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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. 19 minutes ago, Gordopolis said:

    he talks it's as if he was on course for his laughable 200 caps (when in fact he retired at 26 with a pathetic 7 caps, 0 goals).


    Pethaps big Dunc believes that he was the Scottish equivalent of a combination of Flo and Zlatan.

    Ibrahimović - 62 goals in 121 appearances.

    Tore Andre Flo - 23 goals in 76 appearances.

    I don’t think Ibrahimović has actually retired yet. What a pler.

  2. I really only ever remember Big Dunc playing well against Germany (possibly a friendly) at Ibrox during his time with the national team.

    His record reads - 7 caps 0 goals 

    Would have loved for him to be a success for Scotland but he was hardly even a prolific striker with Everton.

    One striker I always felt was overlooked for Scotland was Andy Gray. Overlooked for the ‘78, 82 and ‘86 WC. 

    He was on fire in 77/78 with Villa winning the YPOTY & POTY Awards but not taken to Argentina by Ally McLeod who took Derek Johnstone and Joe Harper. 


  3. 2 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    Nothing controversial IMHO about Ian Ferguson being talked about in regard to our HoF. Don’t want to particularly open a massive can of worms, but, in my opinion, there are one or two players in it, and more than a few who are not, that is a joke actually. I’ll leave it to others to decide who they reckon should be in, but for sure, you can look at appearances, achievements, longevity as a Saint - and there are guys outside looking in, who did a lot more than one or two who were inducted.


    Look how long it took for Jack Copland to be invited. Looks like it had to take a change of ownership before that happened. 

    Iain Munro should be in it along with Peter Weir as should the two Fergies.
    Manager and player. 

    Is this the most up to date list?


  4. 30 minutes ago, Renfrewblue said:

    I'm totally with you on the sectarian Cancer in Scottish culture and especially in football. Its both disgusting and embarrassing that we have to put up with moronic neanderthals and their pish. 

    As to Scottish football being corrupt, I seem to remember, not that long ago, there was a chance to change the voting structure to destroy the OF stranglehold but the other clubs didn't take it. Please explain how that supports your corruption theory? 

    Only one other (greedy) club owner did not side with the others.

    Step forward Milne of Aberdeen. I’m sure fans of that club do not agree with that decision.

    It always has been corrupt in favour of two clubs on and off the pitch. Sadly will never likely change in my lifetime.

    Just look at the 1980 SC final as one example. Both clubs should have been banned from playing in the next seasons SC as a minimum.

    Referees and match officials do side regularly with those two clubs. It is not a fair competition. It’s cheating. It’s corrupt. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

    In fairness, Police Officers were in a position where they were damned if they do or damned if they didnt. 

    Agree with all you said.
    In fairness my post was never directly critical of the polis. Sorry if it came across that way. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dirty Sanchez said:

    The 1982 semi final was supposed to be held at Muirton Park but both clubs kicked up enough of a stink to get it moved to Parkhead on the grounds that Muirton was too small. Then the game attracted a crowd that Muirton could have accommodated. 😃

    The consternation about Muirton was well covered in match programmes of the time.

    It was still a very poor crowd given that both clubs had arguably their best teams of that era. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

    Cleese making a huge error of judgement here, I think. Destruction of a legacy.....

    Surely can only be about the money.

    I enjoyed Faulty Towers as a youngster. But you look back over the content and the subsequent actions of the individual involved and you wonder about some of the “jokes”.

    Is he actually a racist? I dunno but he seems a bit angry and controversial with his opinions down the years. 


  8. 38 minutes ago, DumbartonBud said:

    I was at the parkhead game but not the replay, we undoubtedly deserved to win the first game. 

    I think it is remarkable when you look at the size of the crowds, I’m confident an Aberdeen Saints cup semi would get a bigger crowd these days even with live tv. 

    Agreed. The crowd for the 87 semi against Hearts was twice the Saturday Parkhead semi against Aberdeen.

    I don’t recall a particularly large Saints support at the game at Parkhead. 

    But just look at the quality of the teams that day! Wow!

  9. 10 minutes ago, Renfrewblue said:

    It doesn't matter how you or I define it. It's down to the organisation running the competition to set the rules. They define what cheating is. 

