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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Scott Tanser and his wife were in a car accident this week. Scott fine but Mrs Tanser was injured. I know no longer a Saints player but I believe a few Saints fans may have became quite friendly with them both.
  2. When the video is likely to 50+ frames per second the margin for error you mention will be negligible and the difference between many of those frames are potentially unnoticeable to the naked eye.
  3. Kinda what I was thinking as well. I don't get what the end game here was either in terms of the determination to get a conviction at all costs. What does it achieve other than more distrust between that kind of young football supporter and police? Again, I appreciate you can't be going about chucking fireworks of flairs around intimidating average public person but if it's a bit of smoke, let it go. Just don't get what the police really gain from that conviction by targeting him alone? Making an example of him Is not a deterrent.
  4. Did anyone actually witness a "Gang Riot"? What's the difference between the smoke bombs in this occasion v when Saints and other football fans are allowed to march down the street pre match on occasion? Or in Easter Road on Friday? They dug through Instagram posts to identify him to get the conviction also... For a £720 fine? "She told the court that police had to don specialist riot equipment and call in a mounted unit to try and prevent the group from charging the stadium" Sounds a lot like a police over reaction to me? No one was storming the stadium. This wasn't the Capitol riot. While I appreciate I can't witness everything and didn't stay long what I did witness was police driving a van I'd say quite dangerously at and through packed crowds of people.
  5. Slight tangent but they should be reviewing these handballs at live speed only as well. Slowing it down and then pundits claiming he moved his hand towards the so it was deliberate is right up there of the shite of shite from pundits.
  6. Paul Mathers is leaving Saints. Bring Alki Dad home. There's a campaign the Dogger lads can get going!
  7. The offside was a terrible decision initially. VAR in England has that issue still as well. It really bothers me. The referee standing holding his ear for 2-3-4 minutes before eventually going to watch it. I cannot fathom why that needs to happen? Why can't they just prepare for it and let him start watching it 3 mins earlier rather than waiting for the VAR official to have watched it 126 times from every angle for 4 mins... For the ref to watch it eventually from 1 angle for 10 seconds and give it? Cut the dead time of absolutely nothing happening.
  8. Pleased Calum was not having any of the interviewer's suggestion of giving credit to Saints in the first half for basically not being absolutely pumped. Being shit but only being 1 nil down wasn't worthy of credit.
  9. Hartson just uttered the same paranoia bullshit live on TV.
  10. The question I have is why do we need to go into the game with that kind of mindset and gameplan? Hibs should be respected of course but you don't need to quite treat them like you're playing Rangers, Celtic or Barcelona. Then when we did have the ball we really really struggled and didn't seem to know what the plan was, struggled to execute simple passes etc. There really was some extremely poor individual performances. At 1-0 Saints at times were getting absolutely nowhere near Hibs in possession. It was another game so far where the opposition were showing they wanted it more. There is positives to take as well though of course. We came from behind, took our chances but there's also learnings from the issues but the manager in the majority of his time in charge hasn't been able to learn from those. He seems to double down on the things seemingly going wrong?
  11. I don't know how many times I've tried explaining this to other football fans. Half empty stadiums at £25 make more money than full stadiums at £5-10. It's fairly simple stuff. It would put clubs out of business.
  12. Also, can we address this sold out thing. Were they giving away free tickets or something and those didn't show up? There was a very significant number of empty seats. Behind the goal opposite the Saints fans was especially noticeable. I'm not buying this "Season ticket holders can't always make it" either as were talking quite a significant amount of empty seats. Easily 500+ in that stand alone.
  13. That can't be forgotten. We were lucky to not be behind inside 2 mins. Players look lost in possession and at 1-0 looked miles off it. Red card somehow created a new life in Saints. Learnings though. McLeanan is not a centre forward. That's being polite.
  14. Fucking hell. We won that game Hibs capitulated but you've got to take your chances and show a bit of conviction. I'd like to see a bit more of that 0-0 against 11 men. They showed they're capable and that's the positive we need to take from today!
  15. I'm away to drink myself into oblivion. Hibs fucking hibsed it!!!!
  16. He could drink 6 pints and still sleepwalk through this with a clean sheet.
  17. #DavidsonOut. Regardless of the result. This is utterly pathetic
  18. Another manager who had success with someone else's team. The minute he has control... Look at it.
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