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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Boyle. Booked for diving. Shocked. Hibs should be winning this game.
  2. Might have been him other than Lennon like I thought. I get it's not easy being a referee and f**k taking abuse from moron managers but meet in the middle somewhere. "I'll speak to you when you've calmed down" etc.
  3. We were just discussing in the thread with the Livi fans how this is the cliche post we get from Hibs fans every time we play time. If we mention Porteous and his pathetic antics tho there's a meltdown.
  4. Yeah I knew JD went but didn't think it was a club related "official" thing. Don't want anyone think I'm slagging anything off or anything as that's not the case. Just was curious why the club were like "friends"
  5. Beaton has a reputation for being quite petulant and rude. Allegedly anyway. Even if approached in a calm manner he just refuses to speak and tells them to go away, turns his back etc. Did it not result in Lennon losing the plot with him as he wouldn't even acknowledge Lennon was speaking to him? I know often there's no point listening to foam at the mouth players or managers but I've no doubt not all managers approach in that manner! Ive also heard from a Perth born professional linesman who has run the line in the Premiership (including Saints games??!!!!) that there is some refs who are p***ks towards them as well. They weren't naming names though
  6. I've been keen for extra body in midfield as well for a while. We're second to everything in there and for some reason they don't anything about it. Halberg has worked hard enough in there as part of a 2 but it's a two pronged problem that he's not that good defensively and then is wasted offensively as well so hopefully allows him to get into the box more as that's another issue. Not enough threat when the ball arrives in there. Gordon's distribution while not the only one recently has been horrendous. If he plays for me we're in trouble due to constantly giving away possession easily. None of these things will happen though. Same tactics as every other week. Groundhog.
  7. talking through the key points in calm concise manner. They also need to start making this public for all games as well. I'm not saying because it's corrupt or anything but transparency is key and frankly shouldn't be up for debate. Will our referees communicate that coherently though?
  8. It seems some Saints fans resorted to buying in the home end also. Can't imagine it's more than 30-40 though?
  9. It's probably been 5 years since a Saints player scored a hatrick as well
  10. 0-0 Guaranteed. 90 mins of Considine heading and clearing everything in site. Although like I said before, if Saints play like they have been the last couple of away games it'll be a pumping. There's been a lot of just giving the ball away under absolutely zero pressure.
  11. Both teams will try their best to be a let down. Wee bairn with a very odd level of self importance about himself.
  12. Seen a few raging about it. Mainly because they didn't get a ticket. I can see why folk may question what will be chucked over the top tier but it's definitely not outrageous that we've not just been given tickets. That's very Old Firm fan like just expecting tickets in someone else's ground.
  13. Next important question. Where's the Saints fan pre match boozer on Friday?
  14. They're keen to try and sell them to their own fans. Makes sense.
  15. Saints wouldn't sell out the whole top two sections I don't think anyway. Maybe 1 of the two but the main thing is as long as it's not sitting empty! That would just be stupid.
  16. I did wonder as well as the entrance to that far end section in the top tier is completely segregated outside the stadium and only accessible from the entrance right next to the bottom tier turnstile I thought? While it's not the end of the world I just don't see stewarding and policing being cool with it. Fans queuing at that same bit (also will be a mess) and Fans in the tier above... There's always one moron who chucks stuff down as well.
  17. @derektaylor84you're both going to need to see if anyone is selling tickets as Hibs aren't giving us the top section and therefore no more tickets.
  18. Why are Hibs refusing Saints fans the top tier? Won't it just sit empty?
  19. Saturday was horrific. Up there with the worst I've seen for utter nonsense fouls. 38 free kicks given. The ball was never in play. Every single piece of contact where a player went down was a foul, no matter how little the contact was.
  20. Kevin Clancy. All games are using VAR this weekend so I doubt that was the specific reason for his selection.
  21. Wonder if we're getting anymore. Last time they were on the ball in making sections open etc whereas this time it's just remained without any on sale... Surely they'd give the top sections though. Update from Saints would be nice for those waiting to know what's happening.
  22. if anyone is out of work or know someone who is that might benefit from this. Let them know!!
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