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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. Finally got round to reading 1971 ,”What a sensation “….the similarities in managerial style between Dools and McParland are striking in that they both moved to a hands on training schedule where previous incumbents Symons and McCall were of the the old school “ leave it to the coaches mentality”…..the resultant turnaround in fortunes was striking .If we get through tomorrow without too much fuss I’ll start to really believe something a wee bit special is happening at Firhill under Dools .
  2. Too early to say for Banzo.Personally I’d start with same starting 11 with as last Friday with Fitzpatrick on the left up front along with Tiff,Wee Stevie and BBG …..get a quick goal and enjoy the Sea Air ….or Seething Ayr….take your pick .
  3. Cheers Miss Marple,no one’s disagreeing with you ,am sure Dools will take notice .
  4. Agreed,however,we are where we are re back four which makes it even more important to have a fit Banzo and Doc infront of our CBs breaking down any forward moves Ayr may conjure up.If Aero and Brownlie can stick to the script of “blooter the ball up the park ,ask questions later” we’ll be just fine .
  5. Indeed ,the Sevco Mini-mes ,pound for pound ,out honk the rest of SPFL .
  6. Holt can play left back,however,is more comfortable and effective at CB.With no other left back alternatives due to injuries to Milne and Hodson he will stay where he is .Turner has been playing in front of Doc and Banzo for most of season but has had to play beside Doc in Banzo’s absence……again he can do this,however,more natural playing forward .With Banzo back we’ll have a more effective coverage in front of our CBs making it more difficult for any Ayr forward threat . If yer man is back on Friday there is no doubt what his ,and the rest of Ayr’s ,remit will be .However,the harder they press to claw back a three goal deficit the easier it will be for our currently free scoring forwards to score at will .
  7. I guess you won’t have that joke to hind behind next season …..every cloud .
  8. The way we are playing right now we could have handled Akinyemi.Aso bear in mind we were short of Bannigan and Milne meaning we also had to play with players like Holt and Turner out of their natural positions but still managed with some to spare last night .
  9. To be fair on Aero and Brownlie they both put in a shift last night by clearing their lines without too much fuss or flap .
  10. Ach,just think of the Bawbees you’ll get for Akinyemi !.
  11. Yes,not a good look and have not seen any official statement from Club.I can only assume there were pre match entry issues to the Lambie forcing fans into left side of JHS.At half it should have been handled better with transfer of fans to the Lambie but sincerely hope it did not spoil for you an otherwise satisfying and enjoyable football extravaganza in the big City .
  12. Was great to see both Tiff and Doc in Roughie after game last night.Both still buzzing and Tiff especially on great form in expressing a desire for more goals in second leg plus a wry dig at BBG’s “20 tap ins” ! .
  13. Score was pleasing ,however , more pleasing was the manner in which we played and never really looked at threat until last 5 mins when game was effectively over .Fans once again terrific and hats off to the big Ayr support for playing their part in an entertaining game . Tie not over yet but would take a mother of all feck ups to lose this one .
  14. To be fair the big Cart horse looked oddly competent, confident and composed on last outing to Firhill .
  15. McGinty will be too busy lacing up his boots every couple of minutes as Tiff ,Lawless and McMillan send him into a stumbling,bumbling mess of a man desperately trying to cling on for dear life to a grinning BBG.
  16. Lambies sold out,JHS should be busy but not sold out I’m guessing….would be nice if Ayr could get 1500 plus for symmetrical purposes more than anything else .
  17. These sort of ties need that bit of passion and ire exemplified by Graham instead of all the usual neutral,wishywashy pre match guff….just get tore in and win this .
  18. Hospitality tickets sorted,will be nice to see some bodies in left side of the Colin Weir instead of the right hand huddle.
  19. After BBG hit the back of the onion sack the game was only going one way .Well done to all and especially Dools at this trying time for him and his family .
  20. Indeed,he may even have been partially unsighted by the chaos created by Thomas weaving in and out our largely pedestrian defence .
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