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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. Questions will be asked of the Mack Hollins decision and so they should be. But we haven’t done enough in this game. It looks like they’ve caved to popular opinion and tried to force the pass too much. As I’m typing this Ridder slings one on the money halfway down the field. I give up.
  2. Fear the widespread praise he gets may have went to his head. Guy doesn’t know when to stop.
  3. Ridder playing QB looks like when an outfield player has to go in goals.
  4. We’ll happily take the credit for it though. Gives me immense joy knowing Ayr United had some part to play in their demise.
  5. It’s impressive what they’ve done tbf. They have so much credit in the bank due to all the infrastructure stuff they’re doing. To still have the fans feeling the way they do deserves some praise.
  6. Because we’re all just meant to turn up and blindly part with all our money. I can understand searching outside the ground but why wait until you’re in before they decide to treat you like a criminal? I was at Creamfields a few weeks ago and there’s sniffer dogs and searching on entry then once you’re in you’re free from the hassle of polis or hi-vis fuds. And I’ve seen chemists with less drugs than Creamfields.
  7. I have no idea but they were obviously specifically brought in to stand and watch that section and stand in amongst them. The ginger speccy one that usually patrols the SRE was up amongst them at full time trying to retrieve a match ball by force off a couple of 10/11 year olds. He wasn’t successful. Ayr needs its supporters more than the supporters need it. When the old Ragazzi had all been shown the door, our attendances declined and the atmosphere went flat and the club tried to go back on itself and entice them back. Provan does more damage to this club than good.
  8. That pish in the SRE tonight annoyed me more than the game itself. A third party security company brought in with sniffer dogs and everything. For a few young boys watching the team they love. We are so in touch with the community though… Most of those boys are there every week but for ones that maybe aren’t as invested that were caught up in that, I doubt they’ll ever be back. Sums up the calamitous reign of this shower, papered over by a few construction projects.
  9. We have 2 above average players. We sent every attack through them. They were getting a fair amount of success. We were beaten 4-0. If that doesn’t spell danger I don’t know what does. We won’t play many teams with a defence as shite as Thistles so to come away with zero goals really does hammer home how utterly diabolical Rose and McKenzie are. I also don’t want to hear anything about Young and Syla being good. Playing safe passes to your winger who’s in 20 yards of room is not a pass worthy of praise. Invisible whenever asked to defend.
  10. We have 3 players who look up to it. The rest I couldn’t give two fucks about tbh.
  11. Joined this week and he’s ineligible tonight. Will probably walk straight in next Friday.
  12. Heard he was training as a fireman so I don’t think he really fancies the coaching. If he did I reckon he’d still be here part time. Can’t wait to tap in tonight with my SEASON TICKET and not have to worry about paying. All in the knowledge that my fellow superiors and I are above all the stinking plebs that haven’t got one. In fact I don’t think any plastic pay-at-the-gate fans should be allowed within 1/2 a mile of Somerset.
  13. Thoroughly enjoying my streak of booing recently. Arbroath and Falkirk leading up to GSTK on Tuesday being the highlight of my booing career. Tonight seems a splendid opportunity to continue so I don’t see why not.* *Decision to attend may have already been made.
  14. On the fence about this tonight. Can someone give me, and anyone else feeling the same way, a reason to not just stay in the house?
  15. I drove all the way home from Falkirk last season without any of us speaking a word, apart from when someone cut me off on the M8 and I lost it. Other than that I’ve never let a game ruin my day. It’s pointless and a bit strange to let an average league game bother you.
  16. Not the end of the world if we lose here, but with the stadium bouncing I’d hope we’d be able to keep the momentum going against a largely untried QB. Can’t see us pressuring him much though so it’ll be up to Bates to guide the secondary through it again. Hoping Troy Andersen is fit but can’t see it. Patterson back is a huge bonus though and gives Ridder another reliable option. Pitts will get targets eventually and I hope they don’t bow to pressure and start forcing it. I may have to pinch myself if we start 2-0. Build the Terry Fontenot statue.
  17. If it’s so vitally important that you must release all your built up anger at any slack pass or shite touch, a quiet ‘for fucks sake’ under your breath will suffice. I don’t know how people don’t feel embarrassed. You wouldn’t shout like a spoiled wean on a bus or in a shopping centre, so why in a ground surrounded by the same people.
  18. Sure Michael Smith’s name was mentioned on here a few times as someone people would want? Signed for Yeovil Town yesterday in the 6th tier.
  19. Was told it should be in the shop at the end of the month so should be revealed soon.
  20. So what I understand is that when we are beaten in the League Cup by a shitter team, we are just unprepared for the season yet. Please give us time we don’t have a full team yet don’t judge us on this game etc etc. But when we beat a bigger team we are the greatest team on the planet and this is a historic result that must be remembered for generations. Tick. Tock.
  21. I’ve no watched it but someone mentioned they said about a mural on Somerset Road. This is the only place I’ve ever heard that suggested so I took that as them reading the forum as well. Find that amusing.
  22. Can we please stop with these new manager suggestions my eyes are already in enough pain tonight.
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