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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. Just now, AJF said:

    Sorry, but this is quite a poor take, IMO.

    When it comes to people’s safety, there is no justification for dangerous practices despite what your opinion may be of said people.

    People’s safety?

    Villa Park, Barcelona, Chesterfield, Manchester? 

    Scottish cup final riots?

    Your fans have endangered innocent peoples lives for decades as a result of bigotry and sectarianism fuelled by bevvy.

    A few metal barriers in Edinburgh.
    Hundreds and thousands deal with this every Hogmanay in Edinburgh without complaining.

    Get a grip.

  2. 4 minutes ago, AJF said:

    I’m glad this is being called out. It was dangerous last night - that picture you can’t see the metal barriers creating lanes they were squeezing dozens of fans through at a time only to bottle neck at the search point. Shambles.


    Perhaps if you stopped behaving like fuds every away game your support might be treated with respect.

    It is behaviour that has gone on for decades. 

    Scum unfortunately need to be treated like scum.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Empty It said:

    I don't know how OF fans can continue with minority lie, every away game it's full stands singing sectarian shite or pish glorifying terrorists, home games aren't much different (when they're winning). Not all OF fans are bigots but definitely a large proportion and an even larger proportion that join in with their chants

    Unfortunately the football governing bodies in Scotland won’t take action as it’s this hatred that continues to sell the product worldwide. 

    We take the knee in solidarity against racism but don’t do fcuk all to deal with sectarian cancer in our society.

    Show the Red card?

    Why don’t we deal with the biggest problem in Scottish football?


    Because both sides make money out of it and so do the SFA and SPFL. 

    Boils my piss.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Springfield said:

    On an entirely different topic, reading an article about the Hearts foundation, close on 8700 fan’s contributing around £142K monthly. Pretty mind blowing that there’s £17M invested yearly as an additional income source.


    Power of compounding is immense in Edinburgh.

  5. 3 hours ago, Ben Reilly said:

    Like Morton, QP are also fan owned and we generate our income the same as any other fan owned club - Sponsorship, prize money, player transfers, gate receipts etc ... and also donations from fans, season ticket holders and members.

    It just so happens that one of our long standing members is a multi millionaire  who decided to donate a lot more than the rest of us.

    We're just lucky I guess 😉

    Did Partick Thistle not also have a wealthy benefactor in Colin Weir and are fan owned?

    I don’t understand the hate towards QP.
    Considering what QP have achieved throughout their history as an amateur team and now moving onwards as a professional team it’s great to see progress being made.

    Morton might be classed as fan owned but they had to rely on shares being gifted and debts wiped out by wealthy benefactors. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Toby said:

    Let’s take a moment to reflect on this post.

    Molotov is more than likely standing in St. Mirren’s wee shoebox, with his team leading the best team in the land 1-0, but down to ten men and is using his 15 minutes of respite to come onto P&B to post about Morton, a club that he claimed a few weeks ago he didn’t give a toss about.

    In no way is he for the watching, not at all.


    - The World Wide Web is invented.

    - The first episode of Simpsons aired.

    - The first broadcast of high definition TV aired in Japan.

    - The first GPS satellite went into orbit.

    - Morten have remained in the lower leagues in Scotland since relegation

  7. 28 minutes ago, RigaTONi said:

    Let's all hope and pray that this disgusting bubble bursts soon and this pipe dream goes up in an almighty blaze.

    Can't wait to watch them beg the SFA for handouts in the not too distant future.

    Horrible little club.



    How many millions have your team spunked trying to get to the top league?

    Last time you were in the top league was Ritchie not still playing for you?

    Horrible little club! 😂 

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