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Albus Bulbasaur

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Everything posted by Albus Bulbasaur

  1. I think the same applies if you swap out "the West" with Ukraine.
  2. Surely "we" would also be content if Ukraine negotiated a peace settlement on their terms no? I doubt the US or UK would agitate for more war if Ukraine was content and Russia has left Ukraine.
  3. When you say "crazy" in this situation it strikes as quite odd that you've never applied the same language for the thousands of Russians that have been put through the meat grinder and have forward marched "to Kiev" into death and oblivion. I'd say based on what we've seen so far although unfortunate that Ukraine are willing to take such losses over territory and wider tactical ambitions it's objectively far less crazy than what's already happened. People defending their land and dying = crazy. People invading others land and dying = Realpolitik
  4. Years ago now my auntie from a posh area in England told me how my wee cousin about 8 at the time found a big bag full of weed in the bushes near their school and he just walked half a mile down the road to hand it in to the police station. I was thoroughly ashamed.
  5. Do you think the possibility Rangers would try this is unrealistic?
  6. I'd imagine if that were to ever actually happen there would be a push to recognise our war trophies that we currently don't count. This would also cause heads gone from every angle.
  7. Jun 9, 2022 26 | Avg. Guesses: 7.76 = 9 #globle
  8. The "centrists" strike again. I wonder what their next move will be. I hear Politics Live is set to feature David Lammy, Jeremy Hunt and Ed Davey. Practically North Korea.
  9. I disagree. People say this about every Tory in charge. I don't think people thinking the PM is a c**t is enough to push them to support Indy unless they're leaning towards it already. I think most of us are entrenched, not too sure how many floater voters there are on the issue. Big Sturge Dog has done well to get moderates on side after Sleazy Salmond imo. She is like Henrick Larsson, I can't support his actions but game recognise game. Funnily enough as a detestable Yoon I must say Blackford was doing tremendously today at PMQs until he started rabbiting on about Independence.
  10. Very unexciting but when I was 15 or something a mate of mine walked into a flat I was in and put his cash out on a table to count it out, he counted £10 over and then said "wait did I scoop someone elses" and I said I had a tenner on the table, he handed it over and I gave it straight back because he had bought scran the day before and he was pleasantly surprised at this and said I was a very good friend.
  11. Is this only going to be on SKY? I've got a basic ass package, I'm presuming it's Nowtv for this sort of stuff? Looks class.
  12. As part of a process for a new job they require a 5 year background history, this has all been smooth apart from trying to get Universal Credit to send proof of a previous claim that I've had. Passed from call centre to call centre. Follow the government.uk website and they say UC should send out a letter upon request. 2 weeks later someone phones me today and says I need to travel in to get the proof, tell them that's not the case and I live in a rural location to which they started disputing this. 10 minutes later someone phones me and says they can send it out. I've spoken to about 8 people before someone actually followed their process.
  13. That's horrific patter. The guys got a record for how many lassies he's necked on with ffs. I wonder if the audience choosing is some #bekind thing, usually the nobody stepping forward is my highlight.
  14. I'm not going out of my way to prove any point let alone to myself. The point has already decidedly been made by the poster I was laughing at here. FF's post was very precious.
  15. You mustn't be familiar with the English language then. Look up the defintion of zero then come back to me. How about you stop being so precious and put me on ignore you wee shitebag.
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