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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Saints have used that line so many times. The only fans they consulted were the usual yes sir thanks for my free tickets sir brigade.
  2. Struggling to see what McLennan offers. He isn't a goal threat, he doesn't hold up the ball or link play. He doesn't create chances through his delivery. He's got pace but doesn't use it in behind enough - suggests a lack of intelligence. Like others have said he doesn't have much ability in terms of touch etc. He also seems to lacks composure, he's missed a couple of great chances. Especially against Celtic.
  3. This season he has played quite well. Misses too many chances though by miss hitting the ball all the time. Having a strike partner who stays close to him helps as well. Old fashioned front two almost? Porteous made him look like Ronaldo as well at Easter Road. May out jumping him in the air to score
  4. Forgot all this squad analysis stuff. What time does the Muirton Suite open tonight?!
  5. Gallagher left out completely today. He looks likely to be one on the way out as well.
  6. Plenty of it here and still coming down. I'd like to think there will be some early communication on this either way as the supporters buses are leaving Perth before 10am. We don't want people being half way there and it being another Hibs scenario.
  7. If the weather up there is like it is here the game will surely be off. Considerable amount of snow lying in Perth
  8. He apparently required another operation. Second, might even be the third one on this injury. Doesn't look good for him
  9. He'll no doubt prove me wrong but I'd be astonished that any full time clubs are looking at him! Not featured much for Saints but when he has, he's looked tentative, almost lacking in belief, slow and just generally uncomfortable at that level when playing in central midfield. He was punted out wide in the League Cup this season, probably unfair to judge him on that though. Can't comment about his form at Cove of course but seeing him playing at Scottish Premiership level suggested heavily to me he had no future at Saints. Certainly showed nothing to justify a new deal anyway!
  10. what's the weather like up there? Trying to gauge odds on this going ahead...
  11. Seems you're thinking pretty much the same as me though Can't see a long queue forming to buy the club from wealthy folk. The only reason I was thinking fan lead stuff could happen is because we could very easily get 2 years down the line from now and the club could potentially not be sold. Something would have to give eventually.
  12. It really depends on who buys it. If it's a supporters trust/fan ownership type venture then it won't end up being very much as they're not exactly going to charge the fans the max they can get. As most fans, naturally wary of the unknown investor. So many clubs in England especially have been run into the ground for personal wealth gain by utter scumbags. Geoff's last and final challenge is to only sell it to a party who'll be a great custodian of our club. which I do believe they'll do their very best to do that, like they've always tried to do. The issue we've got is why would someone buy St. Johnstone if they're not a fan? Not the kind of person we want
  13. Have they all conveniently forgotten about the absolute monstrosities that were the mowsers the likes of Souness had?
  14. Mahon one wouldn't be a suprise to anyone though. He's not playing, he's away from home, of course he won't be happy. MOH, could any personal circumstance involved which we sometimes often forget, but if we're talking purely football... I imagine his next move will be down the wage bracket so he won't be willing to walk away until his contract comes to an end. If he goes anywhere in Jan it's likely to be on loan with us gaining a partial amount of his wage paid and he'll leave for nothing in the summer. Sad/frustrating end for him, one contract to many probably but he's done well overall in his 8 spells with the club. That period before he moved to Rangers an obvious highlight
  15. Looks like the club also shares the concerns about the pitch that @Radford I think also mentioned as they've now backtracked on playing the woman's game on it on Sunday. It's been moved back to Jeanfield.
  16. I'll put money on Scott McDonald. Once they appointment Muscat it'll be the whole "You're Australian, he's Australian. What kind of manager is Muscat + Let's make a huge big deal about there being two Australian managers"
  17. What do you define as "nothing"? This isn't some defence of Crawford but to claim he's also done "nothing" for Saints would also be false.
  18. Did the Motherwell players try to "take advantage" of a weak referee and end up taking it to far? They committed nearly double the fouls Saints did.
  19. Simple match analysis. Second half Saints probably marginally better. Second half Motherwell definitely the better side. No side created enough though but hey...ho. are least it's over!!
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