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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. A selection of the finest SRE posts for all you lucky non-members to enjoy:
  2. I refuse to believe the folk on the SRE are real and not just paid actors sent by the club to increase fan morale.
  3. The boy is humiliated every week I almost feel bad for him. If I was a left back in the Scottish Championship and every team I played against specifically targeted my side with great success, I would simply change career.
  4. I don’t understand how anyone who has a remote passing interest in Ayr United can act like everything’s fine and put positive spins on this the way you are. I’m sick of hearing ‘we were shit once so don’t complain when we’re shit again’
  5. This squad of shitebag c***s have brought nothing but pain to me. About 90% of them can go right now and I’d forget their names in a year. Bullen is a fucking waste of time. I appreciate that we deviated from the normal when hiring but accept it hasn’t worked. That’s now ICT Partick and Falkirk who have all shown him how easy it is to play the ball on the deck recently. Even fucking Elgin City played them off the park for 80 minutes. He’s fluked this season with one of the best strikers ayr have ever had and yet again we’ll waste our time with him. 2 horrific teams down to be replaced by Falkirk and Dunfermline and at least 1 very average team up to be replaced by a dundee United or Kilmarnock. We’re only going one direction and it’s not fucking up.
  6. Still no in yet. For a fanbase that loves talking about crowds they certainly can’t handle a big one.
  7. Nothing in the first half but just being a general dirty b*****d in the second in front of the Ayr support and smiling up every time he tried to injure Dipo.
  8. You are free to wind up your old teams fans providing you do not meet these 3 criteria: you’re having a shite game, you’re getting beat and you were rancid at said team. Mcginty only meets 1 therefore he is free to do so. Baird comfortably meets all 3 therefore he was rightfully laughed down the tunnel.
  9. Totally random and not a coincidence that our best performance in forever coincides with the return of Sir Frank. Possibly my favourite human being to ever don the black and white.
  10. Hope the fat w**k that ran the length of the cowshed to hound the linesman from about 2 feet away after McGinty’s goal is having a splendid Tuesday. He can be safe in the knowledge that I am.
  11. Have a look at back at some of the recent appeals and you can see a pattern. Nicky Clark’s at Ibrox was the last one to be overturned. Seems that only the ones that generate significant media attention get overturned i.e. if it involves the cheeks. The rest are just left to hopefully blow over and everyone forgets.
  12. One of them was a trip yes but the other McCallister tried to send him into the wall and missed and fell over. I love McCallister though he’s exactly the type of player I always wanted to be. An annoying wee b*****d.
  13. McCallister went in to injure that boy he was lucky it was just yellow. Agree with the advantage one that baffled me. I don’t mean he’s a good ref. I can’t remember any of his previous games so have no prior opinion of him. I was implying he had a good game.
  14. O’Connor was brilliant for all he played. We weren’t over the halfway line until we scored which was all his doing. Other than that we are horrific to watch. I am struggling to explain to myself how I can spend each Saturday watching that. Without Dipo and Albinson that team is no better than the one that scraped over the line last season. Chalmers has been a huge loss. I just have to laugh at anyone saying the ref had a bad game. That was one of the better refs we’ve had. Particularly liked when he booked Deas I think and we took the free kick quick and instead of pulling us back he waited til the ball went out again until he wrote it in his book.
  15. Ref hasn’t got a decision wrong so I don’t get why he’s getting so much hatred from the SRE. If anything I’d have sent McCallister off as well. Shite on an unfathomable scale. Our only half decent player sent off. I can’t actually tell what we’re trying to do.
  16. Getting the feeling Bullen is more of a vibes manager than a master tactician, which is probably half the battle of being a manager tbf. The talk on here for months was that we were crying out for a proper assistant to help him out. That all died down when we started winning games but I think we should look at that again. I imagine the players all like Bullen and the fact he’s inexperienced mean that his ego is not huge allowing Glendinning and Mathie to have the say they’d like. He won’t be going anywhere for a while.
  17. Bullen now hopefully ditching the one striker policy for good. It wasn’t a need that was overly talked about but when you look at it it could make a huge difference. Chris Maguire waltzing in for 3 months and sending Ayr to Hampden and the Premiership would be some story.
  18. Teams now know that when they press our back 4 we resort to pumping balls to no one because we have absolutely no out ball. There’s nothing on in behind down the line and none of the midfield want a short ball to feet so Dipo’s head is the target. It must have been obvious in the latter half of last season when Bullen barely improved us after the worst 2 managers in Ayr’s history that he was not going to be anything special. In the last few weeks however, several players have went backwards. Kirk, Dempsey, Mullin. I don’t see how he turns this round.
  19. Tbf I don’t think O’Connor has ever had a semi-decent game playing from the start. He’s earned it more than Mitchell-Lawson but I’m not too annoyed at that.
  20. We’ll also have the Cappielow game a few days before it. Hard to get through 90 minutes against an Imrie Greenock without being booted to high f**k.
  21. However strongly she describes the place, I can assure you it’s still true today. The triplets of scum are Auchinleck, Cumnock and New Cumnock. Mauchline being the shining light.
  22. Faddy with a bit of investigative journalism for a change backing McLeod into a corner. I imagine the reason is the suits only work Mondays?
  23. Wish I could laugh but we did the same at Beith a few years ago.
  24. Let the great arse collapse begin. The BBC Scotland channel was created for nights like this.
  25. I, along with thousands of BBC viewers, have my own railway which could do with some maintenance round about now so it’s well placed.
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