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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. Watched him for 10 minutes and McGarry already looks too good for Scottish football.
  2. Looking at the seating plan on Arbroaths ticket website there are 171 non-disabled seats in sections A & B. It’s Thursday afternoon and there’s only 46 seats remaining. Are they just going to call it sold out once it’s full?
  3. It’s fairly obvious that him being on the bench on Saturday was not what led to him leaving. He’d have made up his mind before that resulting in him being left on the bench. Highly doubt the guys decided to walk in on Monday and inform them he’s pissing off back home and the club have just accepted it by the Tuesday.
  4. Our recruitment is largely an utter shambles when we have months to scout someone and have negotiations with. I don’t know how anyone can think having a couple of days to find someone from scratch to replace what was easily our best fit central midfielder will be anything short of a complete stab in the dark. If he goes we are back down to probably no one who looks like they can actually hit a ball. McGeady probably can but he hasn’t shown it shooting wise yet.
  5. Never agreed with a post more in my life. Allan Richardson showed himself to be as clear a fat, old knuckle dragging racist as possible on that page. And I was pishing myself when Steven mackie blamed the community for not supporting his business when his strategy consisted of buying in beach balls before away games and trying to punt them.
  6. I imagine with the QP/Anderlecht link that Anderlecht might take him and loan him back to QP. Just seems a coincidence it’s those two clubs involved
  7. If Arbroath are in any way consistent you will have the tails up and win this comfortably. Wouldn’t bet on this game though. Willing to put money on this being the worst football game I’ve seen in a long time however. Will still be there purely for the Marcos chippy that awaits.
  8. This take has been regurgitated time and time and time again it’s so boring. Teams like Hibs don’t recruit locally. 3 out of the 4 Scottish players in that starting 11 have been playing football since the dinosaurs were going down Leith Walk. What would building a few 4G pitches and paying folk to coach kids actually do to prevent Hibs being pumped by a club bankrolled by a large corporation? If the kids they coached turned out quite good they’d disappear down south anyway
  9. Anyone remotely raging about the image this portrays about Scottish football must have had their head up their own arse for years. Scottish football’s tinpot image has not been worsened by Hibs tonight. It was already there for all to see. No point having the same endless boring discussion about how we should build more astros and play in July and expand the league to increase the diddyness. This is how it is and always will be.
  10. I fail to see what positives keeping the full backs narrow has brought so far. Just a throw a dart at a board sort of tactic.
  11. So glad Boyle’s shite theatrics do not go unnoticed in Europe. Bury this mob Villa
  12. Skilful as f**k. Great to watch. Can still create half a yard of room on the wing like it’s nothing and swung in some inviting balls that no one made use of. Will do a job.
  13. With our current squad he is an adequate squad player but that says more about the squad than him. Should be phasing him out and moving on. The lengths people went to to defend him on here were what I was aiming for. People were not wrong for calling him shite just as others are not wrong for saying he has a place in the squad.
  14. McCallister is so so bad. Like I feel sorry for how out his depth he is. They gave Ahui 45 minutes in a feisty game 2 days after arriving and that’s somehow been enough to convince him he’s worse than McCallister. Swap the first word for McKenzie and the first 2 sentences are exactly the same. I’ll save that one though since his pals seem to be on here. Chalmers was outstanding when he came on. He created our only really good chance out of nothing only for Bryden to produce the tamest finish I’ve ever seen. Chalmers and McGeady or Amartey from the start and we give that a much better shot than we did. In the end though we hand the game to a very average team with no fight put up whatsoever, but it’s fine because we’ll limp to 40 points. Nearly vomited at the standing ovation at the end oh my Christ.
  15. If this is a 4-3-3 I’d have to question what narcotics are in the managers system. If I ever see McKenzie wider than the centre circle on a football pitch again I might have to quit watching the sport.
  16. I guess with Bullen you get 45 mins to prove yourself until you are deemed worse than Nicholas McAllister. Hopefully this is a trial run with the centre backs and he picks the best 2 out the 3 for league. I’d say it was quite open between them.
  17. I’m sure the fact they’ve rushed this out at 12 on a Saturday means he’ll get half an hour at least.
  18. He’s a volunteer which apparently makes him immune to criticism. Convinced Bullen could open his jacket and reveal a suicide vest and Callum would continue with his next unrelated question cherrypicked from a Facebook comment section.
  19. Our history might be embarrassing but I’ll never be embarrassed by who I support. Telling folk to go and support other teams for wanting better is a riddy. My original point was the best teams try and win everything they enter. Setting up to lose these games does us no favours and never has.
  20. I’d love to know what we have won of note then. Our history is embarrassing compared to similar sized clubs. It’s a very English mentality calling cups ‘the diddy cup’. If Ayr United enters a competition we should be trying our absolute best to win it.
  21. I hate slagging players that put in a power of work for the badge but there’s no defending McKenzie I’m afraid. If that’s the standard we’re calling good enough then I’d hate to see what constitutes a shite player.
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