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Everything posted by ExiledLichtie

  1. Complaining that when Arbroath fans sing the Bobby Linn song when he's on the bench, it "gets on ma tits". Also some calls to get a grip and stop moaning. All in good fun.
  2. I've just watched Dick's interview.... That is going to ruffle feathers!
  3. That was much better! Really good second half against the wind too.
  4. That's with the wind, but yes, a proper performance! On another note, this is not a criticism of Dundee, but what a team of b*****ds! We are a team of b*****ds, but Dundee are kicking lumps out of us. Not very often we see an Arbroath team coming off second best physically.
  5. I can't believe I'm in the position of defending Hilson here, but in 3 seasons, he's not really been the main man for 2 of them, and he's spent a lot of time on the wing, coming on late on, or just getting one game here and there, rather than a settled run. I always thought that what he needed was a fresh start at a new club to give him his confidence back, but perhaps (clinging to hope!) as others have said, him becoming our lead recognised striker will revitalise him? Also, I'd take Isiaka over someone like Muirhead. At least with him we don't know how good he is. There's a chance he might be good!
  6. Identical? I heard from a reliable source that the rest of the league all have better strikers, and its only our manager who never bothered to sign a free scoring marksman, of which there are apparently hundreds of.
  7. Have we not made moves for multiple loan strikers already? With 5 subs now the norm, teams keep bigger squads. Any half decent striker is going to be gold dust in the Scottish leagues right now! I'd love to see a striker brought in, but I don't see any available ones right now. Was it not you doing your nut a few weeks back about dick taking "total punts" rather than going for tried and tested (apologies if it wasnt!)?
  8. Who would you have signed? And you're not allowed to use the words Kane or Hester.
  9. Kane Hester. Again. Honestly, that name haunts our fanbase.
  10. He's not been successful, but its not for a want of trying. But you make it sound like he could have got us a 30 goal a season forward if he'd just tried a bit harder. You don't understand the relevance of Dowds? He is a good striker who might well have joined us in the summer. However, by all accounts, we were unable to sign him because he wanted full time football. If some young hotshot emerges in league 1, you think we will get him? Near enough every club in Scotland is desperate for a striker, right from the SPL down. If you can't acknowledge this, you have lost your mind.
  11. Actually, I think its very relevant. For example, if full time Partick Thistle weren't desperate for a striker, we'd have managed to sign Dowds. McKenna picked up top scorer last season with a whopping 15 goals. You can't look at that and tell me the championship is replete with goalscoring strikers.
  12. A touch harsh, no? I think near enough every team in the league is screaming out for a striker. Every match thread seems to have the opposition bemoaning their complete lack of forward options.
  13. The is that he hasnt radically changed his tactics in response to setbacks. He's organically grown the team. As he's spent more time with the players and got a settled squad, it makes it easier to integrate younger prospects. It also means that his players are better drilled in what he wants, and so he can set up his teams differently. It seems you've been demanding his resignation since long before I signed up, and now you're trying to get out of it by claiming that you were right about tactical changes. However, your demands for radical kneejerk changes would have been folly.
  14. Got any evidence otherwise, because I'd love to see it!
  15. Oakley interview Something I didnt realise, we now have full time training for a few players.
  16. Agree with all of that. Especially regarding lower league strikers.
  17. I thought Hilson did fine until we needed to reshuffle, and he ended up on the wing, where he did nothing. Indeed, he drained all the attacking intent out of our team. He was way better up front. Isiaka I think did enough to get more chances. He had an overhead kick saved, another off the line, and he stayed up and central, where a striker should be! He didnt get a lot of service until Linn and Corfe came on, but I think he showed promise. I think what alarms me is how much of a difference that bringing Linn on makes. He's 37, he shouldnt be making that much of an impact! What does that say about the rest of our squad. I get that it was an emergency makeshift team, so I'm not going to be too critical. Playing 4 fullbacks across the defence doesnt work though. We got caught out a few times. But needs must. I'm just glad we got through, ultimately fairly comfortably.
  18. Apart from a slack couple minutes at the end there, that was all very easy. We are coasting. If anything, I think we pose a bigger danger to ourselves than EF do. Our back 4 of fullbacks havent really had anything to do. Bit worried about the McKenna injury though, Im watching on tv, so I didnt really see it.
  19. I think its more that Scotland are back to being a club like side. Clarke has a stable squad, and sticks with his players, whereas some of our previous managers have picked on form and fashion and had players in and out of squads all the time.
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