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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. The sub thing only really becomes an issue when teams make a triple substitution or more and it takes half an hour to read them all out.
  2. We will be absolutely fine this year which is refreshing after the last couple of seasons. You can see the team has been conditioned to run and run all day and it’s good to see Bullen is getting his way across. Akinyemi is like a carbon copy of Adeloye for me. Creates chances for himself, holds up the ball pretty well but just cannot finish. The one he put onto the Somerset Road was probably worse than the penalty. Dropping JML was the wrong option as he is definitely the most creative. 4-4-2 with JML and O’Connor wide with McKenzie and Akinyemi up front is what I’d like to see providing one of the two wide players are comfortable enough on the right. f**k all wrong with Albinson and McAdams has done nothing in an Ayr shirt to warrant a place over him.
  3. Blaming the goalie is an easy way out for guys that don’t watch football.
  4. Anybody know what that roaster on the official Facebook page is talking about regarding the Ragazzi being “fascist”?
  5. McCall changed this entire football club for the better whether anyone likes it or not. After spending the best part of 15 years in the third tier (with the odd season finishing tenth in the 2nd) drifting into the abyss McCall won us the league, got us full time football and sustained our championship place. Would Smith even have took over had we still been finishing 7th and 8th in league one? Would he have been able to build us the hub and a new stand? Probably not.
  6. Yes and I agree to an extent but Ashford hasn’t played well all season yet.
  7. My brain hasn’t made it to that point yet. Just don’t think he has the positional sense to be a long term option out there. O’Connor’s had some poor games in an Ayr shirt before but you can see that he knows where to play.
  8. Tonight was so strange I’m not even going to take anything away from it. Relegation pish in the first half to a team playing for their jobs in the second. Hard to actually decipher anything from a game like that. Just enjoying the moment and the celebrations at the end. Ashford and Bryden should probably take a turn on the bench after that however. Ashford still contributed nothing in that second half for me despite the teams performance.
  9. Noticed Ian Murray was there when I was at Asda. Not playing either team for a few weeks so I imagine just having a general look at the teams.
  10. Nothing against Queens Park and I hope they make the playoffs this year but this is what happens when a small time club gets in above their natural level. The officials don’t know how to act.
  11. Funny to see the Queens Park equivalent of Roy Provan come up at full time to stand menacingly in front of the away support. Was shiting myself to be honest.
  12. We’ll sack Bullen between now and October. Give the caretaker job to Moffat. He’ll win a few. We’ll give him a 2/3 year deal. As soon as the pen hits the paper it will go south. The Cycle of Ayr. p.s. why do folk insist on clapping utter shite off at half time. unbelievable.
  13. Anyone know if McKenzie has a clause in his contract meaning he must play every week regardless? Found that sub strange as we weren’t holding onto a lead and running down the clock.
  14. It’s alright Bullen doesn’t make subs so you won’t have to hear it much. (Also we only made two)
  15. Encouraging performance but we look clueless in attack. The flicks round the corner that Adeloye was great just don’t come from Akinyemi. Ashford pretty anonymous when you look at JML on the other side. Musonda is fucking class and McAllister looks twice the full back that Houston will ever be.
  16. Yes because the better the player the more likely they are to be accepted. There is a whole points based system that the Home Office uses which counts international minutes and leagues played in. Can also apply for a governing body endorsement from the SFA I believe although I think that requires the player to have played internationally. I don’t see how Bangala fits any of these criteria tbh so I don’t actually know how they’re going about getting him a work permit. ETA: Just looked it up and found there is an exceptions panel for folk that don’t meet the original criteria so I’d imagine that takes longer and is the reason for the delay.
  17. Pretty much where I’d have it although the top 3 and the bottom 4 are pretty interchangeable.
  18. Used to be funny watching these results in Europe but now its like an overused joke. The prize for finishing 4th or 5th now is the embarrassment you’ll feel in a couple of months.
  19. By group I meant the negative ones you keep talking about. At no point in any of my posts was I ‘negative’.
  20. I’ll end this by making clear I am not in the group you are referring to. Bought my season ticket and I would continue to do so even if we were in the Lowland League. Was just putting myself in other folks shoes. You should try that.
  21. Whatever. If everyone blindly followed like the no 1. super fan you clearly see yourself as then David Hopkin would still be announcing another batch of Morton players right about now.
  22. The selling point being the seasons prior usually? Two 8th placed finishes aren’t going to bring people out the woodwork.
  23. People have to pick and choose what they spend their money on. If the team is shite, some will inevitably go and do something else with their money instead. What business on Earth expects money from its customers first before investing in itself?
  24. What a ludicrous opinion to have. People are struggling more than ever now but they’re just supposed to spunk 300 quid as soon as the tickets come out so the management can spunk it on another jobber?
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