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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. If we’re comparing our season to 2017-18 then we’re certainly doing something right.
  2. A tweet from the official account starting with the words ‘Scott Brown’
  3. Ukraine taking more much-needed cash off the British establishment.
  4. He founded a Malaysian team and called them PJ Rangers. The AyrAsia Rangers perhaps?
  5. Right next to the box on the railway end side of the halfway line there is a window for a TV camera. Probably about 10 yards off the halfway line at most so I don’t see why the BBC don’t just take it.
  6. We must have enough entertainment credit in the bank now to tell the BBC to shut up and do as they’re told next time they come. Their viewing figures must’ve quintupled after half time last night as kids around the world found a TV to watch Rus and Dempsey.
  7. Not sure there’s much point in having two Ayr United club threads on the go, is there?
  8. We always get bigger crowds on a Friday night. A lot more people will work on a Saturday at 3pm than will be working on a Friday night.
  9. Going to join you in sticking the head out and say that that is the best I have seen in my time. Trying not to overreact but there is not a game I can think of, at Somerset anyway, that comes close.
  10. 27 attempts on goal and 14 on target. We were also in the final third 75 times. I don’t think it’s possible to overreact at how good that was.
  11. My expectations with this squad have been higher than most on here I think and even then, I only thought we’d get 2 or 3 really good attacking moves a game. Tonight there was one every 2 or 3 minutes. Just completely ripped the pish and we did not stop once. We were even through on goal again when the final whistle went. Haven’t enjoyed myself at Somerset that much in a very very long time. We didn’t even look like Ayr United. I kept waiting on us f**king something up and it never came.
  12. I struggle to believe they have not taken the camera position into account when building the thing. Incredible.
  13. Old b*****d looks like he’s been deed longer than his club.
  14. Rather than getting it up Killie themselves, I’d like to divert my slagging to the other Scottish fans supporting them. Get oot.
  15. I’d like to think it’s because we are, generally, sounder c***s but the fact is we have enough of those low-lifes up here that they could congregate round a hotel on a Saturday and try and torch it if they wanted to as well. For me, one of the main reasons is that these people just seek conflict. Apart from 3pm on a Saturday in random shithole EFL towns, these nutters don’t have something to hate other than brown folk and Muslims. The folk up here that seek conflict already have one and have had one for years. It’s called the old firm. Scotland already has a well-established ‘us v them’ situation whereas England does not. Well, did not.
  16. Aye this results in not actually needing Rus to be 100% on it to come away with something as was the case with Dipo. Plenty nice moves on Saturday that didn’t involve him. Also on Dempsey he never ever looked out his depth but he was never in games as much as he has been recently. Whether that’s to do with playing beside Rus or the coaching staff doing great things I don’t know but it looks like it’s just been a confidence boost he needed.
  17. Having someone that can take the ball off the feet of the defence, turn round and run 60 yards and slip in your striker for a 1 on 1 is an absolute god send at any level never mind the hell of the 2nd tier.
  18. BBC studio is in the corner of the railway end and north terrace so I don’t think we’ll get past the seggy fence for this one.
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