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Posts posted by eliphas

  1. 19 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    Sure but we're not - or certainly shouldn't be - working on the basis on 'could be' but the balance of probability and risk/reward. I've said repeatedly EB seems an interesting guy I'd certainly love to see us work with but not at any price. If he was that genuinely interested in the club I'd say he'd be more open to taking a minority stake and working within the structure than insisting on a controlling stake for a pittance - which regardless of anything else is a red flag for me.


    Is he insisting on a controlling stake for a pittance though? Or is that internet chat and the casting of him as the big evil bad guy who is going to f**k the club over stoking the fire more? 


    I guess that's why I don't like this narrative I see online. Not just @Busta Nut btw, I don't want to this to come across as a direct attack, I think it's rife across many people on here who have an interest (and outside of MFC too...it's just the way of the world).

    Unless people are working with inside info from WS or Club contacts that is and know these things to be true 


  2. 1 hour ago, MurrayWell said:

    On that though, and as a WS member, I hope this has all been a bit of a wake up call. The new folk on the board seem to have some great ideas and are impressing, so not aimed at them, but I think fan ownership has been taken for granted by some at the club in recent years, engagement isn't good, voting stats/turnouts show that. There is a fair bit to do to get folk, including some I've spoken to who are still members, back fully on board with it. 

    100% nailed it. I'd go further and say there is a huge amount to do. If we are still at that ideation/work shopping stage then fine but we need to move to actual genuine delivery soon to not lose anymore interest. Appreciate the investor stuff may be holding that up so even more reason to move that along in one or the other directions ASAP

  3. 3 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

    McMahon is trying to finalise his "legacy" by selling the club down the river.
    I have faith the WS will see through the charlatan and I don't doubt his offer will be less than sufficient anyway.

    Why does everything have to be so black and white and framed as goodies and baddies? 

    Could it not easily be that Jim McMahon's view is we do genuinely need investment and income stream for the future. Other people can have other ideas of what is needed too but he thinks it best to explore outside investment. There doesn't need to be a grand 'this is my legacy' and I'll do it all costs framing of it. 


    The 'charlatan' could easily be someone who has the means and/or skills and genuine interest in the club.  Maybe they've under estimated the task. Maybe the haven't. But it doesnt mean they are skill-less baddies looking for a quick buck. 

    As I've said before, I hope we get that WS strategy and action plan presented to us soon. Looking forward to seeing what is going to be presented. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Dosser1886 said:

    Maybe, but not really any point in him being here if he isn't half decent or get any game time to show how good/bad/indifferent he is. There for emergencies I know but if Kelly's performances this season didn't warrant a bit emergency replacement goal keeper time I don't know what will.

    I'm convinced sub goalies are as much there for emergencies as they are just so the main goalie and coach have some pals and so the squad can play practice matches


  5. 5 hours ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

    Past data on promoting second-choice goalkeepers to number one isn't particularly favourable... Stevie Woods (several times), Dubourdeau, Lee Hollis, Craig Samson...

    Mark Gillespie, however, is the exception.

    Definitely an accurate take. 

    Ox played a couple of league cup games from memory so I went back to see if anyone had passed comment at the time.

    @Archie McSquackle - "Oxborough is a lot bigger but didn't come for corners in the East Fife game which Kelly would have easily"

    So let's not hold out hope he's our number 1 and if he is everyone better relax into a season of similar outcomes to this....

    Does beg the question - have we had two goalies who naturally just don't come for corners and crosses? Or, has it been coached into them for whatever reason not to do that?

  6. Being a bit fairer than I was last night I suppose Kettlewell has to balance it vs the risk of not being able to recruit who he wants. 

    Offering McGinn a deal where he'd likely stay Vs deals for Butcher, Mugabi and SOD that they likely won't. Perhaps banking on one of the 3 staying as a backup on backup wages. 

    Slattery and Nicholson I get it 

    Obika. f**k knows. But surely someone in the club/media guy has noticed by now and we should be updating him into one of the lists....

  7. 1 hour ago, CoF said:

    Is this a normal public announcement?  “We have asked the following contracted players to f**k off…

    Havent seen that wording in other  squad updates. 

    Bit odd but not surprising maybe with a relegated club? 

    On our list, think I'd rather wait, as @Busta Nut also said probably until end of May, and have definites in there rather than 'offered a contract and under discussion'. Wouldn't be surprised if that's the deadline we've gave players.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

    Did I not read the system they registered them on at the SFA is going through an upgrade? That mighta been shite but I did skim read it somewhere. 

    Think it was oor @RandomGuy. with that info.

    Could it be we are waiting until players contracts officially run out end of May? Probably a few in there who have offers and we are waiting on them rather than sticking a list out saying contracts offered?


  9. 1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

    I'm not sure folk realise that this guy can't get 49% without the WS losing control of the club. 

    Yeah I'm not sure the people jumping on the German bandwagon and bumping gums about 50+1 really know the club set up is. 

    It's been very well put above but it's definitely entirely possible to construct a new share structure that leaves the majority or a controlling share in the hands of the WS. 

    But it's more nuanced than 51/49.

    I'm neither here nor there with a black and white view on the WS controlling or a new investor controlling to be quite honest. As I've said before, the WS have lost a lot of good will from me over the years but the recent moves have been promising.  I guess until I see the strategy that is being worked on by the WS (and hope it goes past rattling buckets and playing on the FP pitch) I've got no more or less confidence in the WS or an investor or a combo of the two. Like I said a million pages ago as well - even if the investor stuff doesn't pan out and all of this was the disruption required to get the WS to rejig themselves and stop sitting on their hands then that is a great outcome too.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

    Not having this "people are weird" for putting together that video. There was one of Zander Clark's that went up here a while ago and folk lapped it up.

    I didn't see that but put me on the list for that being weird too. 

    Unless it's a wee kid who has done it and thinks it's funny then why anyone would spend the time to cut together a football players mistakes just seems entirely odd to me...and it's just not that nice a thing to do. 


  11. 4 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

    "just disappointed in the way it came to an end" .....

    I mean was he hoping to get a hat trick at our summer training camp in Holland and convince enough of us he's got something about him ..... again?

    To have been here for the last 3 of his 9 years is pretty fortunate.

    Probably didn't expect to be frozen out the way he was since coming back for loan. So I do get that comment. 

    Regardless, time to move on for him, probably was a couple years ago.

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