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Everything posted by AyrAtlanta

  1. I think we all know the primary reason behind the slagging of Adeloye from some people and it’s certainly not his footballing ability. Although I think for the casual fan it’s easier to blame the striker rather than the guy who runs a lot and claps the fans at full time.
  2. Still struggling to work out how 3 consecutive football managers can be so utterly fucking dreadful at their jobs. It’s not just the bad performances it’s some of the decisions made by the management team that have us where we are. League one will be a pain in the arse to get out of for the next few years with the bankrolled clubs coming through as well.
  3. Not looking forward to the very real possibility that we are 9th by 5 o’clock. If Adeloye can’t start the most exciting part of the day might be 2pm when we find out what name Bullen has drawn out the hat to start up front. And of course what wild substitutions he can conjure up this week…
  4. “Up to our knees in ayr blood surrender or you’ll die” is very killie-esque and takes absolutely no inspiration from the song about the killing of Catholics from the nice chaps up in govan? Anyway enjoy your night
  5. This. It looks great cosmetically but it’s bobbly as f**k and causes some amount of errors at the back and when trying to shoot. Tonight was the lowest of the low. Folk can take positives from the second half but it was about as demoralising and humiliating as they come. Watching them stroll around Somerset seeing the game out with paper roses and the billy boys in full swing. Only regret is not leaving earlier. I was caught up in the hype from Saturday and was all for the same setup but now I realise why I am not a football manager. 4-3-3 was the way to go tonight. Can’t help but fear that this back 4 will be back for another season unchanged and therefore we will be struggling mid table dross yet again due to the fact we gave Jordan Houston another contract and the mcginty clause thing. Also Muirhead will return and paddy reading seems to give a lot of fans a hard-on for no apparent reason.
  6. As opposed to your 0 minutes of decent football in the derby since July?
  7. That’s what we all thought after the first 20 odd games and then today happened. Bullen’s decision making fills me with absolutely zero confidence.
  8. Apologies if this makes anyone feel old here but I wasn’t even born the last time we won in Inverness…
  9. Kind of fitting that Kupp and Donald make the two deciding plays in the Super Bowl.
  10. Bengals O-line folding like a pack of cards now
  11. Footy adventures does a brilliant job at showcasing all levels of Scottish football. Spent hours binge watching all his videos especially the Talbot ones as I knew most of the faces in the videos. Also has a good video on Arbroath from a few weeks ago.
  12. Used to be stadium announcer at that shithole. Utter melt of a guy. I’m sure there’s footage of him standing in the SRE with one of the Paligap strips on back in the day supporting Ayr. Can anyone confirm?
  13. McAdams saving his best game in an Ayr shirt to killie away. What a boy. Thought Adeloye changed the whole game when he came on though. Was trapping everything and causing killies back line all sorts of bother. McInroy is a fucking baller and should now be first name on the team sheet. Just a thought but games like last night make me think Paddy Reading is not a left back. Utterly ragdolled about by Burke all first half again but when going forward he was unplayable. Could maybe be retrained as a left midfielder because his one on one defending is clunky and he’s useless at stopping crosses. Was going to give Inverness away a miss but this team have changed my mind. Where’s the Bullen statue in the car park
  14. Very true actually I hadn’t listened to his interview earlier. Pleased he noticed this
  15. The difference for me today was undoubtedly Andy Murdoch in place of Muirhead. Murdoch took the pressure off the centre backs by giving them a short simple option to get rid of the ball to save them shiteing the bed and shelling it. Like the look of McInroy. Probably an average player at this level which is miles above anything we had before. Bullen has managed to figure out the Muirhead problem about a month after everyone else, now he just needs to figure out the Mark McKenzie problem.
  16. Don’t know about others but I personally can’t deny their ability to defend. It’s just that being a defender is more than just stopping the opposition from scoring. Thought that was the difference last night as the boy Akinola for Partick was getting his foot on the ball and looking for passes up the park rather than our two’s style
  17. Absolutely no idea what to expect from Dunfermline here which is in contrast to the easily predictable path our Saturday afternoon will take. Basically just this^
  18. We’ve played worse and still turned up next game to see the same shitebag lineup so I’m not expecting anything. Last night was possibly the best opportunity for those “tactics” to work as hoofball is suited to pitches like that especially against a McCall team trying to play on the deck. Predictably they didn’t work as no one in their right mind thinks this is an acceptable way to play football. I highly doubt Bullen is going out and telling the players to fire the ball as far as they can but he is fully endorsing it by playing The Four Horsemen Of Hoofball (McGinty, Baird, Muirhead, Houston).
  19. Holy fucking christ. First and foremost, disregarding the gravity of the topic at hand, many clubs have had experience this season of shitting the bed and releasing car crash club statements. Most notably Raith’s friends at Dunfermline and Falkirk. But those statements were wholly to do with the game of football, nothing more. This is more. There has been a reaction over the last 24 hours from Raith’s fanbase which has been unlike anything I’ve ever seen in football. I’ve never seen as many people ripping up season tickets and declaring they will never back like this. That shows how moronic of a decision it was in the first place. To then double down and basically say the club is forgiving a rapist is unspeakable and should be the final nail in the coffin for any self respecting Rovers fans until this slimey c**t and the folk that signed him are thrown into the fucking Firth of Forth
  20. Severe knicker-wetting from a seasoned knicker-wetter. Forgot the part where they were advertising the Cameron’s Bar Sash Bash. Must’ve missed that. Scottish football pub shows Scottish football game. Big deal
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