    Not sure why you used the quotes as it's a matter of fact, not made up opposition fan opinion. 

    The football governing bodies in Scotland won’t take any action on sectarian abuse within Scotland by your fans and your club(s).
    Scottish football is corrupt to the core to protect two clubs “global identity” to grasp money for TV and sponsorship. 
    Strangely enough UEFA take action on both clubs when similar chanting takes place in Europe. 
    Imagine singing about killing people at football matches. What a weird world we live in. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    What is the consensus on here regarding international selection of players who play club rugby outside of their domestic league?

    Have seen a bit of debate around it and the All Blacks’ refusal to change tact on it and being happy to give up on players who’ve moved abroad. Seems mental to me to potentially exclude your best players, but I guess they can get away with it due to their depth more than most. I hadn’t thought about it much as SRU allow it, but I’d be a seething mess if Russell for example was blacklisted because he’d gone onto a higher level. 

    The All Blacks can get away with such a policy. They are likely doing it to protect their domestic game and it also ensures that their players are not travelling thousands of miles for training camps. 

    Scotland most definitely cannot. How many of our top players down the years have played “abroad” (including England)?

  11. 1 minute ago, Wilbur said:

    Poor Billy. Surely we can cut him some slack for that mistake after all these years ? The torrential rain that night was a huge factor in that incident. 


    When we won the cup in ‘87 I couldn’t help thinking that Billy played in far superior Saints teams that never even got to a domestic final. 

    At least that replay we were not cheated as we were against Rangers in the League cup semi 2nd leg at Ibrox and the Scottish Cup semi at Hampden. 

    Let’s not underestimate the strength of that Aberdeen team under Fergie. 
    A year later they would win the ECWC in Gothenburg.


    I felt we were the better team in the first game at Parkhead which was hardly a classic encounter.


    Look at the players on show in both teams and compare with the players on show today. 





  12. 1 hour ago, Ross. said:

    Seen a tweet from Waters earlier saying he was “consulting his lawyers” or words to that effect, in relation to her. Had no idea who she was or what it was about.

    I had no idea who she was either.

    The cynic in me thinks it’s an attempt at boosting the sales of TDSOTM 50th anniversary merchandise. 

    50 years?

    That makes me feel really old. And yes I remember the original album. 


  13. 44 minutes ago, ZingaliMan said:

    Spurs have an underground station. 

    You could argue that most teams in London are close to an underground/overground station. 

     I read recently in the link below that there were some “new discussions” taking place about an airport transport spur towards our international airport. 



  14. Just now, Mr. Brightside said:


    Nah. Nothing further from the truth.

    I just know from personal experience it was one of the worst times of my life. The impact it had on my kids has been devastating and continues to this day. 

    The governments used fear tactics to control. I expect they will do so again. 

    I’m just glad we didn’t have extreme measures deployed elsewhere in the world. 

    This pandemic and the lockdowns were very devastating to many people both in terms of physical and mental health. 


  15. 1 minute ago, Merkland Red said:

    Mason Mount rejects new Chelsea contract 🤣

    I’m not sure what to make of that statement.

    The rejection or the offer in the first place. 😂 

    Those current EPL “superstars” are a joke. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

    A smarmy police officer sent me home once when I tried to go for a hike. ‘You know there’s a pandemic on and you’re trying to go HIKING you monster’.

    What were the restrictions at the outset? A single 20minute walk a day? 🤦‍♂️ 

    Fresh air and exercise probably the best things to do for your health. Physical and mental. 


  17. 4 minutes ago, Doonhame Buddie said:

    Now I’ve got it. 70 minutes playing time is too short, 90 is too long. 80 minutes it is then if it keeps you happy. 

    I thought I recently read that the average time in play at SPL/EPL level was 55minutes. Therefore 80 is way too long. 

  18. 1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

    Someone who lives in the country or a farmer might have a need to have a firearm but I wouldn't be comfortable having them in my house.  I work with someone who shoots as a hobby and he has a gun cabinet in his urban house.  Wouldn't be me!


    I’ve friends and relatives who have gun licenses. One of my best pals was an international “shooter” for N. Ireland. 
    Another relative has a shotgun license and keeps equipment at home but lives with a partner who I would class as “unstable”. 

    Wouldn’t be me either. 

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