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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. Guns n Roses in the 80’s was the time to see them when they first hit the uk.

    Often tours revolved around whether Axl could be arsed to show up. 

    Now I’d rather keep my memories of those times than pay to see a band just going through the motions for the pay cheque.

    I’ve seen various members of GnR in various guises down the years in terms of projects that Duff, Slash and Matt have been involved with. 

    Duff and Slash solo stuff has been good playing small venues along with VR.

  2. 1 minute ago, peasy23 said:

    About 20 years ago I drove down to Exeter to stay with relatives, the 440 miles or so took me about 6 hours on a Sunday.

    Having lived down south and commuted for years up and down on a regular basis a journey time of 6 hours is quite incredible especially given the various hot spots along that route👏 

    Sundays heading south are often as busy as Fridays heading north!

    Glad I don’t do those journeys any more as they literally knocked years off my life. 

  3. Great player.

    Gowser was a significant part of the successful Saints team that won the 2013 LC. Will always be a legend in Paisley. 

    Off field problems have potentially curtailed his career. Can’t have been easy with the off field issues and court cases. 

    He has received significant support from his managers and clubs down the years. 

    My worry for him is what he does after he leaves football when his playing career ends. 

    Good luck Gowser for the future!


  4. 2 minutes ago, Mr. X said:

     I would be incredibly angry if my club ever stooped to those depths.  However, even seeing a Rantic top in Edinburgh pisses me off.

    St Mirren fans were exceedingly angry.

    I believe club officials were similarly angry as they had not sanctioned that action by Celtic FC. 

    From my limited understanding it was removed very soon after it had been put up. 

    Ultimately St Mirren FC ltd. agreed a temporary lease of our facilities to Celtic. 

    It suited both clubs at the time. I think Saints were in the Championship at the time and we are not in a position to ignore alternative revenue streams. 

    Personally i’d rather the shame of such a damning photo than enter administration and screw innocent people and local businesses.

  5. 9 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    It’s going to sound ridiculous, but basically about 6 months ago I got a really bad bout of food poisoning while out at a restaurant, and felt absolutely bleak for a week or so, and I get really worried about it happening again. I know that, objectively, it’s not a massive deal but it really does just feel overwhelming at the time. I worry about the idea of having to get up mid meal to go throw up, I worry about people noticing how long I’ve been away for, and I worry about having to explain what I’ve been up to. 

    I once had really severe food poisoning. Turns out I’m allergic to MSG. No more Chinese for me. It’s possible that there is a reason behind your incident.

    Maybe think back. It could be you have an intolerance to certain food types or you were just unlucky.

    I actually prefer not eating out anymore unless it’s a place I’ve been before.

    If I do go anywhere new. The first place I usually visit is the toilets to wash my hands before I look at the menu. 

    If the customer toilets are a mess then what state is the kitchen in?

    Food hygiene standards in the UK are maybe not as good as they could be.

    Avoid buffet style restaurants where food has lain out for a while with all the issues that surround that. 

    Stick to a simple food choice if you feel uncomfortable. 

    Other advice is to bring the subject up with friends. They might have similar concerns or advice to share.

  6. 18 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    Not depression as such, but I didn’t know where else to put this. Does anyone have any tips on dealing with anxiety? It’s not something that I’ve really experienced before but over the past few months it’s come and gone, particularly in relation to going out for food, and then the past few days I’ve been worked up and worried pretty much constantly when I’ve been outside the house.

    I’m going to go and see my GP tomorrow but just wanted to see if anyone on here had any advice too. 

    Going to the GP is a great first step. Well done.

    I have suffered from anxiety in the past and it is a crippling condition that came out of absolute nowhere but with the right intervention this period will hopefully pass for you. 

    Good luck. 

    I find reading or listening to podcasts written by experts on these subjects very helpful. You may find resources on YouTube or similar platforms. 

    Mindfulness, meditation and yoga are very useful to help you understand good breathing techniques which can help control your anxiety. 

    I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression for years and tried all manner of treatments including CBT alongside medication.

    A book that I’m reading just now which I’m finding useful is the Chimp paradox which I’m finding really useful. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Nutz_the_Squirrel said:

    Need to upgrade a PC RAM. It has a 4GB RAM card: DDR3, 1333 speed.

    Can anyone advise whether I can swap this for a DDR3 8GB card with 1600 speed?

    The motherboard takes up to 16GB according to searches, but my question is about the speed and whether it affects compatibility.


    I’ve successfully used RAM upgrade tools on https://uk.crucial.com/ and similar in the past.


  8. Just now, S7C said:

    We’ve already had a few penalty decisions against us for hand ball this season that really shouldn’t have been. O’Riley’s being particularly ridiculous.

    But alas, here we go with the lazy ‘old firm’ schtick again.

    We were discussing the red card. Not the penalty. Eejit.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Stag Nation said:

    No, I don't like it either. The trim on the sleeves should be plain white, like the neckline. Vice-versa would be OK, but not so good.

    It should have been plain white on the sleeve trim. A simple and effect design.

    Perhaps someone like @pozbairdcould demonstrate how it could have looked with plain white collar and plain white sleeve trim ala 1967 Baxter/Law. 

    Instead it’s just modern graphic design pish. 

  10. 37 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

    No B teams though, hell no. They disappear and all trace of them goes with them.  

    But this is the very reason those two clubs have done this and been helped successfully by the governing bodies. Shameful and corrupt.

    Our governing bodies don’t want to lose the sectarian shilling!

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