nicky Clark, or somebody like him. Could’ve almost forgiven Davidson that one if it was to allow us to be more flexible within the game but we were so rigid and stuck with the same shape.
  11. Was the home end sold out yesterday? If so that ticket exchange is going well
  12. It’s a shame because I actually think there is a decent player in there. Being constantly shunted about the pitch/playing one game every couple of weeks means he’s thrown under the bus somewhat.
  13. On a positive note, I thought Cammy MacPherson was decent again today.
  14. Lot of negativity in the stands with people suggesting that was fucking dreadful but I’m not sure I agree. Played some nice football and created a few really good openings but the absence of Nicky Clark is pretty noticeable. Not a lot in it at all and neither team look particularly great defensively.
  15. He seems to have a new fetish (used three times) of playing a back four against teams who’ll likely play with three up front. So hopefully lessons have been learned
  16. Liam Craig and Murray Davidson have a reasonable claim too. Despite only being here a short time I’d still throw Rooney in as a legend, though I accept I could be alone in thinking that. Absolutely mental the number of players we’ve had recently who fall into the legend/icon/hero category.
  17. Surprised there hasn’t been a thread discussing QP in the top flight set up already
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