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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. Get this glorified pub lot buried into the fucking ground Falkirk and we can have a good-hearted jolly in the quarters. Utterly despise everything about this gang.
  2. A potential Darvel v Ayr game being worth £250k and a place at Hampden. Ayrshire footballing heritage. However get them pumped Falkirk.
  3. Much better than a home tie. Haven’t played well at home since the 5-0 Queen’s Park game. We look at our best on astroturf as well so hoping it’s Falkirk.
  4. Anyone with any hatred towards McCall sounds like a petty child imo. How anyone can kiss Dave Smith’s arse (and rightly so tbf) while simultaneously hating McCall’s guts is quite baffling. Have no doubts we’d still be part time League 1 shite if he didn’t drag us upto a respectable full time championship level by himself. Like it or not his teams consistently played better football than we’ve ever seen under Bullen also. Anyone even contemplating bringing him back needs their heads checked however.
  5. I absolutely agree and a few weeks ago I’d have been dying to draw raith or Inverness. But now I don’t have any confidence we’d beat them so I’d rather just take the money and run.
  6. Credit to Elgin they deserved that all game. Hester is way above League 2 level can only assume he has a job that he doesn’t want to give up. We are dugmeat. The subs changed the game massively. O’Connor and McAllister were what we needed. I want our big money tie now rather than risk being put out by Raith or ICT.
  7. My eyes are bleeding yet again watching this back 4. McAlear and Smith can get hunted as well. McAllister on for a bit of fight at least.
  8. Of course he does and he does it weekly. But he actually aims them and more often than not they cause trouble for back lines. Anyone who has ever kicked a ball can see McGinty does not aim his. As for the juniors comment, if everyone we had was Championship quality we’d be 10 points clear but they aren’t and it’s ok to call them out. McKenzie, Ashford, Houston all have qualities that make them useful. Sadly Hewitt does not
  9. Hewitt and McAlear doing absolutely nothing is what killed us. Hewitt is a junior player who got lucky. Will be at Whitletts in 5 years. I don’t get how anyone can watch McGinty on the ball and not think there’s a problem half our attacks skip the midfield and go out for goal kicks because of him.
  10. Because he’s predictably dreadful. He’s not the worst but he is the most talked up that’s my issue.
  11. Can the McGinty love in finally end? Time and time again he’s been shown up to be utter shite by any slightly competent attackers. Get him to f**k.
  12. Megginson off. Think whoever’s pressing the buttons has pressed the wrong number 9.
  13. So close to the 10th anniversary. Should be a national holiday.
  14. I don’t see why we would announce Mullin as if he stays then it’s just a continuation of the current deal. The club doesn’t have to respond to media speculation by telling the fans he’s staying.
  15. McAlear rumours seem to be gaining a lot of traction now. The way Tranmere fans are talking it sounds permanent but maybe I’m reading too much into it.
  16. https://twitter.com/efltransfers0/status/1620107772439445506?s=46&t=uewNVU4Ktwh88BgweVYBKg No clue who this source is. Just felt like adding fuel to the fire.
  17. Never thought I’d see the day we were getting our injury updates from the Zambian national team.
  18. The victim mentality of this lot is utterly embarrassing. How are they not mortified.
  19. Glad they are receiving their rightful punishment for giving Hartley another job in football and ruining my Saturday last week. No excuses now for not beating them on Tuesday. Mullin has been our best player for about two months now and it’s imperative we keep him on. Sure that will do a lot of good for the confidence of some of the fringe players tonight who will be very important over the next stretch. Again, there are not 4 teams better than us in this league and at our best I’m not even sure there is 1.
  20. Not sure why Ecrepont has never been tried further up the park as all his best abilities seem to be when attacking and he’s shown a number of times that he cannot defend at all. As for Reading he’s been consistently shite at most things for at least a year now. His worst probably being the first 45 minutes at Rugby Park which was forgotten because of his winner.
  21. Fraserburgh beating Dundee in 1959 has to be up there considering how good Dundee were at the time. Fraserburgh didn’t even win the Highland League that year.
  22. If you want to cherry pick results I could say they’re the only team to put 5 past Montrose all season.
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