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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. Except the wrath of a Guardia Civil baton. Any points and a bruise-free body would do me tonight.
  2. It’s obviously complete shite but it’s not out of the realms of possibility for that Chansiri nutter. He’d be cheap because he’d be willing to take the job for less money than others, which is probably the only factor on the owners mind since he said he wouldn’t put another penny in.
  3. Absolute beauty of a kit. Left work at half 4 and raced down to get it. That new stand looks huge in person.
  4. The Atlanta Playoff Express has its wheels replaced with bricks in some backwater Northern shithole but no problem, because Sean Payton’s smug c**t of a face must be absolutely tripping him knowing he will go down in history for todays result. Beautiful.
  5. We are witnessing the Robin Veldman shame game ladies and gentlemen. Pleasure to be a part of it.
  6. Imagine being George Stanger and Bullen comes up to you and tells you you’re going to be dropped this week. Wonder if he tried to justify it or just blatantly told him McGinty has pictures of his genitalia.
  7. We’d like to thank today’s match sponsor: “P&B Lads Against Bald Gilet Men”
  8. Was always keen to make sure folk knew he had pals. Loved to mention he wasn’t negative because he “just went to the fitba with his pals”. Said “no one he knew” wanted Bullen out. Said on the Brand thread “the women he knew were all normal” I’d be willing to wager his friend group extended to 3 like minded sad guys and that’s it.
  9. Proving he was not the smart mind in the room the whole time and was actually just a deluded fuckwit. Quelle surprise.
  10. I’m sure I’d rather just have to sit beside nazis for 90 minutes than have flares thrown in the direction of my family.
  11. Scotlands shame. Hope the Frankfurt boys are waiting outside.
  12. Club are clearly a step ahead here. They’re obviously just balancing out the perceived bias after the RangAyr shite from the 2002 final. We are now a perfectly unbiased neutral club.
  13. The horror! I’m sure Ridgers is still struggling to sleep to this day knowing a primary age child called him a name. Seriously though they are weans, this is what weans do. Just have to put up with it because the other option means driving them away never to return. They’ll grow out of it. If Willie Collum can handle thousands of grown men calling him a w****r every week for 10 years I think Ridgers will be okay.
  14. Photo obtained from the Ayr United board meeting discussing what to do about the pyro situation:
  15. That statement is completely fair I think. They basically own up to it being their mistake even if it wasn’t entirely their fault. Would like to think ‘Anubis security’ will be papped and Ayr maybe even get a refund for their shambolic effort.
  16. Arbroath mentioned. This is football heritage.
  17. Think I’d stop watching the sport if I thought I was getting Aaron Rodgers only to end up with Zachary Wilson.
  18. With the first pick of the 2024 NFL draft, the New York Giants select Caleb Williams, QB, USC.
  19. Change of boxers required but oft I’m starting to fall in love with this roster. It’s a change to see us on the right end of a comeback. Next stop Detroit.
  20. Aye I don’t think it’ll be a classic. Arizona look like you’ll just have to turn up though to get a win. Any Airdrie defeat is a reason to celebrate. Think you will be safe enough with our lot propping up the league.
  21. I saw someone on Twitter saying that that only counts when the receiver has his back to the QB. Sounds like a load of shite though. Will need to consult the rulebook. Can’t beat a scudding in a final. Surely your Giants give you another reason to celebrate tonight?
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