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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. Ah ffs that’s that then. Your viewing of one game through Killie-tinted specs clearly trumps most Dundee United fans opinions after watching him for 3 seasons.
  2. Just missed my connecting flight at Heathrow but by f**k I could not care less because Ayr United are about to stroll the division. If BA want they can donate some extra compensation to the Player Fund for a midfielder.
  3. Big Scott’s cast-off centre backs, Big Scott’s cast-off strikers, Big Scott’s cast-off goalies. Am talking about YOU Rankin.
  4. I do not know and frankly I do not care. He’s nothing to do with my post as I said. You keep cuddling into your pillow though telling yourself everything is going to be alright.
  5. Not watching as you can see. It’s a still photograph I have referenced that just so happened to be part of his tweet.
  6. That gap between the 2 lines is fucking criminal. Allowing guys like Wirtz and Musiala time to turn and face our mincemeat back 3 with our glorious midfield about 20 yards higher up the pitch. Plenty other problems but this one is objectively on Clarke and it wasn’t the only one.
  7. Totally inappropriate for an official club account. The SNP must condemn.
  8. Sorry lads a sacrifice had to be made to the devil for Ayr’s incoming title charge.
  9. Bringing on Thomas Muller really is taking the piss now.
  10. Please book yourself into the nearest opticians first thing tomorrow morning.
  11. Do not fear. The Premier Sports Cup group stage is nearly here.
  12. But but but we were told not to look into our recent run of form because they were meaningless friendlies
  13. Much prefer the railway end for atmosphere as well. The couple of games in 18/19 and 19/20 that we were in there the noise was so much greater.
  14. He’s right. If your sole reason for not attending is because it’s one of the Old Firm then it’s a bit pathetic. It’s a match involving Ayr United, and a fairly historic one at that. That should be enough reason.
  15. Have a look at the length of time he was on the pitch in those 15 games.
  16. There is definitely some sort of link between voting and intelligence I’d say but this part is my view. Not everyone at uni is intelligent, not even close, but it’s the environment they are in that causes it. Big city, living and working beside people from all over the place and anyone that isn’t being propped up by the Bank of Mummy and Daddy has to watch every penny.
  17. I’m 18-24 and from a small village and I know precisely one person my age from there that will be voting. And he votes Tory only because his dad told him to. The vast majority of the voters of my age group are Uni students, but outside that it’s staggering how little people care. In fact, the other night I had to explain to my Tory voting friend the basics of an election and how you’re not actually voting for Sunak or Starmer, but for the puppet they’ve stuck on your local ballot.
  18. Both can be true. You don’t get away with voting for clowns just because you participated. At the same time, there is a problem with my generation which can’t be solved. Politics is inherently boring as f**k if it doesn’t interest you. I also get the feeling from folk I know that they hold the belief that one vote changes nothing so they don’t bother.
  19. Another one from my experience is that across the spectrum, older folk are far more patriotic than folk my age. Longing for the days when Old Blighty was ruling the waves around far-flung rock formations and when Muslims and non-white people were just stories in a newspaper. I find their general inability to work a mobile phone to be a good explanation of their political stance. Refusal to even try and adapt to change.
  20. I’d like to believe it was mainly down to older folk’s susceptibility to being conned by biased media but I don’t know for sure.
  21. When it comes to voting in an election, that age group makes up a larger proportion of the turnout so they definitely do have an impact. Yes I am happy to lump them in, as I am with my own working class older relatives, because politics and statistics rely on generalisations. Doesn’t mean I look at my own gran in disgust as I know which way she votes. Just means I recognise her generation is the problem.
  22. With the greatest respect to any older person who does have their head screwed on correctly, there is clear evidence that older folk as a group are to blame.
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