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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. If this is a 4-3-3 I’d have to question what narcotics are in the managers system. If I ever see McKenzie wider than the centre circle on a football pitch again I might have to quit watching the sport.
  2. I guess with Bullen you get 45 mins to prove yourself until you are deemed worse than Nicholas McAllister. Hopefully this is a trial run with the centre backs and he picks the best 2 out the 3 for league. I’d say it was quite open between them.
  3. I’m sure the fact they’ve rushed this out at 12 on a Saturday means he’ll get half an hour at least.
  4. He’s a volunteer which apparently makes him immune to criticism. Convinced Bullen could open his jacket and reveal a suicide vest and Callum would continue with his next unrelated question cherrypicked from a Facebook comment section.
  5. Our history might be embarrassing but I’ll never be embarrassed by who I support. Telling folk to go and support other teams for wanting better is a riddy. My original point was the best teams try and win everything they enter. Setting up to lose these games does us no favours and never has.
  6. I’d love to know what we have won of note then. Our history is embarrassing compared to similar sized clubs. It’s a very English mentality calling cups ‘the diddy cup’. If Ayr United enters a competition we should be trying our absolute best to win it.
  7. I hate slagging players that put in a power of work for the badge but there’s no defending McKenzie I’m afraid. If that’s the standard we’re calling good enough then I’d hate to see what constitutes a shite player.
  8. Glad we caught Inverness before their board realises the fat New Cumnock *** doesn’t fart rainbows. Still far too many crosses coming in which fortunately all flew over everyone in the middle today. We really are clueless as soon as we get the ball to feet over the halfway line. Change still required but a welcome 3 points.
  9. That’s a starting 11 for a challenge cup game in December not our second fucking league game. Might as well bleach my eyes the now in preparation
  10. Kinda strange post but I love that they’ve basically just destroyed the reputation of that transfers scot page.
  11. Of all the decent human beings to play for that club and its predecessor why do their mutant fans always take to the cuntish types? A truly intriguing conundrum.
  12. We cannot overstretch even a wee bit for Chalmers. It would be making the same mistake as Mullin again. We paid over the odds for Mullin in January and he was shite. Who’s to say blowing our load on Chalmers won’t end up with the same result?
  13. If a certain poster hadn’t been doubling down on his childish tantrum for 3 days after a defeat, this thread would still be civil.
  14. We played Killie in a behind closed doors friendly today with this as the team. Game finished 2-2. No idea on the scorers but I’ll try and extract more info from my Killie supporting source.
  15. I have no doubts McGinty would be as good if not better than Baird if he was in an Imrie team. I found the constant booing from the Cowshed to be absolutely hilarious and indicative of the complete diddy mentality of the football club, and town, as a whole.
  16. Not to try and pick faults but Albinson is a mile out of position here. I’ll warn anyone with functioning eyes to avoid watching the 3rd for your own health.
  17. We were outplayed for the entire second half. Morton played some great football at times especially beating our occasional and very scarce high press out from the back. We very much tried to play football but our back 4 didn’t allow it.
  18. It’s just the lack of coaching. We have decent individuals which showed when we humped the diddies put in front of us last week. Bullen looks so far out his depth that I imagine a team will just have to be organised at a minimum to beat us.
  19. Was going to buy my season ticket this week but that today has put me off. Might just pick and choose until they release a half season ticket and I’ll see where they’re at.
  20. Ahui looks left for a bit of confidence from an experienced player and sees McGinty watch a ball bounce over his head like a toddler and give away a penalty. He then decides to look in front of him and sees McGeady look like someone’s da in the garden at a birthday party.
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