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Albus Bulbasaur

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Everything posted by Albus Bulbasaur

  1. I didn't realise I had typed "saddle" rather than Saddam. Was wondering why there was a horse
  2. Jun 7, 2022 24 | Avg. Guesses: 7.74 = 6 #globle
  3. It was in the Axe The Monarchy thread in General Discussion. The big man is beaming in that photo.
  4. https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini AI tool that combines prompts. Lost of fun to be had. I'm particularly proud of Gordon Strachan being chased by an elephant.
  5. As someone that's been quite vocal about how shit the Brexit intakes are and how they're on a similar level of stupidity as Burgeon and Pidcock from the Corbyn era this one made me laugh... I'm convinced Scott Benton is the stupidest MP at the moment.
  6. There isn't an argument... You evidently do care as you're lashing out and your head is on the verge of leaving your neck.
  7. Help an argument? There is no argument petal. You said you had zero respect for anyone that had recieved awards from the royals, I pointed out former celtc heroes had and you doubled down. Having zero respect for Billy McNeill is mind blowing to me but perhaps you are that much of a weirdo.
  8. Shame some of your own fans have zero respect for the captain Billy McNeill @Clown Job
  9. Obviously. The next PM is likely to be a Tory after Bojo leaves. They will definitely change leaders before a general election...
  10. I agree. I've just finished episode 2 and Jesus christ....
  11. After being mocked for saying the Tories would do a confidence vote and how partygate wasn't a non story, Tory +5 jokes, I feel a bit like those guys that tweet about how annoying it is when the pub gets filled with casuals during large sporting events. 90% of the ones enjoying this lovely moment are the same dudes that were so cynical to the point it was ridiculous. I'm going to take this moment as a moment of amnesty and as an opportunity and reach out an olive branch for all the moderate SNP voters and offer them the chance now before the tide fully turns to welcome Sir Keir as our new dear leader and to get on board.
  12. Was always going to happen despite some people on here making strange claims about none of the Scottish MPs voting against him.
  13. Wales would finish top 6, Scotland would finish 6-10 and N.I would be the same or relegation battlers.
  14. Depends what your definition of dangerous is. He's well spoken, ex forces and seen generally speaking as a sensible head, probably lacking in charisma but is very different from Bojo when it comes to optics and integrity etc.. I think he'd be one of their better options but don't think he'll have the same support as Liz Truss and Hunt.
  15. From Me To You I Want To Hold Your Hand Paperback Writer Eleanor Rigby Here Comes The Sun.
  16. Well yeah, it seemed quite a wild statement from yourself so I thought I'd clarify. Just for ultimate clarity though you have zero respect for those celtc players?
  17. Jun 6, 2022 23 | Avg. Guesses: 7.79 = 2 #globle
  18. Evidently it wasn't something I really believed. I've never seen a celtc fan say they've zero respect for players like Paul McStay, Danny McGrain and Billy McNeil. Let alone this guy...
  19. What about the multitude of former celtc players that have recieved them?
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