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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. I have Airdrie pencilled in as this season's surprise package to do an Ayr or Arbroath (21-22 season),not sure why,just a hunch. Anyhoos,looking forward to a wee trip to deepest,darkest Monklands. Seems we've just recruited another striker(4 now)...which is great,however,would feel a tad calmer with another CB or two before window shuts .
  2. Saw some footage from Raith TV on YouTube taken in Colin Weir Stand and looked like shot was not goal bound until Milne's wicked deflection ...hey ho thems the breaks .
  3. I have faith in Dools to sort our all too obvious defensive frailties out,however,training this week should focus on seeing a game out and grinding out maximum points when ahead.
  4. Coasting and in control for most of game .Seemed to lose our shape at back after MacMillan went off and were badly exposed on the right.Just can't see a game out with needless lost possession in out own half leading to both goals.Fisrt goal summed it up ,Raith player lost his balance in box but was still afforded time and space for two more touches before slotting it home .Ach well,entertaining game and early days yet .
  5. Usual 5 minute snarl up in lead up to Kingston bridge/long term lane closures on Motorway going West ,however,after Cathedral turnoff it's a doddle .
  6. Think it's open,whether or not anyone is around on matchday to open door can't say for certain...give office a bell.
  7. Just got to ground nae bother coming from the East on motorway.Off at Dobbies loan ,up Garscube Road and on to Firhill Road by Car ...easy.
  8. It’s difficult for any player to make an impact when they are sat on the bench 80-90% of the time and Dowds is no different .His match sharpness is obvious and can only be remedied by starting him from the get go ,however,due to Dools preferred formation and the talismatic Graham now Captain and lead strike threat it’s a difficult conundrum to solve .
  9. I have always found Gerry personable and approachable in any dealings I have had with him and wish him all the best in any future endeavours.He was a great player for the club and helped steer the Club through a very difficult time and that is how I am going to remember him .I hope to see him in and around Firhill in the future and hope he is shown some respect and a warm welcome .
  10. DUFC have enough talent to make a go of this league once they get the balance and cohesion fixed ,whether or not Goodwin will achieve this only time can tell .The Mandarins (or is it Easy peel Tangerines ? )at Tannadice will have their eyes on the League form and not league Cup so still time to get it right .
  11. A lot of negativity re Holt.Thought he was solid for us,did what was needed in defence and got the odd goal from set pieces in and around opposition’s penalty box .Can play left back well ,however,seems more comfortable and effective at CB.
  12. Good shift all round and as Dools alluded to in his post Match analysis there plenty of learning still going on with Williams and BBG being the classic examples of settling in well after their respective howlers
  13. May would be a killer at Championship level just for his Barnet alone.
  14. Rudden is a “dubious luxury” we can’t afford right now.Spent too much timed rag-dolling himself ,beating the ground and generally being a petulant wee boy…aye he did score the odd cracker but best filed under Thanks but no thanks .
  15. Nice effort….unfortunately for the kit it’s Falkirk.
  16. Some howlers for sure in the Championship ,however, nothing in comparison to what Celtic have just spewed on the green half of Glasgow’s Uglies….deary me !.
  17. BBG brings a lot more to the table than 20 odd goals a season.His very presence up front is enough to unnerve and wind up most Championship defences and create space/opportunities for others if he’s not tapping it home himself .His management of Ladies Team has been inspirational and he always has time to stop and have a chat when able ……...just hoping he doesn’t mellow with age as we need that edge !.
  18. Holt was my consistently top player last year as he did the biz without too much fuss,flap our flounder.Fearless in defence,not afraid to take knocks ,scored the odd goal from set pieces and OK at pens .Great signing for DUFC .
  19. Glad Sneddon is still with us after of word of him potentially going to Morten .
  20. Good luck to Doc, all round good guy and has been a terrific servant at Thistle on and off the park .
  21. Good luck to them all.Have all been good servants and given their all but time to move on and rebuild the team .
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